Teacher’s Guide /
Edgefield County School District /
The Real Deal (There should be an icon on your Zen screen.)
Use the correctlink above to access the appropriate Enrich site.
Use your Novell Login.
Search for student.
Click on Programs tab.
All active SpEd students currently have only a Converted Data Plan (IEP pieces transferred from Excent). You may click on View Details button to see components of the IEP as they transferred from Excent. Some data will be missing.
You will have to add an IEP for each student before any meeting.
Click + Add IEP.
Choose IEP type.
IEP MEETING – Early Childhood (3-5)
+ Create a new meeting
- Date and Time
- Location
- Participants
Notice of Meeting
Age of Majority?
Outside Agencies? Note: Outside Agency Permission document is only necessary if 'Yes' is selected.
Meeting Notice Details
- Date Notice Sent (First Notice of Meeting)
- Additional items to be discussed? (Transition, ESY, To develop an initial IEP if appropriate)
Record of Parent Contact
- Date
- Method of Contact (Must have two varied attempts.)
- Details
- + ADD Each additional attempt.
Parent Response
- Parent response received?
- Date response received
- Parent response
- Did parent request accommodations? (interpreter, etc.)
Enrollment (auto populates)
- Service District (Edgefield)
- Service School (school where services are provided if different from zoned school)
- Home District (Usually Edgefield – where student has legal residence)
- Home School (Zoned school)
Dates (auto populates)
- Initiating Meeting Date (meeting date)
- Start Date (day after meeting if parent or adult student attends; 5 days after if not)
- Planned End Date (one year minus one day from meeting date)
- Next Review Due By (one year minus one day from meeting date)
- Initial Eligibility Date (some may be blank)
- Latest Eligibility Date (latest eval/reeval date)
- Next Eligibility Due By (three years minus one day from latest eligibility date)
- Latest Consent for Services (I will have to enter this if available)
Consideration of Special Factors
Does the student’s behavior impede the student’s learning or the learning of others? If yes: What positive behavioral interventions and supports, and other strategies, have been or will be used to address the behavior?
Does the student exhibit behavior that requires a Functional Behavioral Assessment? If yes: If an FBA has not been conducted for the student, or the student’s FBA is not current, initiate the FBA process. The FBA process will include obtaining consent for the evaluation (not applicable in Edgefield, as we provide this service to all students, not just SpEd), conducting the evaluation, and reconvening the IEP team to consider the results of the evaluation and to amend the student’s IEP as necessary. To initiate the FBA process in SC Enrich, select the Functional Behavioral Assessment action in the dropdown menu that appears when you select the ass action button in the Programs tab.
Does the student exhibit behavior that requires a Behavioral Intervention Plan? If yes: To initiate the BIP process in SC Enrich, select the Behavioral Intervention Plan action in the dropdown menu that appears when you select the ass action button in the Programs tab. If there is currently a BIP in place, go to the View History link on the Programs tab and print the BIP to attach.
Does the student have Limited English Proficiency? (ESOL Services?)If yes: What are the language needs of the student and how do they relate to the student’s IEP?
Is the student blind or visually impaired? If yes: Is instruction in Braille or the use of Braille appropriate for the student? If yes, how will Braille be used for the student?
Does the student have communication needs? If yes: What are the communication needs and how will they be addressed?
Does the student need Assistive Technology devices and/or services? (includes calculator) If yes: Describe the Assistive Technology devices and/or services that will be provided to the student.
Present Levels of Performance
Narrative (Summarize)
- Student Strengths, Preferences, Interests
- What are the student’s pre-academic, social/emotional and functional strengths?
- What are the student’s pre-academic, social/emotional and functional needs?
- How does the disability affect his/her involvement in age appropriate activities?
- Parent/Student input on PLAAFP
Findings (Be specific - Measurable Data, Test Scores, Grade Equivalents)
- Academic Achievement
- Area of Assessment (Reading, Math, Written Expression, Oral Expression, Readiness Skills, Listening Expression, Speech/Language, Other)
- Date
- Method or Name of Assessment (Can enter Multiple Assessments – PASS, MAP, Curriculum Based Measures)
- Findings
- + Add additional Area(s) of Assessment as needed
- Functional Performance
- Area of Assessment (Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills, Speech/Language, Daily Living Skills, Social Skills, Behavior Skills, Functional Skills, Organizational Skills, Study Skills, Other )
- Date
- Method or Name of Assessment
- Findings
- + Add additional Area(s) of Assessment as needed
Progress Report Frequency to Parents/Guardians (4.5 Weeks)
- Area of Need (select from dropdown menu)
- Start date (auto-populates to day after meeting, leave unless parent/adult student does not attend or you are creating goals that will be worked on for part of the year rather than annually)
- Projected Achievement Date (auto populates to one year minus one day from meeting, unless you are creating goals that will be worked on for part of the year rather than annually)
- Measurable Goal
- Objectives (required if SC-Alt)
- Progress Monitoring (we aren’t requiring at this time)
- + Add Goal(s) as needed
Accommodations and Modifications
Accommodations: What type(s) of accommodation(s) if any is (are) necessary for the student to access the general curriculum and/or appropriate activities to make effective progress?
