School Year Calendar 2016-2017

August 22 / August 23 / August 24 / August 25 / August 26
SLO PreAssessment / -Know Your Limits?! on white boards with partners
2.1/2.2 Rates of Change and Limits, Limits Involving Infinity
Students will be able to:
calculate average and instantaneous speeds,
define and calculate limits for function values and apply the properties of limits, use the Sandwich Theorem to find certain limits indirectly. Students will be able to: find and verify end behavior models for various functions,
calculate limits as x goes to infinity and negative infinity and to identify vertical and horizontal asymptotes. / Review / 2.1-2.2 AP Problems – Students are assigned groups. Each group gets two problems to complete and present on the board. / 2.1-2.2 Quiz
August 29 / August 30 / August 31 / September 1 / September 2
2.3 Continuity
Group Discussion - Bridge and Road
Smartboard lesson
Students will be able to:
-identify the intervals upon which a given function is continuous and understand the meaning of a continuous function.
-remove removable discontinuities by extending or modifying a function.
-apply the Intermediate Value Theorem and the properties of algebraic combinations and composites of continuous functions.
/ Warmup Problem #2-continuity
2.4 Rates of Change and Tangent Lines
Smartboard Lesson
Students will be able to
apply directly the definition of the slope of a curve in order to calculate slopes
-find the equations of the tangent line and normal line to a curve at a given point.
find the average rate of change of a function.
/ Review / 2.3-2.4 AP Problems
Focus Groups? / Review (1 mod)
2.3-2.4 Quiz
September 5 / September 6 / September 7 / September 8 / September 9
Labor Day -
No School / Review / Review / Ch 2 Test / 3.1 Derivative of a Function
SmartBoard Lesson
Matching Activity
Students will be able to:
Understand the derivative as it is presented geometrically, numerically, and analytically.
September 12 / September 13 / September 14 / September 15 / September 16
3.2 Differentiability
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to determine right-hand and left-hand derivatives and determine whether a function is differentiable at a point. / 3.3 Rules for Differentiation
SmartBoard Lesson
3.3 ICE
Students will be able to use the rules for differentiation to find derivatives. / Review / 3.1-3.3 Quiz
Derivative Memorization Quiz #1
/ Professional Development Day
No School
September 19 / September 20 / September 21 / September 22 / September 23
3.4 Velocity and Other Rates of Change
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to use derivatives to analyze straight-line motion and solve other problems involving rates of change.
/ 3.1-3.3 AP Problems – Students present
3.4 Review WS and Catching a Bus Activity
Students will be able to use derivatives to analyze straight-line motion and solve other problems involving rates of change. / Review
3.5 Derivatives of Trig Functions
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to use the rules for differentiating the six basic trig functions.
/ Review
3.4 Quiz / Review 3.5
Derivative Memorization Quiz #2
September 26 / September 27 / September 28 / September 29 / September 30
3.5 Review
3.6 Chain Rule
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to
differentiate composite functions using the Chain Rule and find slopes of parametrized curves. / 3.5 Quiz
Review 3.6 / Derivative Memorization Quiz #3
Derivative Bingo /
Finish Derivative Bingo & Review more chain rule / 3.6 Quiz (1 mod)
3.7 Implicit Differentiation
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to
find derivatives using implicit differentiation and
find derivatives using the Power rule for Rational Powers of x.
October 3 / October 4 / October 5 / October 6 / October 7
Finish 3.7
Work in mixed ability groups on the 3.6-3.7 Worksheet. Mrs. Meinke will work with a group of struggling students. / 3.8 Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions
Students will be able to:
calculate derivatives of functions involving the inverse trigonometric functions. / Derivative Memorization Quiz #4
3.9 Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Students will be able to:
calculate derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions. / Derivative Memorization Quiz #5
Review - Stations / Deriver's License Quiz
Review 3.8 & 3.9
October 10 / October 11 / October 12 / October 13 / October 14
Parent-Teacher Conferences
8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
No School for students / 3.8 – 3.9 Quiz
Deriver's License Quiz
/ Review in pairs
Pairs (Strong, Weak) based on performance from 3.8-3.9 Quiz
See smartboard file and use Ch 3 More review paper
Deriver's License Quiz / Review
Parent-Teacher Conferences
5 – 8 p.m.
/ Ch 3 Test
October 17 / October 18 / October 19 / October 20 / October 21
3.7-3.9 AP WS
(Sub) / Chapters 2-3 Comprehensive AP Test (Partner)
/ 4.1 Extreme Values of a Function
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to determine relative and absolute values of a function.
/ Finish 4.1
4.2 Mean Value Theorem
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to apply the MVT and determine intervals upon which a function is increasing/decreasing. / Finish 4.2
October 24 / October 25 / October 26 / October 27 / October 28
4.3 Connecting f' and f'' with the Graph of f
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to use the First and Second Derivative Tests to determine the local extreme values of a function, determine the concavity of a function and locate the points of inflection by analyzing the second derivative,
graph f using information about f’. / Review
/ Review
/ 4.1-4.3 Test
End of 1st Nine Weeks / Teacher Exchange Day -
No School
October 31 / November 1 / November 2 / November 3 / November 4
4.4 Modeling and Optimization
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to solve applications problems involving finding minimum or maximum values of functions. / 4.4 Group Work
Differentiated Instruction
Four groups based on ability – then each group rearranges to have an “expert” on each problem explain to their new group.
