Working together for our children’s future
Latrobe Best Start
Best Startvision:Communities work in partnership to improve the learning, health and development outcomes of young children and their families, particularly those in greatest need.
Projects Fund 2016
CLOSING DATE: Monday 13 May, 5:00 PM
Stop. Please read first.
The Projects Fund 2016Grant Guidelines document explains the purpose and criteria for this grant. If you have not read these yet, please do so.Grant Guidelines can be found at this link:
If you have read the Grant Guidelines and still require help, email or call on 0417 307 623.
The application form will ask you specific questions about your project. Answers can be brief – dot points are fine - but please answer the questions fully.Typed applications are preferable.
23 May / Project Fund 2016 open13 June 5:00 PM / Project Fund 2014 closes. Email to u will receive an acknowledgement email to confirm that your application has been received.
By 20 June / Applications are assessed by panel and a recommendationis made to Best Start Partnership.
By 21 June / Advise applicants of the application outcome.
By June 2017 / All funded projects complete and evaluations submitted to Best Start Partnership.
Your eligibility checklist
Projects that meet the following criteria will be considered by the Best Start Partnership:
YOUR CHECKThe project outcome aligns with at least one Best Start Partnership outcome. /
Applicant is able to provide a valid Australian Business Number (ABN) or a Statement by a Supplier declaration prior to funds being paid (for successful applications). /
Project is expected to make a lasting change, beyond the life of the project. /
Ways to measure the impact of the project have been decided. /
Project is not duplicating existing work by your or another’s organisation. /
Project can be delivered and evaluated by June 2017. /
Grant request does not exceed $5,000. If your project requires more funds that the grant can provide, they must be sourced elsewhere. If this is the case, you must also provide confirmation that the additional funds have been secured if the application is successful. /
The consultation process with the community can be demonstrated. /
Project benefits the community and/or early-years sector the Latrobe. /
Funds will not be used for recurrent or existing business costs. /
Make sure that your project does not include any of these elements:
Best Start project funds will not support:
Recurrent or existing business costs, such as rent, salary, operating expenses, etc.
Projects that do not align with at least one Best Start Partnership outcome (see page 2)
Projects that cannot measure the impact it expects to have.
Projects that impact the community only while the project is running. In other words, where there is no expectation of ongoing benefit to the community.
Projects that will not be delivered and evaluated by June 2017.
Projects that target communities outside of the Latrobe local government area.
Projects that duplicate other local projects within the same community.
Projects that cannot verify where required additional funds are being sourced from.
Projects where the main benefit is equipment upgrades or purchases, or raises funds for another project.
Application procedure
- Applications must be submitted on the approved form and emailed to the Community Facilitator Best Start, who is ur project’s key contact person will be emailed to confirm that the application has been received.
- Applications will be accepted until 5:00 PM, Monday, 13 June 2016.
- All applications for grants under the Projects Fund 2016will be assessed by a panel of three representatives from different organisations that provide early-years services within Latrobe, plus a community representative. This panel will make a recommendation to Best Start Partnership.
- All project applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their project application.The list of successful applicants and a brief description of the projects will be published on the Best Start page of Latrobe City Council’s website.
- Best Start Partnership’s decision on all applications is final and no correspondence will be entered into relating to unsuccessful applications.
Conditions of funding:
Successful projects are subject to the following conditions:
- Projects must clearly identify and formally recognise Best Start Partnership in all publications/promotional materials, stationary, media releases, newsletters and at program launches/events (e.g. speeches and placards). Any public statement, media release, promotional material, advertisement or editorial which relates to a grant acquitted through the Projects Fund 2016 which is published, issued or placed by the grant recipient, must first gain approval from Best Start Partnership.
- If an electronic version of the logo is required, contact Libby Langford, Community Facilitator Best Start Partnership 0417 397 623. This logo must be replicated in its existing form and not altered in anyway.
- All programs and projects must abide by Federal and State Government legislation in relation to discrimination in the provision of goods, services or facilities.
- Copy of ‘tax invoices’ and/or ‘tax receipts’ to be provided as evidence for the purchase of any equipment or other capital item with the ‘accountability report’.
