Call Playback # 712-432-0508

Access Code 326332# Reference 70#

DIQ, it is up to you!

If it is to be it is up to me!

What holds you back?

I have asked that question often...The answers I hear most are:

1.  I don't think I'm good at it, I am great at sales but I don't think I'm good at recruiting...

2.  I don't think I know enough

3.  I think there are too many consultants and Directors where I live...

4.  I'm afraid that I won't be a good teacher or Leader, I'm afraid that I could never be as good at Mary Kay as my Director

5.  I don't have enough time, I already work two jobs.

Can you think of a different reason that might hold you back?

Before I encourage you to overcome all those obstacles that hold you back, let me share what I believe needs to take place to be a DIQ.

1.  Book....Invite all to try MK in lots of ways

2.  I believe you must know how to wash your own face with Mary Kay, and be willing to show others how to wash their face with Mary Kay.

3.  I would like you to know how to show your clients how to do any of the Look Book looks... You do not have to be Glamorous GLORIA, you simply need to know what page the looks are in the book and help your client follow the step by step instructions provided by Mary Kay'smakeup artists.

4.  I believe that you should memorize a good closing... Mine is "After trying all these wonderful products, tell me would you like to splurge and get them all and take the bag home or would you rather be more conservative and just start with skincare and earn the color for free by beinga hostess?”

5.  It would be best if you could explain the Mary Kay opportunity in a simple 5 minute marketing... Use your fingers to remember 5 points: 1. You make 50%, 2. You can sell anywhere in US, 3. The products are consumable and guaranteed, 4.Must agree to dress feminine, in a skirt or dress when working and follow the golden rule, 5. Only costs $100.00 to start.

6.  Be willing to attend weekly motivational events in your area so that you can host them when you are a Director.

7.  Keep ten on... Interview everyone you sell to and determine what list they will be in...PCP list or new team member list

Game Plan

1.  The company average is to sell 5 skincare sets and interview them, 4 will say no and 1 will say yes.

2.  You need 10 active to be in DIQMay 1... So ask 50 customers, 40 will say no and 10 yes... You must get a lot of no’s to get the yes’s!

3.  It takes about 2 hours time for each face and interview... That is 100 hours of work in April if you have 10 on your team... That is about 25 hours a week.... If you do more parties… It will increase your productivity in less time…

4.  There are NO holidays in April to work around and you can be creative and do it in less time or non-traditional times too... Embrace being in a non-traditional business!

Trust Mary Kay's plan... It works... Gather everyone around a kitchen table!