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I. Office 2007 upgrading methods and steps

Step 1: Checking and Preparing before upgrading

1. The Office 2007 installation requires a minimum of 1.6GB free space on the C:drive, even if you are installing on the drive other than C: drive. If you want to install Office 2007 on the C: drive, make sure the C: drive has at least 2.5GB of free space. A lack of free space will likely result in a failure during installation.

2. Before the installation you should save any open Office documents, and close any running Office programs.

3. Only those PCs whoseOS is Windows XP SP2+ and memory is greater than or equal to 1GBshouldupgrade form Office 2003 to Office 2007. The Integrated installation tool will automatically determine if the user's computer meets the Office 2007 upgrade conditions or not by interaction with the user. If not, the tool will ask the user to install the Office 2007 compatible patch for Office 2003.(compatible patch location:\\local fs\Root\Software\System\$Patch\Office_2003\FileFormatConverters_en.exe);

Step 2: Shenzhen HQ has prepared8 Office 2007 install servers, and most of oversea regions also have their own Office 2007 install servers. Please select the file server form which you may install Office 2007 according to the rules below:

(1)The following 5 servers, ONLY for HQ R&D users:

Server 1:

Chinese versionOffice 2007:


English versionOffice 2007:


Server 2:

Chinese versionOffice 2007:


English versionOffice 2007:


Server 3:

Chinese versionOffice 2007:


English versionOffice 2007:


Server 4:

Chinese versionOffice 2007:


English versionOffice 2007:


Server 5:

Chinese versionOffice 2007:


English versionOffice 2007:


(2)The following 3 servers, ONLY for HQ NONE R&D users:

Server 1:

Chinese version Office 2007:


English version Office 2007:


Server 2:

Chinese version Office 2007:

\\gz-fs\Root\Software\Application\Document Management\Editor\MSoffice\Office2007\Office2007_cn

English version Office 2007:

\\gz-fs\Root\Software\Application\Document Management\Editor\MSoffice\Office2007\Office2007_En

Server 3:

Chinese version Office 2007:

\\lg-fs\Root\Software\Application\Document Management\Editor\MSoffice\Office2007\Office2007_cn

English version Office 2007:

\\lg-fs\Root\Software\Application\Document Management\Editor\MSoffice\Office2007\Office2007_en

(3)Users in different regions:

Find your local file serverand folder where the Office 2007 Integrated Installation package is located, Just replace the ‘File Server’ in the hyper-link below with your localregion file serve name(your local region serve name can be found by click this linkfile server name in diffrent region), and select Chinese or English version to install.

Chinese version Office 2007:

\\ File Server \Root\Software\Application\Document Management\Editor\MSoffice\Office2007\Office2007_cn

English version Office 2007:

\\ File Server \Root\Software\Application\Document Management\Editor\MSoffice\Office2007\Office2007_en

Step 3:

You ONLY need to run Office 2007 Integrated Installation Tool.exein the folder to install Office 2007. As shown in the Figure below.

In order to ensure a smooth upgrade , be sure to use the integrated installation tool (Office 2007 Integrated Installation Tool.exe) to uninstall Office 2003 first and then install Office 2007, or it may cause an incomplete uninstall of Office 2003, which will lead to a variety of unpredictable problems when subsequently using Office 2007.

Step 4:

YOU MUST CLICK the ‘Help’ BUTTONin the tool and read the Instructions Document carefully before you pressing the ‘Start Install’ button. Otherwise, you can’t continue to install Office 2007.

Step 5:

Click the ‘Start Install’ Button in the tool to start Office 2003 uninstall, Office 2007 installation, IRM Tool installation, and Office templates installation sequentially.

II. Interactive Command Reference between Office 2003 and Office 2007

Take Shenzhen HQ for example, you just need to replace the ‘File server’ string in the following hyperlinks with your local file server name, then you can download the Interactive Command ReferenceMaterials from your local file server.

English Version:

\\File server\Root\Software\Application\Document Management\Editor\MSoffice\Office2007\Office2007_en\OfficeLearningEN

Chinese Version:

\\ File server\Root\Software\Application\Document Management\Editor\MSoffice\Office2007\Office2007_cn\OfficeLearningCN

Example: If you want to find the ‘Save As…’ command in Word 2007, (1) you just need to runWordLearningEN.exe in this folder, (2) click the ‘Save As…’ command in the Word 2003 flash, (3)the Flash will automatic show you where the ‘Save As…’command located in Office 2007, As shown in figure below.

III.Feedback and help

Domestic Users:

  1. ITSM post issues:
  2. Email:
  3. IT Hotline: +8675528560160 (Short Number: 60160)
  4. Recommended: Case searching on IT Service Platform to find solutions by yourself

Overseas Users:Please ask your local regional IT support staff for help

  1. All Regional Technical Support staffslist:

See attachment <IT technical support person in different region.xls

2010-11-24 / 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 / 第1页, 共4页