Iteration #1

Not Yet Meeting / Minimally Meeting / Fully Meeting / Exceeding
Classroom Discussion Rubric /
  • contributions are inappropriate
  • not raising hand or calling out with hand raised
  • not participating or off-task
  • shouting out frequently
  • argumentative
  • behaviour is unacceptable
  • distracts constantly
  • contributions are basic
  • raising hand with brief noise
  • silently participates
  • sometimes shouting out
  • not focused on others’ opinion
  • behaviour is sometimes appropriate
  • fidgeting often
  • contributions are appropriate and logical
  • waving hand silently
  • participates some of the time
  • very seldom shouting out
  • listening to other points of view
  • behaviour is appropriate
  • occasional fidgeting (quietly)
  • contributions make sense and are helpful
  • raising hand silently
  • regular participation but not excessive
  • never shouting out
  • accepts all points of view
  • behaviour is mature and helpful
  • absolutely no fidgeting

Iteration #2

Readiness to Learn / My homework is not here; I left it at home or in my locker.
I only have the parts of my assignment that I completed in class yesterday.
I didn't know what was for homework.
I was absent and I didn't check the website or call a friend to see what was due.
I know I need help but did not ask for it.
I have nothing on my desk to mark with. I am frustrated because the lesson has begun and I still don't have anything to mark with. I had to use my pencil to mark.
When I came in this morning I had a conversation with a classmate. / My homework is almost complete.
Some of my homework is complete. I may have left out sections or questions that I didn't understand. I did not seek help prior to class with problems that I didn't understand.
I am still feeling unsure about concepts that we learned. I will try my best to complete my assignments on my own.
I have only a pencil to mark with on my desk. I need to ask someone to borrow a marking pen.
When I saw that everyone was getting ready to begin, that reminded me what to do. / My homework is complete.
My homework is in my duotang and open to the page we are going to review or mark. My textbook and workbook are open to yesterday's lesson.
I ask for help with questions I do not understand
I have a marking pen on my desk.
I wait quietly in my seat for the lesson to begin.

Iteration #3

Beginner / Practicing / Expert
Cooperation /
  • Limited participation
  • Easily distracted
  • Limited communication skills
  • Not open to new ideas
  • Participates
  • May stray off topic
  • Some relevant discussion
  • Open to new ideas
  • Listens and takes turns
  • Actively participates
  • Stays focused
  • Relevant discussions
  • Sees and listens to all points of view
  • Listens and guides discussions

Iteration #4

Perseverance /
  • Limited participation
  • Limited tries
  • Asks for help before trying
  • Gives up easily
  • Participates
  • Can be persistent
  • Tries first then asks for help
  • Tries but may give up
  • Keeps trying despite the challenges
  • Helps and encourages others
  • Shares ideas