- Applicants must have an Australian Business Number (ABN) from the Australian Tax Office or provide a Statement by a Supplier declaration prior to receipt of any grant funds.
- Applicants must have a bank account. If a bank account is not viable, the group may seek an Auspice however, that Auspice is to supply a declaration agreeing to manage the funds on behalf of the group.
- All grant monies are to be spent within twelve months of the funding being paid. Best Start Partnership must be notified in writing and approval sought if an extension of time is required.
- Best Start Partnership must be notified in writing and approval sought if the approved project is changed.
- Best Start Partnership may impose special conditions on any successful application at its discretion.
Working together for our children’s future
Application Form 2016
Thank you for taking time to develop your project idea. Spending time now will help you later when it’s time to carry out the project. If you get stuck, talk with your peers and colleagues. If you get REALLY stuck, contact Libby Langford (details page 1) who may be able to help you work through the problem.Let’s begin!
- About the applicant
Key Contact Person:
Best phone contact:
Best email contact:
Postal address: / Postcode:
ABN if applicable*:
* If the applicant does not have a valid ABN, funds may be paid to a person that can provide a suitable Statement by a Supplier Form. Visit for more information.
Do you need to provide a Statement by a Supplier form? / YES/NO- How are you working with us?
- Increase attendance at preschools of enrolled children.
- Increase preschool enrolment, with a focus on children with a greater need.
- Increase attendance rates for Key Age and Stage visits at Maternal Child Health.
- About your project
- Parents and families are partners in the project.
- Children and families who are experiencing vulnerability in the community have access to and are included in early-years services.
- Children and families from other cultures and/or use languages other than English have access to and are included in early-years services.
- Practice innovations are based on evidence.
- Children and families have easier access to existing services through better coordination and integration of those services.
- Local partnerships are developed. Cross-sectoral partnerships are encouraged.
- Stronger and more flexible relationships that result in practice improvements within and between existing services. Examples include joint professional development and forums, orientation of new staff across services, and agreed protocols for working together.
- Development of agreed work practices within and between organisations.
- Changes in the way that services are organised and delivered for a more coordinated, comprehensive, inclusive and efficient service platform that responds more easily to local needs.
- Steps toward integrated service delivery, supported by a governance structure, commitment from all parties, professional multidisciplinary collaboration, and a service design that brings together different program guidelines and reporting requirements.
- Tell us what you want to change
This project will…
- Who benefits from this project?
- Tell us how you know the community you want to work with needs or is ready for your project.
- Tell us specifically what you/others will do.
- Tell us how you will measure change.
- What resources do you need?
- Project budget
EXPENSES for project related work only
Staff costs / $0
Project administration / $0
Advertising and Marketing / $0
Training / $0
Equipment / $0
Venue hire / $0
Catering / $0
Travel / $0
Materials/consumables / $0
Services / $0
Other – specify ______/ $0
INCOME for project related work only
*In-kind support (if any). Tell us who is contributing this support
*Venue / $0
*Services / $0
*Staff / $0
*project administration / $0
*Advertising and Marketing / $0
*Training / $0
*Travel / $0
*Materials/consumables / $0
*Other – specify ______/ $0
Other grants/sponsorship / $0
registrations, user contributions / $0
Other – specify ______/ $0
Requested funds (Expenses $ - Income $) / $0
- How does this project fit with what you or your organisation is trying to achieve?
- If successful, when would you start and complete the project?
Commence by (not before June 2016)
Complete by (not after June 2017)
- What are the ongoing benefits of your project?
- Project risks, and what you will do if they occur
Are there any foreseeable risks? What parts of your project are out of your control, but could affect the success of the project if they don’t go as planned? (Add lines as necessary) / What will you do you prevent them, or deal with them if they happen?
- Does your project have a title? In a couple of sentences, summarise your project.
- Are you applying for more than one project?
Priority Order
1=highest priority / Title of Applications – use what you wrote at question 15
(add rows as necessary)
Congratulations – you have completed a very thorough overview of your valuable project idea!
One more step, email your application toby 5:00 PM Monday 13 June, 2016.