Subject Coaching Network - Evaluation Form for Delegates

Region: / Yorkshire and the Humber
Eleventh Maths Network / Date: / 12th March 2009
Hilton Hotel, Leeds
Name: / Summary
30 delegates, 30 completed evaluations but 2 front pages are missing! / Organisation:
How useful overall did you find the event?
21 Very useful 5 Useful 0 Not very useful 0 Not at all useful
2 delegates did not complete this section and 2 forms are missing
Question / Yes / No / Comments
Did you receive clear details/information in advance? / 28 / Thanks Liz.
Was the event well planned/organised? / 28
Were there clear objectives for the event? / 28 / Discussed at start of day.
Did the event meet these objectives? / 27 / Yes especially having fun.
Would you describe the atmosphere as supportive? / 28 / Very enthusiastic.
Definitely non threatening.
Very supportive and approachable colleagues.
Did you feel able to actively participate in the event? / 26 / Partly.
I am not a maths/numeracy specialist. Some of content was a bit difficult if participants were talking about GCSE/A level maths.
Definitely – home from home atmosphere catching up on gossip!!
Not always as I only teach up to Level 2 on the adult core curriculum.
Was the venue appropriate? / 28 / Ideal, especially lunch.
Excellent lunch. Comfortable environment!
Except no windows!
Which aspects of the event were most useful? / Prior learning activity.
Information on useful websites; sharing resources.
Sharing resources.
Treasure hunt game.
Listening to Rachel Homer’s presentation about the triangle used in joinery.
Seeing a joiners roof master was fascinating.
Exchanging resources.
Networking with other FE maths teachers.
Sharing resources with colleagues, being shown how to access resources on the NCETM portal.
Sharing resources.
Sharing ideas, ideas of how to use boring text books.
Every bit was useful.
Meeting people and sharing ideas, go through the website.
Sharing of resources and ideas.
The kinaesthetic ‘Follow Me’ activity, the speed sharing, the way everybody respects each other’s opinions.
New resources and where to find them, NCETM website- revised the use of.
Networking, sharing, updating, new FE PD modules.
Mini modules – useful activities for use in class.
Sharing ideas, e.g. speed sharing and text book activity.
Using cards with topic on to revise- saying ‘understand’ – ‘a little’ – ‘not at all’.
Sharing resources, sharing experiences.
Speed sharing was fabulous.
Practical activities, networking, sharing ideas.
All of it.
Speed sharing.
Sharing ideas, resources and websites etc.
Sharing resources.
Supportive atmosphere; networking; sharing ideas.
Which aspects of the event were least useful? / Action research feedback – interesting and good delivery.
Advising on ‘nuggets’ – not enough personal experience to feel qualified to do this.
Nothing fell below my interest threshold.
More time was needed to exchange activities.
All useful.
Sharing event – too quick, needed more than 2 people.
Nil – these events are super and really help develop staff skill and morale.
More entry level to level 2 resources.
Have you joined the NCETM web portal: ? / 16 Yes / 7 No
If the answer is ‘No’ will you register after attending the network? / 7 Yes / No
Please tick ALL statements that apply to you
2 This is my first regional coaching network
189 I have used the resource: Improving Learning in Mathematics or Thinking Through Mathematics
9 I sometimes attend the coaching networks 13 I usually attend the coaching networks
1 I am a participant on the Professional Training Programme for Subject Learning Coaches
9 I have completed the Professional Training Programme for Subject Learning Coaches
1 I am a participant on the Professional Training Programme for Advanced Learning Coaches
3 I have management support for my role as mathematics Subject Learning Coach

Question / Comments
What impact is your engagement with this programme having on:
a)  You?
b)  Your learners?
c)  Your colleagues
d)  Your organisation as a whole / You may like to comment on how you have adapted resources/ developed lesson plans and the impact this has had on teaching and learning and on lesson observation grades. If you are on the Professional Training Programme what is the impact of coaching having on others?
Gained some new ideas to use in my teaching.
Knowledge and experience on delivering Key Skills.
Increasing awareness of pair/group work.
