PoDAG 21 Meeting Notes

Compiled by Tom Painter and Ron Weaver

1.  Podag wants NSIDC DAAC to produce better statistics on usage of data and data sets. These statistics should lead to better management decisions and provide reinforcement of the utility of the DAAC to the science community it serves. Statistics on user numbers of products to go into DAAC plan (refs to AMSR – convergence of AMSR, SMMR, etc.)

2.  The Press Release on 23 October should have a NSIDC paragraph in it. The paragraph should introduce the NSIDC to the press as a background resource.

3.  Sea Ice/Passive Microwave:

a.  NSIDC should host or otherwise facilitate a planning workshop that promotes convergence of the multiple PM sea ice and snow cover data sets. This workshop should be held as soon as possible, so that it can capitalize on the new AMSR team membership.

b.  Waleed says the Sooner the better.

c.  Work toward a single or pair of major theme products to promote as THE sets. Inclusion of error bars for users.

4.  Land mask definitions

a.  Improve the rigor of these products.

5.  Should we have PoDAG representation at the EOS Science Working Group on Data? SWGD/SWAMP Robert Wolfe.

6.  AWS data from arctic and Antarctic:

a.  Hold conversation with GISS (temperature) regarding their data relative to what’s been processed by Julienne/Chris.

b.  Need to determine the uniqueness of this dataset relative to other sets, in order to determine the requirement for allocation of resources to this processing (DAAC).

c.  Waleed will suggest that this data set should be an activity of the SEARCH program.

d.  British AS has the monthly means for the Antarctic stations – worth looking at.

e.  SUMMARY: Carry on as is. Do not jump into updates. Ron talk to Florence re: SEARCH meeting. Waleed will engage his counterparts at NOAA, etc. at the SEARCH meeting.

7.  RAMS-2 data – Ken Jezek:

a.  Do we have these?? Who is to distribute these data?

8.  Post PARCA Report on the NSIDC webpage (Waleed)

a.  Waleed to send report to NSIDC. NSIDC to post on website.

9.  NSIDC web presence for the NASA Cryosphere Press Event (2 weeks from now) – pointer webpage –

10.  Melt-onset dataset: is it of value?

a.  Continue now with current methodology to link sensors

b.  Needs a clear flag when the product changed

c.  if community demands better precision, then it should be proposed as a research effort.

11.  Sea Ice Motion Data Sets:

a.  do we devote staff time to tending data and software?

b.  Yes, however, like the other data sets mentioned above. Updates and improvements should be research efforts.

c.  These data are important to the climate modellers.

12.  HARA Data Set:

a.  Determine if CARDS contains comprehensive international components.

b.  Jennifer and Axel are producing a comprehensive radiosonde dataset for the Arctic (45°+). This effort is funded by SEARCH and has NOAA involvement

c.  The latter appears to be the better solution. Discussion with Jennifer should ensue to make sure that NSIDC expertise comes to bear on data formats as this new data set is developed.

d.  In the meantime, the HARA data set should continue, but not be updated.

e.  Users should be directed to the CARDS data, and NSIDC should have links to CARDS, and also describe the work under way by JF and AS.

13.  EVE Observatory:

a.  Pursue but clear it (Waleed). Sketch a plan that shows that this is completely independent of the DAAC and possibly of NSIDC.

b.  Send the plan to Jeannie for her critique and revision.

c.  Ron and Ruth will discuss further, bringing Jeannie in as well.

14.  Wentz F-10 Data:

a.  PoDAG indicates that Wentz data should be deleted from the archive –

b.  Ron will write Martha Maiden with response and with reasons for deletion

c.  if Martha has other questions, she can talk to Waleed.

15.  PARCA Data Set:

a.  Determine what data are missing. Determine resources needed to link and/or bring to NSIDC the missing data.

b.  Leave well managed data sets with current holders.

c.  Assess which data are at risk and propose resource needs to bring them to NSIDC.

d.  Laser data are on CD/DVD but not available online. Therefore, determine the volumes of these data before moving them over.

16.  Scatterometer Products:

a.  Should we distribute these data products? Son suggests to disseminate these data, however, one must be very careful about the quality of the products – EASE grid for David Long products out there?

b.  The PoDAG recommends that NSIDC pursues the Scatterometer products as a pointer page a la the SWE page.

17.  The PoDAG recommends a jump page to CDC (David Bromwich)

18.  New/emerging missions which NSIDC DAAC should monitor

a.  Cold Lands Processes Pathfinder

b.  SSMI/S




f.  GPM