Website: Studying the Word of God

Authors: Brian K. McPherson and Scott McPherson

Web Address (URL):

Gospel Overview Section Two Test (Moses through Solomon)

Pages 22-51

1.  Who did God send to deliver the people of Israel from oppression?______

2.  Where are the Israelites living when the deliverer comes? ______

3.  How long had the children of Israel been living there? ______

4.  The people of Israel are ______while waiting for the promises of God.

a.  Ruling

b.  Celebrating

c.  Suffering

d.  Prospering

5.  Whose body/bones do the children of Israel take with them when they leave Egypt? ______

6.  Moses setup a ______between the people of Israel and God.

a.  Wall

b.  Temple

c.  Idol

d.  Covenant

7.  Where does Moses lead the children of Israel? ______

8.  True or False? Does Moses himself go with the people of Israel into where they are going?

9.  True or False? It’s okay to worship God with new ways that you learn from the pagan nations.

10.  Moses warns the people of Israel that if they disobey God’s word, God will do what?

a.  Kick them out of the land

b.  Bless them

c.  Give them victory

d.  Protect them

11.  Before he dies Moses prophesies that one day God will send the children of Israel another deliverer who will give them a new ______.

12.  How do you know if a prophet is from God?

a.  ______

b.  ______

13.  What were the people of Israel supposed to do to a prophet who leads people away from God’s word? ______

14.  True or False? As man continues to try and get around the law, he invents additional ways of doing evil requiring the law to get more and more complex.

15.  Where does God desire to live with man? ______

16.  Aaron makes an idol out of gold. The people of Israel play what part in this?

a.  They don’t go along with Aaron

b.  Pressure him into it

c.  Warn him not to

d.  Are not aware of it

17.  True or False? It’s okay to practice idolatry as long as you do it unto God’s name.

18.  When the rest of the Israelites disobeyed God, the Levites were instructed to ______.

a.  Forgive them

b.  Ignore them

c.  Not associate with them

d.  Kill them

19.  True or False? It’s okay for us to change God’s instruction over time.

20.  True or False? The people of God were allowed to marry people from other nations.

21.  What might happen if God’s people married someone from the pagan nations? ______

22.  What was the name of man who led Israel after Moses and who else had this name?

a.  ______

b.  ______

23.  Joshua says “As for me and my ______we will serve the Lord.”

24.  Between Joshua and Samuel who led the people of Israel?

a.  Judges

b.  Kings

c.  Presidents

d.  Moses

25.  When Samuel hears the Lord …

a.  He thinks he hears an actual voice

b.  He feels it in his heart

26.  When Eli’s sons do evil, the Lord is mad at Eli because Eli doesn’t…

a.  Love them

b.  Forgive them

c.  Stop them

d.  Ignore them

27.  True or False? God speaks to people all the time.

28.  Who does Samuel anoint as the first king of Israel? ______

29.  What are the ways that Saul disobeyed God?

a.  ______

b.  ______

30.  Which is better?

a.  to honor the Lord with worship

b.  to do what His word says

31.  What was the consequence of Saul’s disobedience? ______

32.  True or False? Saul is correct that it is okay to ignore the specific details of God’s commands as long as you come close.

33.  What is God looking for in David that Saul didn’t have? ______

34.  While Saul didn’t kill King Agag, David killed ______out of his zeal for the Lord.

35.  How does David’s brother feel about David’s zeal for the Lord?

a.  He admires David

b.  He encourages David

c.  He helps David

d.  He says David is arrogant

36.  Saul persecutes David for doing righteousness. Circle ALL of the other times when the ungodly persecuted the righteous.

a.  Esau and Jacob

b.  Joseph’s brothers and Joseph

c.  Samuel and Agag

d.  Cain and Abel

37.  David had to wait ______before receiving God’s promise.

a.  Until the next morning

b.  Many years

c.  Ten days

d.  No time at all

38.  God promises David that one of his ______will always be king.

39.  True or False? David understands that resurrection is a part of God’s plan.

40.  Which one of David’s sons becomes king after David dies? ______

41.  What does Solomon build? ______

42.  Who leads Solomon into worshipping other Gods? ______

43.  What is the consequence of Solomon’s disobedience?

a.  He is killed

b.  Nothing

c.  He is sold into slavery

d.  God takes the kingdom away from his son

44.  After Solomon dies, the kingdom of Israel is split between two men … (circle two)

a.  Rehoboam

b.  Jeroboam

c.  Samuel

d.  David