Students will be able to solve applications problems involving finding minimum or maximum values of functions. / Review / 4.4 Quiz – Open note and open HW
(SUB mods 1-10 for math meeting) / Continue the 4.4 Quiz
Assign 4.1-4.3 AP WS
November 7 / November 8 / November 9 / November 10 / November 11
4.5 Linearization and Newton's Method
SmartBoard Lesson
Students will be able to find linearizations and use Newton’s method to approximate the zeros of a function and
estimate the change in a function using differentials. / Work Day for 4.5
(Students have lots of questions.) / 4.6 Related Rates
Students will be able to solve related rate problems. / 4.6 -
Differentiation Activity
(Ability-based groups)
Students will be able to solve related rate problems. / Review – HW problems
Veteran’s Day Assembly
11:00 a.m.
November 14 / November 15 / November 16 / November 17 / November 18
Partner Work / Review Activity – Speed Dating / 4.6 Quiz / Review
Discovering Theorems
(Rolle's & MVT) / Review
November 21 / November 22 / November 23 / November 24 / November 25
Ch 4 Test / Ch 2-4 Comp Test / Thanksgiving Break No School / Thanksgiving Break No School / Thanksgiving Break No School
November 28 / November 29 / November 30 / December 1 / December 2
Thanksgiving Break No School / 5.1 Estimating with Finite Sums
Students will be able to approximate the area under the graph of a nonnegative continuous function by using rectangle approximation methods.
Students will be able to interpret the area under a graph as a net accumulation of the rate of change.
/ 5.2 Definite Integrals
Students will be able to
express the area under a curve as a definite integral and as a limit of Riemann sums and compute the area under a curve using a numerical integration procedure. / 5.2 Definite Integrals
Matching Activity
Students will be able to
express the area under a curve as a definite integral and as a limit of Riemann sums and compute the area under a curve using a numerical integration procedure.
Early Release
/ No School
December 5 / December 6 / December 7 / December 8 / December 9
Review / Review / 5.1-5.2 Quiz / 5.3 Definite Integrals and Antiderivatives
& 5.3 ICE (In class exercises)
Students will be able to apply rules for definite integrals and find the average value of a function over a closed interval. / Finish 5.3
December 12 / December 13 / December 14 / December 15 / December 16
Review for Midterm / Review for Midterm / Review for Midterm / Review for Midterm / Midterm
December 19 / December 20 / December 21 / December 22 / December 23
Collaboration with BC Class / Collaboration with BC Class / Christmas Break
No School / Christmas Break
No School / Christmas Break
No School
December 26 / December 27 / December 28 / December 29 / December 30
Christmas Break
No School / Christmas Break
No School / Christmas Break
No School / Christmas Break
No School / Christmas Break
No School
January 2 / January 3 / January 4 / January 5 / January 6
Christmas Break
No School / Review / 5.4 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Students will be able to apply the FTC and understand the relationship between the derivative and the definite integral as expressed in both parts of the FTC. / Review / Review
January 9 / January 10 / January 11 / January 12 / January 13
5.3-5.4 Quiz / 5.5 Trapezoidal Rule
Students will be able to approximate the definite integral by using the Trapezoidal Rule and by using Simpson’s Rule, and estimate the error in both rules.
/ Review / Ch 5 Test / Professional Development Day
No School
January 16 / January 17 / January 18 / January 19 / January 20
No School
January 23 / January 24 / January 25 / January 26 / January 27
January 30 / January 31 / February 1 / February 2 / February 3
February 6 / February 7 / February 8 / February 9 / February 10
February 13 / February 14 / February 15 / February 16 / February 17
Parent-Teacher Conferences
5 – 8 p.m. / Parent-Teacher Conferences
5 – 8 p.m.
February 20 / February 21 / February 22 / February 23 / February 24
Teacher Exchange Day -
No School
February 27 / February 28 / March 1 / March 2 / March 3
March 6 / March 7 / March 8 / March 9 / March 10
March 13 / March 14 / March 15 / March 16 / March 17
March 20 / March 21 / March 22 / March 23 / March 24
End of 3rdNine Weeks
March 27 / March 28 / March 29 / March 30 / March 31
Spring Break
No School / Spring Break
No School / Spring Break
No School / Spring Break
No School / Spring Break
No School
April 3 / April 4 / April 5 / April 6 / April 7
April 10 / April 11 / April 12 / April 13 / April 14
Good Friday
No School
April 17 / April 18 / April 19 / April 20 / April 21
April 24 / April 25 / April 26 / April 27 / April 28
May 1 / May 2 / May 3 / May 4 / May 5
May 8 / May 9 / May 10 / May 11 / May 12
May 15 / May 16 / May 17 / May 18 / May 19
May 22 / May 23 / May 24 / May 25 / May 26
May 29 / May 30 / May 31 / June 1
Memorial Day
No School