I came to this network out of interest. Not actually teaching Numeracy at present (literacy/English only). Previously trained as an E2E Subject Learning Coach and I believe skills I learned as a coach in questioning techniques, help me achieve high grade 2 observations.
I have revisited some resources and updated or have made new resources.
Giving me time to think and review my teaching out of the classroom.
I feel that by seeing and learning about what other teachers are doing helps to motivate me to develop new resources and ideas with my learners.
My observation grades have improved since using the resources.
Raises my sights; renews my enthusiasm.
Be more imaginative with maths and make it more approachable.
The day has been very good. A lot of new ideas to try in the classroom. It has been very nice to meet everyone. I will put into practice some of the ideas!
Give me some good ideas to adapt and use in my classes.
I have used and adapted resources.
Used and shared resources.
Gradually building up resources and ideas to use.
Giving me motivation for my work.
Developed loads of resources; found out about the Research project last time and I will share mine with the network when complete.
Through the meetings I have developed my style of teaching, including the use of the strategies box and maths 4 life resources.
Developed learning resources/?; extended resources/application and subject knowledge; increased confidence.
Generates ideas for creating resources.
My teaching has changed 180o in past 3 years.
Variety of resources in T&L.
Feel more confident.
Made some lessons more interesting for them.
Varied resources to aid learning.
They like new ideas that have been implemented.
Learners having even more fun with practical activities.
Improved resources and activities will improve the experience for the learner.
A more fun session.
The learners enjoy using the resources and there is improved retention of facts.
Gives them some different things happening in the classroom.
Enjoy good quality resources.
Learners benefit from more fun lessons with appropriate activities.
I am more enthusiastic.
Hope the learners have benefited from innovative approaches and materials.
Giving them more variety of activity.
Better more active learning.
Improved results; changed learning methods, activities.
Exposes them to a variety of approaches.
They have directly benefited ; achievements and attendance has increased.
Lesson planning and outcomes.
More confidence.
Have shared ideas.
Sharing resources with them.
Shared knowledge.
Work in progress.
Sharing resources and contacts.
Working collaboratively during staff development sessions to prepare new resources.
Ideas disseminated sometimes hit fertile ground.
Share ideas.
I share with colleagues resources and ideas.
Shared with colleagues who have sometimes adapted the ideas.
Shared area for resources for maths department on college network – easy to pass on ideas.
Learn new ways of doing things – get inspired.
I have had videos made with me using ILIM and M4L materials for CPD of colleagues.
Developed in-house CPD and more people want to be involved in maths/numeracy.
Provides resources for them to use.
We share all ideas, approaches.
Sharing ideas and resources.
More informed.
Happier students.
Hope to improve retention and achievement.
Improving success rates.
Consolidates maths dept as an effective entity.
Better standard of teaching maths in college.
Ideas sometimes shared at whole staff sessions.
I have played an active part in communicating AfL techniques to colleagues of all disciplines in whole school training sessions.
Supportive of developing whole staff.
Maths department has greater people.
Improved results and quality of T&L.
More effective.
Name: / Organisation:
Question / Comments
What actions do you intend to take as a result of the network meeting?
For example will you:
- use any of the activities or ideas
- share any of the activities with colleagues
- lead on any professional development? / Return to NCETM website –particularly community page; use the ‘prior learning’ activity with colleagues; look up activities mentioned in the speed sharing session.
Look at various websites (nlvm and Bowland Trust); to find new resources; use some of the matching activities and devise more.
Share resources with colleagues; join NCETM web portal; design resources from these ideas.
Treasure hunt + share this activity with colleagues;I’m looking for maths software to design and make my own maths papers/resources.
I will look at various websites suggested such as ncetm (join community) and Bowland maths; the first activity where you had to categorise whether you understood/vaguely understood/didn’t know was useful. I can adapt this to literacy.
SLC, NCETM, STEM, Maths for Life etc.etc.etc; try and get over to my colleagues the number and variety of communities which my job role puts me into contact with; I will also try to make contact with other STEM departments and invite them to join the Maths 4 Life Community.
