Lochardil Primary School

P1BTerm 2Learning Overview

The children have made a brilliant start to term 2 and we are all excited about our learning over the next few weeks until Christmas.

The table below shares some of our weekly routines for term 2.

Monday / Library- book change day, please ensure your child brings their book every Monday to swap. We do not collect books in on the other days.
Tuesday / Transition activities with the Pre-school children
PE – Muga (weather permitting)
Wednesday / PE – Dining hall
Thursday / PE – Dining hall
Friday / Assembly
Golden Time

Rewards System

We have a House System in school and the children enjoy earning House Points which are usually given for individual rewards such as working well, listening carefully, being kind to others. The children have been allocated to a House and should know which one they are a member of. Golden Time is a reward on Fridays for children’s hard work and positive behaviour over the course of the week. Golden Time can be ‘lost’ for inappropriate behaviour and can also be earned back through good work and behaviour. We use Star Writer recognition for super effort with story writing. We have started a ‘Wow Wall’ in class to share photographs of children’s specialachievements. We love to include things from outside school, so please let us know if your child achieves anything such as going up a group at swimming, taking part in a competition, winning a medal, starting to cycle without stabilisers etc.

Homework will continue to be sent home each night this term, concentrating on phonics , key words and reading. Reading books containing text will be introduced gradually to all pupils. Different reading groups will receive their new reading books for the week staggered on different days. These will be given out with reading tasks to practise at home each day until the next book is taught in class. The reading words envelope may be replaced, as children become more confident with their words, with a word sheet. As the term progresses a variety of other homework tasks covering different aspects of the curriculum will be issued.

At Lochardil we recognise the importance of developing global citizens through Learning For Sustainability. We use the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award as a focus for driving forward this work and each month we have a Right of the Month.

November– Article 16: You have the right to privacy

December– Article 23: You have the right to special education and care if you have a disability, as well as all the rights in this convention, so that you can live a full life.

This term’s planned key learning experiences are included below. There are a variety of activities included which are designed to encourage new knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. I have included the three core learning areas and also our class topic to give you a general picture of what we will be getting up to! By the end of this term I would expect most children to have achieved the targets listed, and for all children to have achieved and attained the best they can.

Literacy (reading, writing, talking, listening)
By the end of Term 2, most children will be able to:
  • Continue to develop fine motor skills using scissors, threading, playdough and pincer pencil grip
  • Form taught letters correctly
  • Blend phonic sounds together orally to make simple words (using print for some)
  • Re-tell a story using words and pictures
  • Further develop listening skills and ask simple questions
/ Numeracy and Mathematics
By the end of Term 2, most children will be able to:
  • Identify a number when asked to calculate ‘1/2 more than…’ or 1/2 less than…
  • Identify a number ‘before, after and between’ to 10 and beyond
  • Count on and back in 1s from a given number
  • Begin to add two numbers
  • Form numerals 0-10 correctly
  • Recognise 2D and 3D shapes
  • Create simple patterns

Health and Wellbeing
By the end of Term 2, most children will be able to:
  • Continue to talk about our feelings
  • Discuss Halloween and Bonfire Night Safety
  • To reinforce rules and routines of the classroom/school and develop further confidence in the school environment
  • Use and share space in PE through exploring ways we can move rhythmically, expressively and playfully.
  • Improve their fitness and stamina.
  • Take on a responsibility in caring for our classroom
/ Interdisciplinary Studies
‘Marevellous Me’
  • Identify my 5 senses and use them to explore the world around me.
‘Celebrations and Festivals’
By the end of Term 2, most children will be able to:
  • Understand what celebration means
  • Know how people celebrate Remembrance Day, St Andrew’s day, Hanukkah, Christmas and why
  • Talk about events that are special to their family and say howthey are celebrated
  • Participate in a Nativity performance

All children across P1 and P2 classes will be participating in a Christmas Nativity this term. We will be working hard on our singing and actions ready to entertain you all with a wonderful performance later in the term. Dates and times will follow in due course.

Please remember to clearly label all items of clothing, water bottles, packed lunch boxes etc.We have a very warm classroom and I encourage the children to remove layers and drink water during the day (no diluting, fruit or fizzy juice, please)so please allow your child to bring a water bottle to school each day.

  • Into Film Festival , 23rd November 2017 ,“My Neighbour Totoro”, Eden Court
  • Open Afternoon, 7th December 2017, 2.00-2.45pm

Thank you all for your support over last term.Please remember that you are welcome to get in touch with me at any time. Please try to catch me at the end of the day, except Friday, e-mail if you prefer, phone the school office to arrange an appointment.

Mrs Helen Mudie