AKSNA Aug 10, 2013 By-Laws
Membership shall consist of nine classes: active, members-at-large, life, retired, sustaining, affiliate, student, honorary, and associate. Where local chapters exist, active, life, retires and associate members shall also be members of a local chapter.
A local chapter may establish additional requirements for active students, retired and life members. Eligibility criteria for Association honorary and sustaining membership shall be set exclusively by the Association’s Executive Board.
1. Active Members. Active members shall consist of persons employed in eligible fields. An Active member may become a life member after ten years.
2. Members-at-large. Members-at-large shall consist of persons employed in eligible fields who are not members of state affiliates but are member of School Nutrition Association. A member-at-large may become a life member after ten years.
3. Life Members. Any active member or member-at-large may become a life member after ten years of active membership. Life membership shall be by executive board action.
4. Retired Members. An active or at-large member who retires from eligible employment becomes a retired member.
5. Sustaining Members. Sustaining members shall consist of individuals or organizations in industry who are committed to furthering the goals of the Association.
6. Affiliate Members. Affiliate members shall consist of individuals not employed in an eligible field who are interested in advancing the goals of the Association.
7. Student Members. Student members shall consist of persons enrolled in postsecondary institutions who are interested in advancing the goals of the Association.
8. Honorary Members. Honorary members shall consist of persons recognized by the Board for outstanding service Association.
9. Associate Members. Associate members shall consist of:
a. Persons directly employed by for-profit contract management companies;
b. Persons employed by national or state affiliate.
Eligible fields shall be defined as:
1. Persons employed at the preschool, school, school district, college, state, or federal levels in a food and nutrition program which serves meals to children.
2. Persons engaged in teaching or administration at the aforementioned levels.
3. Persons engaged in teaching present or potential school food service personnel.
4. Persons engaged in community nutrition programs.
5. Persons employed by the Association or a state affiliate.
All active, members-at-large, life, and retired members whose dues, if any, are currently paid, shall be entitled to vote for the election of officers for the coming year and to vote by any appropriate method approved by the board upon any matter submitted to the voting membership.
1. Active members who cease to be employed in an eligible field may continue as active members until their membership renewal date.
2. Retired members shall have the rights and privileges of active members.
3. Life members shall have all the rights and privileges of active members. A life member who becomes employed in a non eligible field shall forfeit the right to life membership and shall become an honorary member.
4. Sustaining, affiliate, student and honorary members shall be nonvoting members.
5. All members shall be eligible to attend the meetings of the House as observers.
1. Dues for the active, at-large and retired members shall be established by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the membership present at the annual meeting of the Association.
2. Dues for sustaining, life, student and affiliate members shall be established by the Board.
3. The Board may approve a discount of member dues for the purpose of promoting membership.
4. All rights and privileges of membership shall be terminated for nonpayment of dues.
5. Alaska School Nutrition Association may establish separate state membership dues so long as such dues so not exceed a sum equal to the national dues for such member’s class of membership.
The elected officers shall be: President, President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer.
All elected officers shall hold office until the end of the annual State Conference following the election of their successors. Candidates for State office shall membership in the State Association.
The candidate shall:
1. Have demonstrated leadership ability by participating at a State conference, or by serving on the Executive Board of the Association.
2. Be regularly employed in an eligible field, or life members for whom no conflict of interest exists.
3. Be elected for a specified term and shall retain active membership at the time of nomination and election. If a change in status occurs they shall complete their term of office provided one year of their term has been completed.
a. President. The President shall be the chief elected officer and shall serve for two (2) years.
b. President-elect. The President-elect shall serve for two (2) years.
To be eligible for this office, a candidate shall:
1) Have had previous service on the Executive Board.
2) Have attended at least one (1) Alaska State Conference.
c. Secretary. The secretary shall be elected and shall serve for two (2) years.
d. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be and shall serve for two (2) years.
e. Others. The Board may appoint other officers as necessary.
Election of Association officers shall be by any appropriate method approved by the board. The Board shall set the time lines for balloting procedures and notification of candidates.
a. Represents the Association in policy matters and is the chief spokesperson.
b. Serves as Chair of the Executive Board.
c. Presides at meetings.
d. Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees and advisory boards, except the nominating committee.
e. Prepares agenda for executive board meetings.
f. Appoints and may remove, with the approval of the Board, members of committees and advisory boards.
g. Appoints, with the approval of the Board, consultants to committees where needed.
h. Appoints and may remove, with the approval of the Board, the chairs of all committees and advisory boards.
i. Coordinates all activities of Industry and Marketing Advisory Boards.
j. Initiates response to action taken by the Executive Board.
k. Follows up on action taken by the membership at the annual meeting and by the Executive Board.
l. Establishes time schedules for meetings of the Association.
m. Follows up on the implementation of the State Plan of Action which is consistent with the National Plan of Action.
n. Coordinates activities of the Executive Board.
o. Shall appoint a parliamentarian with approval of the Board.
a. Studies the duties and responsibilities of the President, other members of the Board, committees, advisory boards and local chapters.
b. Presides at the State Annual Conference Business Meeting.
c. Chairs the committee, approved by the Board, to prepare a State Plan of Action for the ensuing year. This Plan of Action will be consistent with the SNA Plan of Action for that year.
d. Presents the Approved State Plan of Action to local chapters.
