Mon 11thSt Clare (Virgin)

We pray for Stephen, our Bishop

Tue 12th Feria

We pray for Retailers and Traders

19.00Bell ringing practise

Wed 13th Feria

We pray for our Pastoral Visitors

Thur 14th St Maximillian Kolbe (Pr & Mr)

We pray for Persecuted Christians

12.15 Mass

Fri 15th Assumption of the BVM

We pray for the work and witness of Walsingham

16.00Wedding Rehearsal


Sat 16th Feria

We pray for Daniel & Clare Webb


Daniel Webb & Claire Ross

Patronal Festival

We pray for our Parish

18.00First Mass of Sunday

Sun 17th


09.00Morning Prayer

10.00Sung Mass

Readings for Sunday 17thAugust:

First Reading: Revelation, 10

Psalm: Psalm 44.10-12, 16

Second Reading: 1 Corinthian 15.20-26

Gospel: Luke 1.39-56


Please note that Fr Mark will be on holiday from Friday 1st August until Friday 15th August. In his absence please contact one of the Churchwardens about urgent matters concerning the Parish. BothFr Lionel and FrPaul are helping to coverasmany services as possible, please check the pew sheet for full details. If a priest is required urgently, please contact the Churchwardens in the first instance.

Welcome to our Celebration Today

TheWalsingham room is available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. Atthe end of Mass please stay and join us for coffee and refreshments. Thegreen books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns are found in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:

Music at the Sung Mass NEH

Process.At the name of Jesus (verses 1-5)338

OffertoryDear Lord and Father of mankind353

Comm. Jesus calls us! O’er the tumult200

Process.Fight the good fight359

Mass SettingW

Christening Prayers

Please include Honey Deakin in your prayers as sheprepares for her christening on 24th August, and for Mia Cherrie and Isabelle Davis-Paul to be christened on the 7th September.

Open Church

Last year the Church was open on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 2pm – 4pm. This proved popular with visitors and volunteers and so the plan isto do it again this year. A blank rota sheet is on the table at the back of Church, please sign up for slots ifyou can.

Festival Lunch

This coming Sunday we will celebrate our Patronal Festival. This is a good opportunity for a party! Make sure you buy your tickets from LindaGreen for this Festival Lunch. Adults £5 to include meal, dessert and a glass of wine, Children £3 (under 16), Family Ticket £15 (up to three children). Ifinterested, put your name on the list at the back of Church and choose your meal option.

Bereavement Service

Our next Bereavement Service takes place on Sunday 7th September at 5pm. Volunteers to welcome the relatives invited to this service and to serve tea and cake will be needed. If you can help, please speak to Fr Mark on his return.

Parish Contacts

Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071

Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296

Tony Young 01621 929309

Parish Website:
