August 21, 2013 Chapter Minutes


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Time of Board Meeting: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4700

Host Access Code: 739702*

Participant Access Code: 739702#

Members / Present / Absent / Remarks
Cheral Jones
Tim Shay
Ginny Justiniano
Cynthia Shaw
Ken Matthews
Sue Ownby
Theresa Teschlog
Nelson Park
Heidi Bohl*
Dave Davis*
Gerhild Turner *
Glen McNeill*
Craig Bush*
Jessica Smith*
Linda Hodgson*

* Ad hoc Committee (non-voting)

1.  President’s Report – Cheral Jones:

·  Cheral welcomed the members

·  10th Anniversary Event:

Ø  Promotional items Status – Cheral shared that the order is underway and the vendor will send a mockup of the items. The vendor for the items is ASAP and the order should be ready by November 12. Cheral also discussed the bags and note cards and stated these two items were too expensive to order from this vendor and would explore other options.

Ø  Cheral then discussed the dinner and ask Jessica for an update on the count for who has registered to date Jessica stated we have ten members and their spouses for a total of 20. Cheral stated she has signed the agreement for the restaurant and would return it shortly. The room for the event is the Executive Board Room.

Ø  Payment for this event should be paid by cash or check to Ken Matthews at the event and he will pay by credit card for the entire event. Gratuity and Non-alcoholic drinks are included.

Ø  Ginny inquired if there would be a program at the dinner, Cheral stated yes, asking for input from Nelson who has attended other chapter dinners. Nelson has some items that could be used and stated we might want to work with Dave Davis since he knows the history and may be the one to do a presentation of the history. Nelson and Cheral will discuss with Dave.

Ø  Décor and Cake – we can use the items Nelson has as our décor and dessert will be furnished with the dinner.

·  Tradeshow

Ø  Resource table - will be open both days of the tradeshow so will need more volunteers to assist. Jessica will collect the volunteer data and do a schedule.

Ø  Class- The “No Bid” class will be held at the Tradeshow; there will be signage showing event information/locations that are not on the agenda. Cheral will also contact Theresa to see the number of attendees registered for this class.

Ø  Fall Chapter Mtg. at Tradeshow – Usually a small group of possibly 40 to 50 will attend, Cheral asked if just brief messages from the board occurs typically, Nelson agreed, Ginny will send Cheral her information as she will not be in attendance.

Ø  Cheral will share the newly elected board member at the meeting as well. The newly elected members are:

·  Cheral Jones – DES – President

·  Ginny Justiniano – Sound Transit – Vice President

·  Josh Klika – DOT – Treasurer

·  Tim Shay – DES – Recording Secretary

·  Larry Oline – DFW – Membership

Ginny stated that she had an inquiry that most of the newly elected board members were from the state. Discussion took place. It was stated that those are the ones who were nominated and members need to make other nomination if they would like to see other people run for these positions.

Ø  Retreat – Cheral is working on the retreat and will have more information, looking at November 22nd.

2.  Vice President’s Report – Ginny Justiniano

·  Chapter Leader Symposium:

Ø  Ginny discussed the leadership workshop information attached to the agenda, she suggested we go over this at the retreat to possibly make some changes to our process from the ideas in the leadership information, the information included training, certifications, scholarships, social media, young professionals getting involved in NIGP (Ginny will do more research on young professionals).

Ø  Ginny inquired about who would be attending the Leadership Workshop in Washington DC in January 2014? Discussion took place, It was decided the Ginny would be the only attendee and she will report back to the board after the workshop.

3.  Recording Secretary –Tim Shay:

Ø  Tim presented the minutes of September 25, 2013 as embedded in the meeting agenda.

Ø  Cheral moved to accept the minutes, Ginny seconded, motion carried, minutes approved.

4.  Treasurers Report – Ken Matthews:

Ø  Ken presented the treasurer report for September 2013 he stated we look good going into October, to date we have received 96% of our Membership dues. Total balance is $45,088.00. Ken stated we have received a donation from Dave Davis –NIGP of $200.00 designated for Education.

5.  Membership Secretary’s Report – Cynthia Shaw:

Ø  Cynthia presented via Cheral the following for approval

1.  Jessica Smith – Contract Assistant - DES

Motion made by Nelson to approve, seconded by Ken, motion carried.

6.  Past President’s Report – Nelson Park:

Ø  Nelson stated NIGP National continues to do really good stuff, he discussed where National is going, working on a degree program with Florida Atlantic University.

Ø  They are offering free webinars; discussed how great the “No Bid” webinar was with 400 plus in attendance.

Ø  More information certification would be coming. May see a broader support from National.

7.  Committee Reports:

·  Policy – Linda Hodgson

Ø  Linda stated her committee has gone through a quick review of the by-laws and discussed plain talk opportunities available.

Ø  She discussed aligning with NIGP National and removing purchasing and changing to procurement, Nelson stated that yes this is the way national is going.

Ø  She discussed the secretary’s role for nominations, Sue sent her information that they will be looking at.

Ø  She discussed Article 5 which has Dave Davis’s home address as the address for the board and wondered about getting a PO Box for the board. Nelson stated she should discuss with Dave Davis prior to any changes for past business practices.

Ø  Linda stated she didn’t see a lot of other issues.

Ø  Nelson suggested the her committee needs to propose possible changes to the by-laws and the articles of incorporation to the board to discuss. More discussion was held.

·  Education and Research – Theresa Teschlog

1.  No report Theresa was absent

·  Public Relations – Sue Ownby/Jessica Smith

Ø  Cheral stated Jessica is working on the Facebook site.

Ø  Cheral also reminded all the Sue would like to make sure that all knew they are now empowered to perform their own website tasks.

·  Reverse Tradeshow – Ginny Justiniano/Glen McNeill

Ø  Tabled

·  Newsletter – Heidi Bohl

Ø  Heidi stated the next newsletter is in work and would be going out next week.

·  Diversity – Gerhild Turner

Ø  Tim read an update from Gerhild which stated the Diversity Committee met via teleconference on Monday, October 21, 2013. Members are: Judy Isaac, Servando Patlan and Gerhild Turner (Chair). We discussed the upcoming DES Tradeshow and the training opportunities presented on October 30, 2013, pertaining to Diversity.

Three training sessions are going to be offered. The Diversity Committee will be working on putting together a listing of all committees and sub-committees that pertain to diversity for the Puget Sound Region for our membership, i.e. how often they meet, where, POC, etc. In addition, the Diversity Committee intends to write articles in the newsletter pertaining to diversity.

·  Philanthropy/Charitable Events Committee – Craig Bush

Ø  Craig discussed the Northwest Harvest Event Saturday October 26, 2013.

Ø  Craig also discussed the Tree House event which is to sort through Christmas gifts for children. The will need four people for this event.

·  Old Business

Ø  Ginny discussed the location of the H&A in January, that it would need to be at the Bertha Night Room as in the past.

·  New Business

Ø  There is no new business

Meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm

Next Meeting scheduled: November 22, 2013 11:00 PM @ Falls Terrace, Tumwater, WA