Judah Grows Up – Genesis 43:1-10



TEXT: Genesis 43:1-10


It has been a while since we looked in on Joseph and his family

If you will remember the story, you know that Joseph’s brothers sold him into Egyptian slavery

They told their father that he was dead and as far as they were concerned, Joseph was dead!

They went on with their lives as though they would never see their brother again, because they never expected to!

BUT God had other plans!

While they are living their lives in Canaan, God is working in Egypt!

Down in Egypt, Joseph is sold as a slave

He works for a man named Potiphar, who is Pharaoh’s chief executioner

Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce Joseph, but he rebuffs her advances

She lies to her husband telling him that Joseph tried to rape her

Potiphar has Joseph thrown into prison

After a number of years, Joseph is brought to Pharaoh’s attention

God uses Joseph to help Pharaoh, and to make a long story short, Joseph is taken out of the prison and made the Prime Minister

A famine arises in the land, but Joseph has developed a plan to store up grain for the lean years ahead

When the famine comes, it affects all the countries of the earth, even the land of Canaan, where Joseph’s brothers and father dwell

Joseph’s brothers make a trip to Egypt to buy grain and they meet the brother they sold as a slave some 20 years before

He recognizes them, but they do not recognize him

God uses Joseph to awaken the dead consciences of his brothers

Joseph wants them to think about what they have done, so he accuses them of being spies and throws Simeon into prison until the other brothers return home and get their youngest brother Benjamin

The brothers return home with their grain, but no Simeon

Jacob again grieves and refuses to allow the boys to take Benjamin back with them into Egypt

After a while, the grain runs out and they are forced into a decision (go back or die)

That is where our text begins today

In this passage, we see a discussion between Judah the fourth oldest of Jacob’s sons and Jacob himself

In this conversation, Judah is trying to convince his father that they have no choice but to return to Egypt, with Benjamin, to get grain

Otherwise, they will all starve to death

That is the gist of what is taking place here

BUT, as is so often true in the Bible, there is more here than meets the eye!

What we see in these verses is a rebellious man (Judah) demonstrating the fact that he is beginning to grow up

What we see in these verses is how God used the events of Judah’s life to bring him to maturity

God uses these events to shape Judah into the leader he will one day become

There is help for us here as well!

After all, God is trying to do the same thing in our lives

He desires that we reach a place of maturity

This truth is stated often in the New Testament:

Ephesians 4:13-15 - “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:” “ That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” “But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

I Peter 2:2 - “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

II Peter 3:18 - “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

So let’s examine this passage to see how the Lord worked in Judah’s life to bring him to the place of maturity

We need these truths because God is doing the same things in our lives

He might use different processes to achieve His goals, but the end result will be the same

I want to take these verses and preach on the subject:

“Judah Grows Up”



]Judah the Man

First let’s take a minute to remember what kind of a man we are dealing with in Judah

In Genesis 37:26 it is Judah who talked his brothers out of killing Joseph and into selling him as a slave

Genesis 37:31-35 Judah was part of the lie that broke Jacob’s heart

Genesis 38:1 – When Judah sought a wife, he married an unbeliever

Genesis 38:7-10 – He raised two sons, Er and Onan, who were so evil that God killed them both

Genesis 38:12-16 – Judah was a man controlled by fleshly lusts

His wife died and he sought female companionship in the bed of a woman he thought was a harlot

Genesis 38:12-23 – Judah was guilty of committing incest with his daughter-in-law (Tamar)

She tricked him, but he was still responsible for his actions

Genesis 38:24-30 – Judah was judgmental

Tamar, his daughter-in-law became pregnant through their incestuous relationship and Judah ordered her to be burned for her infidelity

As it turned out, she exposed him as the hypocrite he was

Their relationship produced twin boys, one of whom would become a distant ancestor of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 1:3)

We look at a man like that and we say –

He’ll never amount to anything! God can’t use a man that wicked.

The fact is God had big plans for Judah

God was working in his life and on his heart to transform him into a leader among his brethren

God was working on him to make him a blessing to the nation of Israel and to the whole world

Turn to Genesis 49:8-12

Judah was a rough piece of timber, but God had a plan to work him into shape!

]Of course, when you take the time to read your Bible, you quickly see that many of those God used in the greatest of ways, started their lives on the wrong side of righteousness

Rahab – She was a prostitute

She came to know God and she became an ancestor of the Lord Jesus Christ

Ruth – She was a Gentile and a pagan

She came to know God and she became an ancestor of the Lord Jesus

David – He committed adultery; he lied; and he was guilty of murder, but God forgave him and used him

Matthew – He was tax collector in the employ of the Roman government

He was a thief, a liar and a cheat, but God saved him and used him for his glory

The Gaderene Demoniac – He was demon possessed

He lived in the tombs

He had an entire region scare half to death

He met Jesus and became a powerful witness to God’s grace and life-changing power.