Download and prepare college new resource; adapt some ideas; use some ideas when delivering on AOTLLS (Numeracy); consider delivering CPD sessions for staff on methods of delivery to vocational learners.
Access the NCETM portal maths café; access resources; info. on future meetings; use “think-pair-share” to encourage students to discuss and generate answers without telling them first; look at “Maths Teaching Magazine” (; use text book in a more alternative way!
Use the ‘Perfect Piece of Work?’ with learners from Sarah. Ask team if we can think of other topics but use same principle; use straws and pipe cleaners to help learners appreciate the difference between 2D and 3D shapes; access the portal to find fraction treasure hunt used today.
I need to find some resources that I haven’t used recently; adapt some resources to use as self-assessment; inform line manager of possibility of research grants; deliver CPD to colleagues on using resources in numeracy.
Disseminate resources within Maths Dept; share ideas with colleagues; trial ideas in the classroom – washing line, different use of text books, mini maths modules; CPD – within dept on STEM.
Share resources with colleagues; use ideas in the classroom.
I will join the website today!; I will definitely be using some of the ideas shared today; I will pass the info to my colleagues at the next maths meeting (next week).
Share resources and ideas with colleagues; use ideas in preparation of classes; an excellent course.
Make contact with Carol Roberts to discuss bridging courses.
Use the activity about categorising topic – 1 I know, 2 Unsure, 3 Don’t know; share what we’ve done at the next staff meeting.
Need to send out resources to people as promised; when research project completed, load contents onto Portal; keep up with the network.
Actions continued / Look at NCETM portal at new mini maths modules- introduce them to my team; and other resources posted following network meetings.
Share D1 resources with Catherine Breen and Debby Prence; look at NCETM portal at new mini maths modules and introduce them to team.
To share mini modules with colleagues; to register with the portal and use resources available etc.
Aims to adapt more activities to use for D1.
Use the documents section of the NCETM website; save all resources within the maths folder at work for all my colleagues to access; I always communicate ideas and development information to colleagues at staff meetings.
Continue staff development started post last meeting (now planned for every 2 months); adapt PD materials fro selected groups and trial; access resources (had difficulty locating this prior to this meeting).
Be more pushy with colleagues and departments to encourage use of active learning resources; attend a STEM network meeting or event.
I will look at incorporating some of the resources and activities into my own lessons; I will share ideas, resources etc. with colleagues.
Sharing ideas; activity trials; training and development of others; lesson planning; preparation of new resources; team building.
Will disseminate to colleagues and put ideas on shared folders; will definitely use ideas and share them; regularly look at the website.
Use treasure hunt activity in my lesson and look at an outdoor competition for the summer!; look again at yellow maths for life folder- see how can integrate some of the frac/dec/%s activities into existing schemes of work; look at rethinking induction material with appropriate members of senior team at work; act on suggestions about working from a textbook; lots of practical ideas in text book session; speed sharing excellent.
Thinking about a subject on action research project- make more acceptable and evaluate; develop CPD project; contact Angela Heppenstall; put a plan together; identify gaps to be plugged.
Are there any other comments that you would like to make to inform the planning of future networks? / AfL and APP still figure in much of the work in schools; developing along these strands would be helpful.
More opportunity to work in groups with others to discuss resources, ideas etc aimed at a certain level of ability.
Think lunch could be 15 minutes shorter- for slightly earlier finish!!
Because I’m not a numeracy specialist and have never taught above L2 Skills for Life, some of resources/subjects discussed were a little above my head. I think it might be better to have group activities for A level, GCSE, numeracy etc.
Keep similar format allowing discussion, sharing and networking.
Would like feedback from anyone who teaches maths on Science BTEC’s courses as we have started this year.
More emphasis placed on resources used at different levels – so we share resources with people delivering the same level.
Hard to improve on the sharing and the atmosphere that already exists.
I enjoyed it. Really helpful to learn from others.
When sharing ideas with other teachers it was too rushed. More time was needed.
More time spent on sharing practical resources and teaching methods.
Please continue – have one each term at least.