Congratulations on being chosen to represent QES

at a

Year 7 Cross Country event


Friday 18th October 2013

at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School

in Penrith.

Boys / Girls
Thomas Marshall 7L / Abbie Allan 7K
James Billington 7M / Lily Davies 7Q
Toby Norman 7K / Ruby Frankland 7Q
Matthew Holroyd 7E / Kitty Morrison 7Q
Toby Campbell 7L / Siana Breaks 7M
Bob Evans 7K / Issie Wilson 7W

We will need to leave school at 1:00pm. This means you should excuse yourselves from period 4 at 12:50pm and go to the Gym changing rooms to get changed. I will give you a shirt to run in. Meet at the turning circle at 1:00pm and get on the bus with Miss Pakeman and Mr Daglish.

Please ensure that you have asked to miss period 5 from the member of staff who should be teaching you. All the work you miss should be copied up as soon as possible.

You will need to bring a packed lunch, lots of drink, 4 safety pins, (school polo shirt), black shorts, black tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers or spikes/studs NOT football boots, waterproofs and warm clothing. (If the weather is very wet you should consider bringing a complete change of clothing as well).

The girls’ race will start at 2:40pm and is 2000m long on a flat grassy course. The boys’ race will start at 3:00pm and is 2500km long.

If you do well in this event it is used as a selection process for the Midland Inter-county event in November 2013.

We should be back by 4:15pm but bring a mobile phone to be able to phone home with any last minute changes to this. Hand your phone in at the office until we leave at 1:00pm.

Any problems see Miss Pakeman asap.