Add Accommodations (select common accommodations from dropdown menu; select custom to enter an accommodation not listed) or select ‘No curricular or non-curricular accommodations were identified by the team.’
Add Modifications (select common modifications from dropdown menu) or select ‘No curricular or non-curricular modifications were identified by the team.’
Special Education/Related Services/Supplementary Aids and Services
- Select Area from dropdown menu.
- Service Provider Role (select from dropdown menu)
- Direct or Indirect (face to face with student or not)
- Setting (Inside or Outside General Education Classroom?)
- Schedule ___ /(times, hours, or minutes)/(daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, only one, Twice, Three Times, Quarterly, Biweekly, Consultation)
- Average min/wk auto-populates
Check ‘Excludes Summer Months’ if applies.
Describe any specific requirements or instructions for transportation services.
Describe any specific directions, considerations, or delivery methods for special education, other related services, and supplementary aids and services
Assessment Participation
District Assessments
- Add MAP; specify Yes/No/NA; list accommodations (oral only allowable for Math section of MAP.
- Explain why student will not participate if applicable.
Choose the appropriate level of participation for this student in each assessment category:
- State Assessments
- ELDA (Standard, Standard w/ Accommodations, Non-Standard, Not in Group)
- NAEP (Math, Reading, Science in grades 4, 8, 12, Writing, TEL, C/E/G/H - N/A Grade)
- PASS (Standard, Standard w/ Accommodations, Non-Standard, Alternate, Not in Group)
- Parent has been informed of all differences and their effects on any alternate participations if applicable
- Will the child participate in alternate assessment instead of general assessment? If yes: Explain why the student cannot participate in the general assessment and why the particular assessment is appropriate.
- Was oral administration provided as an accommodation? If yes: Explain why the IEP team determined that oral administration was necessary and list all data reviewed to support this decision.
- Was non-standard (oral ELA or calculator in grades 3-4 PASS, word processor with spell-check enabled) selected for any assessment? If yes: List all the accommodations that will be provided. For each non-standard accommodation, explain why the accommodation is necessary for the student to access the assessment.
Least Restrictive Environment
Placement Setting and Delivery Model
- Setting: Select the placement option from dropdown menu that best describes the student’s placement for the program developed by the IEP team.
- Delivery of Instruction and Services: Identify how the student’s instruction in core content areas (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies) will be delivered – check all that apply.
- Describe any specific directions relating to the student's placement or the delivery of instruction and services:
Participation with Students without Disabilities
- Check the academic areas and nonacademic activities where the student will not participate with nondisabled students
- Removal Justification - If the student is removed from general education for any part of the school day, explain why the student is being removed.
Placement Options
- Placement Date (May add placement dates if the IEP is “split” and services are planned to change during the IEP).
- Select the correct Placement Option.
Extended School Year
ESY Considerations: If yes for any consideration, a box will open for description.
ESY Determination: If yes: Describe ESY Services necessary in order to receive FAPE. If TBD, give date of review and additional information needed.
ESY Program: Complete this section if the student will be receiving ESY Services.
Prior Written Notice
Date – Meeting Date
Description of the action that the school district proposes to take
Explanation of why the school district/agency proposes or refuses to take this action
Description of other choices the school district/agency considered and the reasons why those choices were rejected
Description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report the school district/agency used/will use as a basis for the proposed or refused action
Description of any other factors relevant to the school district/agency proposal or refusal
Sources (outside agencies or organizations) that parents may contact to obtain assistance in understanding the IEP or IEP process – I will provide a look-up in text assistant for you.
IEP MEETING - School Age (6-12)
+ Create a new meeting
- Date and Time
- Location
- Participants
Notice of Meeting
Age of Majority?
Outside Agencies? Note: Outside Agency Permission document is only necessary if 'Yes' is selected.
Meeting Notice Details
- Date Notice Sent (First Notice of Meeting)
- Additional items to be discussed? (Transition, ESY, To develop an initial IEP if appropriate)
Record of Parent Contact
- Date
- Method of Contact (Must have two varied attempts.)
- Details
- + ADD Each additional attempt.
Parent Response
- Parent response received?
- Date response received
- Parent response
- Did parent request accommodations? (interpreter, etc.)
Enrollment (auto populates)
- Service District (Edgefield)
- Service School (school where services are provided if different from zoned school)
- Home District (Usually Edgefield – where student has legal residence)
- Home School (Zoned school)
Dates (auto populates)
- Initiating Meeting Date (meeting date)
- Start Date (day after meeting if parent or adult student attends; 5 days after if not)
- Planned End Date (one year minus one day from meeting date)
- Next Review Due By (one year minus one day from meeting date)
- Initial Eligibility Date (some may be blank)
- Latest Eligibility Date (latest eval/reeval date)
- Next Eligibility Due By (three years minus one day from latest eligibility date)
- Latest Consent for Services (I will have to enter this if available)
Consideration of Special Factors
Does the student’s behavior impede the student’s learning or the learning of others? If yes: What positive behavioral interventions and supports, and other strategies, have been or will be used to address the behavior?
