MEPHonors Partnership APPLICATION

This application can be used to apply for a MHP Fellowship with any of the following four

universities: CSU Sacramento, CSU San Jose, UC Davis, or UC San Diego

Please TYPE or PRINT all information on sections 1 through 8 of this application

and return with an unofficial copy of your school transcript to:

MEP Honors Partnership

CaliforniaStateUniversity, Sacramento

Sacramento, California95819-6023

Also, two MHP Recommendation Forms must be completed and returned (see instructions on Recommendation Form)

Priority is given to applications received by January 31

1. Personal Information

Name ______Social Security # ______

Address ______City______State______Zip______

Home phone (___)______Message phone (___)______E-mail address______

Ethnicity (optional): African-American ___ Mexican/Puerto Rican/Latino _____

American Indian (please list tribal affiliation): ______Other: ______

Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes___ No___

If no, do you have the legal right to work permanently in the U.S.? Yes ___ No ___

2. Educational Information

School/College/University currently attending: ______

Cumulative GPA: ______(4.0 scale) (High School students only) SAT score: verbal ______math ______

ACT score: verbal ______math ______

(High School or Community College Students Only)

Expected Date of graduation or transfer from current school (month/year) ______

Have you submitted an application to: CSU Sacramento_____ CSU San Jose____ UC Davis____ UC San Diego____

College Major: Computer Science___ Computer Engineering___ Mechanical Engineering___ Civil Engineering ___

Electrical Engineering___ Chemical Engineering___ Aerospace Engineering___ Other______

(If undecided between two or more majors, check more than one.)

(High School students only)

Check courses completed or completing: Trig_____ Pre-Calculus_____ AP Calculus _____ Calculus___ Chem ____

APChem___ AP Physics ___ Physics___ Computer Programming___

(College Students Only)

List courses completed in:

Math: ______

Science: ______

Technical Skills Proficiency

List special skills (ie., word processing applications, web page design, autocad, drafting, database management): ______

Please list any activities that demonstrate your interest in math or science: ______


3. Academic Organizations/Honors

MESA___ MEP___ UC Early Outreach Partnership___GATE ___AISES___NSBE___SHPE___

National Merit Scholar: ____ Governor’s Scholar: ____

Other scholarships, honors and extra-curricular activities: ______


4. Internship Assignment Information

Do you have any conflicts that prevent you from working during school breaks? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, explain: ______


Is there an employer that you have always wanted to work for? Yes ____ No ____

If yes, name of employer(s): ______

Where would you prefer to work?: San Diego______Bay Area______Sacramento______Other______

5. Work Experience Information

Provide information on any paid or non-paid positions you have held.

Position: ______Employer: ______

Supervisor: ______Phone #: (___) ______

Dates (mo./yr.): From: _____/_____ to: _____/_____

Duties/Accomplishments: ______


Position: ______Employer: ______

Supervisor: ______Phone #: (___) ______

Dates (mo./yr.): From: _____/_____ to: _____/_____ Duties/Accomplishments:______

6. Applicant Recommendations

Provide Information on the two individuals you asked to complete applicant recommendations:

(See instructions on applicant recommendation form.)

Name: ______Title: ______Phone #: (___) ______

Email:______Organization: ______

Name: ______Title: ______Phone #: (___) ______

Email:______Organization: ______

7. School Transcript

An unofficial (or official) copy of a legible transcript from the school you are now attending must be attached to this application.

8. Personal Statement (please keep responses limited to this page.)

Why are you interested in pursuing an engineering or computer science degree?

Explain how your family and/or community have influenced your school life and personal growth and how that influence might shape your future.

Describe a time you were very proud of yourself for something you have accomplished which required a great deal of time and energy. How did you accomplish this?

Describe a time in high school or college when you enjoyed learning or when learning inspired you.

Your name (print) ______Signature______Date______

MHP Fellowship


Provided by Applicant

Instructions to applicant: Give this form to a teacher or professor who knows you well enough to evaluate your qualities and abilities. Both of the required recommendation forms must be completed by a math or science teacher or professor. Also, provide that individual with a stamped envelope, addressed to: MEP/MHP, California State University Sacramento, Sacramento, CA95819-6023.

Applicant’s Signature______Date______

Name (printed) ______Phone (___) ______

Address ______

City______State ______Zip ______

E-Mail Address: ______

Provided by math or science teacher or professor

I have known the applicant for a period of ____ years ____ months in my position as ______

Please rate the applicant in each of the following characteristics by circling the appropriate number.

1- Low 5- Average 10- High N- No Basis for Judgment

Motivation for School Work 12345678910 N

Initiative 1 2345678910 N

Enthusiasm in Math or Science12345678910 N

Cooperation/Teamwork12345678910 N

Dependability Completing Tasks/ Goals12345678910 N

Perseverance12345678910 N

Oral Expression12345678910 N

Written Expression12345678910 N

Leadership12345678910 N

Potential12345678910 N

Coachability (follows advice) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N _

I recommend this applicant: Not at all _____ Moderately _____ Enthusiastically ____

Additional Comments: ______



Please continue on the back of this form or attach letter of recommendation.

Name______Signature ______Date ______

School/College ______Phone (___) ______

Address ______City ______ZIP______Email: ______


MHP Fellowship


Provided by Applicant

Instructions to applicant: Give this form to a teacher or professor who knows you well enough to evaluate your qualities and abilities. Both of the required recommendation forms must be completed by a math or science teacher or professor. Also, provide that individual with a stamped envelope, addressed to: MEP/MHP, California State University Sacramento, Sacramento, CA 95819-6023.

Applicant’s Signature______Date______

Name (printed) ______Phone (___) ______

Address ______

City______State ______Zip ______

E-Mail Address: ______

Provided by math or science teacher or professor

I have known the applicant for a period of ____ years ____ months in my position as ______

Please rate the applicant in each of the following characteristics by circling the appropriate number.

1- Low 5- Average 10- High N- No Basis for Judgment

Motivation for School Work 12345678910 N

Initiative 1 2345678910 N

Enthusiasm in Math or Science12345678910 N

Cooperation/Teamwork12345678910 N

Dependability Completing Tasks/ Goals12345678910 N

Perseverance12345678910 N

Oral Expression12345678910 N

Written Expression12345678910 N

Leadership12345678910 N

Potential12345678910 N

Coachability (follows advice) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N _

I recommend this applicant: Not at all _____ Moderately _____ Enthusiastically ____

Additional Comments: ______



Please continue on the back of this form or attach letter of recommendation.

Name______Signature ______Date ______

School/College ______Phone (___) ______

Address ______City ______ZIP______Email: ______