e. Represents the Association at the request of the President.
f. Performs the duties of the President in the President’s absence.
g. Succeeds to the office of President:
1) After having served as President-Elect for two (2) consecutive annual State Conferences or
2) In the event of the President’s death, resignation, or removal from office.
h. Recommends for approval of the Executive Board chairpersons of committees and boards to serve in his/her term of office. Serves as the state conference chairperson and is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the State Conference and the program agenda.
i. Coordinates revisions and updates of the Policy and Procedure Manual.
j. Performs other duties as assigned.
a. Accurately records all minutes of State Conference business meeting and all executive board meetings.
b. Sends appropriate notices and copies of the minutes of the Executive Board.
c. Performs other duties as assigned.
a. Supervises and monitors Association funds, investments, and securities.
b. Submits a financial report at the State conference and each board meeting.
c. Reports expenditures against budget.
d. Performs other duties as assigned.
1. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. The Executive Director shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall implement policies of the House, Board and Executive Committee consistent with efficient and effective business practices. The Executive Director shall be employed under contract by the Board.
2. Responsibilities of the Executive Director.
a. Conducts Association affairs.
b. Interprets and applies policies.
c. Fulfills the duties set forth in the contract.
d. Prepares performance standards for programming and manages work, personnel, money and materials for the Association with Board approval.
e. Other duties as assigned.
3. OTHERS. The Board may appoint other officers as necessary.
1. State Conference. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association; known as the State conference. The date and place of this State conference shall be determined by the Executive Board. Notice of this State conference shall be sent out to each member of the Association no less than 45 days before the conference.
2. Executive Board. The Executive Board shall meet immediately before or after the State conference and at the call of the President, or upon request of 60% of the voting members of the Board. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.
3. Special Meetings. Special meetings and seminars of the Association may be called or approved by the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall set limits within budgetary restraints for reimbursement of, and procedures for, expenditures by the Association members who travel on official Association business with prior approval for the Executive Board.
The House of Delegates (“House”) shall be the legislative and governing body of the Association. It shall formulate the philosophies and goals under which the Executive Board manages the affairs of the Association. The House shall adopt policies, hear committee and officer reports, take action on recommendations, resolutions, amendments to the Articles of incorporation, Bylaws, and Standing Rules; and have all other powers and duties specifically provided to it by the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
1. Composition.
a. The voting delegates shall include the Board, past-presidents, standing committee chairs and advisory board chairs, state presidents, state president-elect, state elected/appointed delegates or alternates.
b. Voting delegates of the House shall be active, members-at-large, life, or retired.
c. The Executive Director shall be a nonvoting member.
2. Responsibilities.
a. Formulates the philosophies and goals.
b. Debates and reviews matters of professional interest.
c. Makes general and specific recommendations to the Board.
d. Makes recommendations for the Strategic Plan and for the annual State Plan of Action.
e. Reviews reports of chapter affiliates, Board members, the Association office, state committees and advisory boards.
f. Takes action on proposed resolutions and amendments to the Bylaws.
3. Voting. Each Delegate is entitled to one vote.
4. Quorum. One-Third of the voting delegates shall constitute a quorum.
5. In the absence of a functioning House of Delegates, the Executive Board shall assume duties and responsibilities.
The Executive Board (“Board”) shall be the executive body of the Association. The Board shall formulate policies between meetings of the House; adopt the annual budget; review reports and resolutions; conduct and manage the affairs and have all other powers and duties specifically provided to it by the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws which are necessary to achieve the objectives not specifically delegated to other agents or agencies by the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws.
1. Composition.
a. Voting members of the Executive Board shall consist of the President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Chapter Presidents, Committee Chairs and State Director.
b. Past Presidents of the Association shall be voting members with the exception of the immediate Past President who serves as nominating chair. In lieu of no Past President, the board will assign a past board member for nominating chair.
c. Newly elected members become voting members immediately following their election.
d. The Executive Director shall be a nonvoting member.
2. Responsibilities.
a. Directs Association affairs in accordance with the philosophies, general policies, and goals adopted by the membership of the House.
b. Considers general and specific recommendations made by the membership or House.
c. Appoints persons to act for the Association and defines their specific responsibilities.
d. Adopts the annual budget including, but not limited to, budgets for all meetings of the Association.
e. Manages and directs all financial affairs.
f. Adopts the audit of the Association books.
g. Authorizes persons to sign checks, contracts, and other documents for the Association.
h. Approves all committee and advisory board appointments.
i. Fills vacancies of unexpired terms of Executive Board members, unless otherwise specified.
j. Reviews and approves the program for all state conferences and seminars.
k. Adopts a strategic Plan of Action.
l. Adopts a State Plan of Action for the ensuing year for the Association.
m. Recommends positions on policies to the membership or House.
n. Provides leadership in working with allied associations and groups which share a similar purpose.
o. Fills vacancies occurring in office by majority vote.
p. Employs an Executive Director and/or attorney, as needed when funding is available.
q. In the absence of a functioning House of Delegates, the Executive Board shall assume duties and responsibilities.
3. Quorum. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.
The state shall have Chapter Affiliates chartered by the Board. Each Affiliate shall be entitled to representation on the Board provided the following conditions are met.
1. A chapter Affiliate may establish separate chapter membership dues as long as such dues do not exceed a sum equal to the state dues for such member’s class of membership.