July 18, 2011

Supervisor Rapp called the regular meeting of the Eckford Township Board to order at 7:30 p.m. Others in attendance were Treasurer Baylis, Clerk Hinkley, Trustee Lawrence, Trustee Cornell, R. Buskirk, L. Blight and Margaret Taylor. ABSENT: NONE


A motion was made by Treasurer Baylis to accept the Clerk regular minutes of the June 20, 2011 & Special meetings of June 20 & 27, 2011. Supervisor Rapp seconded the motion. CARRIED


T. Baylis, Treasurer gave the financial statement for June with

RECEIPTS $ 42,042.65


BILLS TO PAY $ 7,542.75

Trustee Cornell made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report and pay the bills. Clerk Hinkley seconded the motion. CARRIED


Given by Supervisor Rapp, the Homer Fire Dept. the fund balances are General Fund $107,887.76, Truck funds of $103,367.36 and total of funds was $211,255.12. The FEMA grant is getting finalized and they will be getting about $63,000 in equipment for about 20% of the cost. The tanker has been fixed. The S. Dakota trip went well and the new truck should be at the parade in August. Amendments for the budget will be coming. There were 21 runs for June and 124 runs so far for the year.


Given by Trustee Cornell, they have ended the fiscal budget year. They are looking to hire an architect to draw up plans for a new building. Treasurer Baylis asked if they could use one of the empty buildings in Marshall. Things look pretty preliminary right now on what their plans will be for a new building. Eckford had 4 runs in May and 5 runs in June.


Given by R. Buskirk, as of July 18, 2011 there were no building permits.

The Eckford Township board and the members of the Planning Commission will meet on Monday, July 25, 2011 at the Holloo Farms to look over their expansion project. This will not be a decision making meeting and therefore not posted.


Given by R. Buskirk for M. Farmer,

Building Complaints:


Complaints: David Chichester property, 843 Orchard Drive--pending

Robert Farmer property 110 Ogden St.—pending

Jason Blackburn property, J. Drive S.—pending

A copy of the full report is on file.






Margaret Taylor shared pamphlets from the Calhoun County Fair and shared events and fundraisers that they have going on right now.

L. Blight shared there was 1 run from Marengo Fire Department.


Supervisor Rapp received two (2) bids to do the work on the town hall. The first bid was from Mark Butler for $2,765.24 and the second bid was from Jacobs Ladder Construction for $8,935.00. Trusteee Lawrence made a motion to accept the bid from Mark Butler and it needs to be done by October 1, 2011. Treasurer Baylis seconded the motion. CARRIED

Supervisor Rapp asked to have the aluminum taken off and have Steven Hinkley Jr. take it to the scrap yard for a return in profit and they will decide what to pay him once they see how much they can get from it.


Resolution 4-2011 Road Improvement was read by Supervisor Rapp. Trustee Cornell made a motion to approve Resolution 4-2011 Road Improvement to the Calhoun County Road Commission to skip pave D. Drive S. from Homer Road to 24 Mile Road. Trustee Lawrence seconded the motion. CARRIED A roll call vote was taken


Treasurer Baylis stated that with the little bit of extra income the township received this last fiscal year than was anticipated she would like to see us do some more roads with the extra money since the residents were so great to pass our Fire Millage.

Re-appointment of Dawn Masternak to the Planning Commission. Trustee Lawrence made a motion to re-appointment Dawn Masternak to the Eckford Township Planning Commission. Trustee Cornell seconded the motion. CARRIED

Clerk Hinkley shared that she met with Pam from our Risk Management of our insurance carrier. We went over things that needed or should be done in and for our township. She will be sending a list of recommendations.


Clerk Hinkley made a motion to adjourn at 8:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,

Kimberly Hinkley Bruce Rapp

Eckford Township Clerk Eckford Township Supervisor