Does the student exhibit behavior that requires a Functional Behavioral Assessment? If yes: If an FBA has not been conducted for the student, or the student’s FBA is not current, initiate the FBA process. The FBA process will include obtaining consent for the evaluation (not applicable in Edgefield, as we provide this service to all students, not just SpEd), conducting the evaluation, and reconvening the IEP team to consider the results of the evaluation and to amend the student’s IEP as necessary. To initiate the FBA process in SC Enrich, select the Functional Behavioral Assessment action in the dropdown menu that appears when you select the ass action button in the Programs tab.
Does the student exhibit behavior that requires a Behavioral Intervention Plan? If yes: To initiate the BIP process in SC Enrich, select the Behavioral Intervention Plan action in the dropdown menu that appears when you select the ass action button in the Programs tab. If there is currently a BIP in place, go to the View History link on the Programs tab and print the BIP to attach.
Does the student have Limited English Proficiency? (ESOL Services?)If yes: What are the language needs of the student and how do they relate to the student’s IEP?
Is the student blind or visually impaired? If yes: Is instruction in Braille or the use of Braille appropriate for the student? If yes, how will Braille be used for the student?
Does the student have communication needs? If yes: What are the communication needs and how will they be addressed?
Does the student need Assistive Technology devices and/or services? (includes calculator) If yes: Describe the Assistive Technology devices and/or services that will be provided to the student.
Present Levels of Performance
Narrative (Summarize)
- Student Strengths, Preferences, Interests
- What are the student’s academic and functional strengths?
- What are the student’s academic and functional needs?
- How does the disability affect his/her involvement and progress in general curriculum?
- Parent/Student input on PLAAFP
Findings (Be specific - Measurable Data, Test Scores, Grade Equivalents)
- Academic Achievement
- Area of Assessment (Reading, Math, Written Expression, Oral Expression, Readiness Skills, Listening Expression, Speech/Language, Other)
- Date
- Method or Name of Assessment (Can enter Multiple Assessments – PASS, MAP, Curriculum Based Measures)
- Findings
- + Add additional Area(s) of Assessment as needed
- Functional Performance
- Area of Assessment (Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills, Speech/Language, Daily Living Skills, Social Skills, Behavior Skills, Functional Skills, Organizational Skills, Study Skills, Other )
- Date
- Method or Name of Assessment
- Findings
- + Add additional Area(s) of Assessment as needed
Progress Report Frequency to Parents/Guardians (4.5 Weeks)
- Area of Need (select from dropdown menu)
- Start date (auto-populates to day after meeting, leave unless parent/adult student does not attend or you are creating goals that will be worked on for part of the year rather than annually)
- Projected Achievement Date (auto populates to one year minus one day from meeting, unless you are creating goals that will be worked on for part of the year rather than annually)
- Measurable Goal
- Objectives (required if SC-Alt)
- Progress Monitoring (we aren’t requiring at this time)
- + Add Goal(s) as needed
Accommodations and Modifications
Accommodations: What type(s) of accommodation(s) if any is (are) necessary for the student to access the general curriculum and/or appropriate activities to make effective progress?
Add Accommodations (select common accommodations from dropdown menu; select custom to enter an accommodation not listed) or select ‘No curricular or non-curricular accommodations were identified by the team.’
Add Modifications (select common modifications from dropdown menu) or select ‘No curricular or non-curricular modifications were identified by the team.’
Special Education/Related Services/Supplementary Aids and Services
- Select Area from dropdown menu.
- Service Provider Role (select from dropdown menu)
- Direct or Indirect (face to face with student or not)
- Setting (Inside or Outside General Education Classroom?)
- Schedule ___ /(times, hours, or minutes)/(daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, only one, Twice, Three Times, Quarterly, Biweekly, Consultation)
- Average min/wk auto-populates
Check ‘Excludes Summer Months’ if applies.
Describe any specific requirements or instructions for transportation services.
Describe any specific directions, considerations, or delivery methods for special education, other related services, and supplementary aids and services
Assessment Participation
District Assessments
- Add MAP; specify Yes/No/NA; list accommodations (oral only allowable for Math section of MAP.
- Explain why student will not participate if applicable.
Choose the appropriate level of participation for this student in each assessment category:
- State Assessments
- ELDA (Standard, Standard w/ Accommodations, Non-Standard, Not in Group)
- NAEP (Math, Reading, Science in grades 4, 8, 12, Writing, TEL, C/E/G/H - N/A Grade)
- PASS (Standard, Standard w/ Accommodations, Non-Standard, Alternate, Not in Group)
- Parent has been informed of all differences and their effects on any alternate participations if applicable
- Will the child participate in alternate assessment instead of general assessment? If yes: Explain why the student cannot participate in the general assessment and why the particular assessment is appropriate.
- Was oral administration provided as an accommodation? If yes: Explain why the IEP team determined that oral administration was necessary and list all data reviewed to support this decision.
- Was non-standard (oral ELA or calculator in grades 3-4 PASS, word processor with spell-check enabled) selected for any assessment? If yes: List all the accommodations that will be provided. For each non-standard accommodation, explain why the accommodation is necessary for the student to access the assessment.
Least Restrictive Environment