Paul – By his own testimony, he was guilty of terrible and gross sins

I Timothy 1:12-15 -

Acts 26:9-11 –

Many more could be named!

Not a single one of God’s people were perfect when He found them

They were all dirty, filthy and full of sin

But, He knows how to clean them up and use them as vessels of honor

There are people in this room right now that are ashamed of their past

You are right to feel that way, but never think for an instant that God can’t bless you and use you

If you have been saved and washed in the blood of the Lamb, His precious blood has negated your past

Every stain has been washed away and you are every whit clean in His sight!

I praise the Lord that He is the “Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world,” John 1:29

And remember there will always be someone out there who will hold what you were against you

Ignore them!

When every thing is said and done you will not answer to them

Both you and they will stand before the Lord and give an account of ourselves

Live to please the Lord and let Him take care of the rest!


II. JUDAH’S “PLEA” - vs. 3-6

]In these verses, Judah states the simple truth

They cannot return to Egypt to buy more grain unless they take Benjamin with them

So, Juda pleas with his father to allow them to return to Egypt with Benjamin to buy more food

]In these verses, it is clear that Judah is making spiritual progress

Let me show why:

He is not longer simply concerned about Judah

His primary focus in no longer what “he” wants; how “he” feels and what “he” thinks

Judah is concerned about the rest of the family

He knows they have to have food or they will all starve

He is concerned about the future of the family

® Judah is concerned about Simeon

Judah knows they cannot bring Simeon home without going back to Egypt with Benjamin

Judah is now concerned with doing things the right way

This has never been a priority with him before

Up to now, Judah has cared only about Judah

He would do whatever it took to get what Judah wanted

Now, he wants to do things the right way

He is finally growing up!

® This progress hasn’t happened over night

It has taken many years and many trials to bring about these changes in Judah

® By the same token, the Lord’s work in our lives has not been accomplished overnight

If you are growing as you should, you are closer to Him today than you were when you got saved

He has been in the process of developing you since He saved you by His grace

And, His work in us is not something that happens overnight

God has plenty of time and He is willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to accomplish His eternal purposes in His children

® A quick study of the Bible proves this to be true:

Abraham – First, God worked in his heart to cause him to leave the only home he had ever known to follow God into Canaan

His faith is so shallow that he runs to Egypt for help during a time of famine

Yet, God keeps working on Abraham until the day comes that he is willing to offer his son as a burnt offering to the Lord

That is progress!

Jacob – He is a trickster and a deceiver

He is a man who “lives up” to his name

God works on him through a series of difficult circumstances to shape him into the father of the twelve tribes of Israel

God used problems in the family to shape this man

God allows Jacob to be tricked and deceived by his own uncle

God used hardships and even a personal encounter with Himself beside a river to bring Jacob to where God could use him

That is progress!

Gideon – God took a terrified man and called him to be a Judge of Israel

God gave him a mighty army and then God took his army away

God sent him into battle with 300 against a multitude

He even sent him into battle without weapons

All he and his men had were clay lamps and trumpets

God gave them the victory

That is progress!

David – God used everything from giants, to kings, to pride to break and reshape this young man into “a man after God’s Own heart”

That is progress!

Simon Peter – Here is a man who was constantly getting into trouble

He talked too much!

He was always putting his foot into his mouth

He even denied the Lord Jesus three times in one night

But, God took those tragedies and used them to shape Peter into a mighty preacher of the Gospel

He would never have become the man he did

That is progress!

Now look at your own life

What has the Lord used to shape you into what you are today?

He has used our sins, our trials, our valleys, our victories and everything else we have faced in this life

He has used it all to shape us into what He wants us to be

The Lord’s shaping ministry is a powerful thing

It is something that every saint goes through

It is something the Lord uses to bring even sinners unto Him

God’s desire is to take us like He finds us and then develop us into a vessel of honor for His glory

The prophet Jeremiah 18:1-6 talks about the Potter & the Clay

We are merely clay in His hand, and like a potter, He will keep the pressure on us, as He shapes us into what He wants us to be

There will be times when He will crush us and begin again

There will be times when He will pound the clay

There will be times when He will add to us and there will be times when He will take away from us

In the end, we will become a vessel of honor unto the Lord our God!

And, remember, you are never closer to the Potter than when His hand is on your life!


III. JUDAH’S “PLEDGE” - vs. 7-10

As this passage closes, Judah begs his father to let them go to Egypt for food

He promises to trade his life for Benjamin’s should anything happen to the boy

Earlier, Reuben had pledged the lives of his two sons in Genesis 42:37

Of course, Reuben knew that Jacob would never harm his grandsons

In this case, Judah is willing to lay down his own life for the good of the family

This is a good sign that Judah is truly maturing

He is no longer the same self-centered man that he used to be

He is no longer the man who lives only for himself

He is emerging as a leader among his brethren

Soon Judah will bow before Joseph and offer himself as a slave

Genesis 44:33

Soon, this formerly self-centered man will humble himself

Judah will openly confess his sins before Joseph and make things right with him