Vector Portraits

Lesson Overview

Create a portrait/self portrait entirely by drawing yourself in Illustrator. Your task will be to use the pen tool to draw yourself into a two dimensional image. The requirements will be based upon how many shades and tints you use in your face, hair, and clothes which have a minimum of 4 variations. Canvas size will be completed in Illustrator using the smallest web format.

Vector Graphics

A vector graphic is the opposite of a raster graphic. Can you distinguish the two from the image to the right?

A vector graphic is made up of anchor points, strokes, and fills – which are all based upon mathematical algorithms. These images are very versatile in how they can be used.

Why use a vector graphic?

They are useful for scaling since there are no pixels involved. An image can stay crisp and clear at any size. You could wrap the same image on a soda can or the side of a bus and the image will still retain its high resolution.

What program is a vector based program?

Adobe Illustrator is a vector based program that uses only vector based shapes. Photoshop is mainly a pixel based program that deals with raster images, but it can draw and create vector shapes (pen tool, text tool) to be imported to Illustrator. There is a program that parallels Illustrator that is free and available for anyone to use on the web; that program is called Inkscape. Inkscape is a open source program that works similarly to Illustrator but it’s free.

Types of Vector Images

Adobe Illustrator (AI)

Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG)

Encapsulated Post Script (EPS)

Portable Document Format (PDF)

Essential Question

  • What is the process to making a vector graphic and its benefits?


  • Vector: A mathematical algorithm of anchor points and lines that can be scaled to any length while retaining 100% clarity. Vectors are composed of strokes and fills.
  • Stroke: The outline color of a shape
  • Fill: The inside color of a shape
  • Anchor Point: A singular point on the outside of a shape. These points can be manipulated into Bezier curves
  • Bezier Curve: When an anchor point is converted into a Bezier Curve it can be modified to represent a designated curve
  • Pen Tool: Tool used to make anchor points
  • Add Anchor Point Tool: Tool used to add anchor points to an existing path
  • Subtract Anchor Point Tool: Tool used to subtract anchor points from an existing path
  • Direct Selection Tool: Tool used for moving individual anchor points on a path
  • Convert Point Tool: Tool used for converting anchor points into Bezier Curves
  • Path: A vector line consisting of anchor points

Higher Order Thinking Questions

How can one construct a complex image in a scalable vector graphic format using which available programs?

How can one utilize photographic elements to trace images using which specific drawing tools?

What is the procedure for exporting artwork to Adobe Illustrator?


Project Requirements

Create a self portrait that shows at least 4 variations of color intensity.

Web Format 640 X 480 pixels

Background treatment

Posted to Blogger


Clean overlapping shapes

Colors are layered to create a three dimensional subject

Shape making is neat

Pen tool for creating shapes

Direct Selection Tool for adjusting anchor points

Eyedropper tool for selecting colors

Productivity/Self Direction

Shows ability to develop ideas to produce a piece of work

Utilized available resources when needed

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

Accurately interpreted the process and content of the lesson

Pre planned ideas and analyzed many view points to problem solve

Critical Response

  • Response to the project’s Higher Order Thinking Questions using advanced or appropriate art vocabulary
  • Responses makes relevant comparisons to art related topics

Extra Help