Burnham Copse Primary School

Minutes of Full Governing Body Meeting

Wednesday 20th March 2013


Penny Waterfield (PW) Chair

Ali Armstrong (AA) – left at 8.05pmActing Headteacher

Lyn Downes (LD) – left at 8.05pmHeadteacher

Howard Ambler (HA)– left at 8.05pm

Careyanne Williams (CW)

Jason Miles (JM)

David Read (DR) – left at 7.00pm

Helen Follett (HF) – left at 8.05pm

Mike Bound (MB)

Francina Harper (FH)

Tracey Tatam (TT)

Phil Tanner (PT)

Chris Elkins (CE)

Nathan Brown (NB)

In attendance:

Lisa Philpott (LP)Clerk

Alex Baptie (AB) – left at 7.25pmObserver

GraceJeffreys (GJ) – left at 7.25pmObserver


Barney Stupples (BS)

Mike Christmas (MC)

The meeting commenced at 6.30pm.

Item / Subject / Action
1.2 / Welcome, Apologies and Disclosure of Interests
Alex Baptie and Grace Jeffreys were welcomed to the meeting as observers.
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Mike Christmas and Barney Stupples.
Pecuniary Interests: Helen Follett updated her pecuniary interest form as she is now permanently employed in the school office.
2.2 / Minutes of the FGB meeting held on 14 January 2013
The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a true and accurate record.
Matters arising:
Item 5:Website Working Party – an update was circulated to the GB in advance of the meeting. It was a very comprehensive report and the actions to update the website were approved. ACTION: Add to next Children’s Committee agenda. Item 7.2: A whole GB training session has been arranged. ACTION: MC to confirm date and details. / LP
3.2 / Strategic Evaluation Plan
Monitor progress against SEP
The Headteacher’s report was circulated before the meeting and some questions were raised. In response to a question about Schools Direct, it was explained that Reading University have only 50 students on the scheme and they are mainly for secondary school teaching. This means that the opportunities to share and swap students are greatly reduced and the school is pleased with the decision made not to take any students via this scheme.
Inset & Training: A question was raised about the impact of the visit to Sarisbury Infant School. It was explained that teachers were able to reinforce the positive elements shared between the two schools but also bring back ideas for enhancing the learning environment. Examples were given of ideas to brighten up the entrance hall with displays from all the children describing their classes and the relevant bird attached to it. There are also plans to use the school hall more to celebrate children’s achievements.
It was explained that the training on the Assessment Manager data system was useful to show exactly what it is able to do. There are benefits to using one system but at the moment it does not have all the functionality of the school’s current system.
Starlings Group: Since the HT report was distributed, 98 children are now booked into the club and the school is confident that numbers will reach the 102 required to run the club without incurring a loss. A question was raised about the value of the Tucasi system in chasing payments for the club. It was confirmed that the school is able to recover debts as they are identified quickly.
Extra-curricular school clubs: There is a great deal of staff involvement in the extra-curricular clubs with gardening being the latest offering. The difficulty is being able to fit them all in the week! A governor asked if the school was aware of the free basic first aid courses offered by the Red Cross to primary school pupils. ACTION: NB to provide details to AA. DR left the meeting at 7pm.
Update on Pupil Premium: The headteacher’s report included details of the support provided to those children receiving pupil premium funding.
Review attendance and punctuality: Attendance for the academic year to date is 95.2% which is line with the target. / NB
4.1 / Schools’ Financial Value Standard
To agree submission – The document was circulated before the meeting and thanks were extended to JM for his work in preparing the document. The governors’ attention was drawn to the actions on the final page. The document was APPROVED for signature by the Chair of Governors. / PW
5.2.3 / Committee Reports
Children’s Committee – 4 March 2013
The minutes were circulated before the meeting and PW provided a verbal summary of the main points. It was agreed that Pupil Premium should be an agenda item for both Full Governing Body and Children’s Committee meetings.
Policy Approval - The following policies were APPROVED:
Target-setting, Assessment, Recording & Reporting, Behaviour & Assertive Discipline, Equal Opportunities, Able and More Able, Early Years Foundation Stage, Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
Finance & Facilities - 6 February 2013
The minutes were circulated before the meeting and JM provided a verbal summary of the main points, including the confidential minutes.
Policy Approval – The following policies were APPROVED:
Laptop security, Governor Expenses, Best Value Statement, Fire Safety, Lettings
Tour of Buildings: This will take place on Monday 10 June 2013 at 1.30pm. All governors are welcome.
Budget Approval: An additional Finance & Facilities Committee meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 8 May at 6pm. This will be followed by the rescheduled FGB meeting at 6.30pm.
6.1 / Training
Many governors are undertaking training courses and it was agreed that good value for money was achieved. Courses can be booked via the Training Liaison Governor (Mike Christmas) or Penny Waterfield.
7. / Year R Intake – 2013 to 2016
This item is covered under confidential minutes – part A (Alex Baptie and Grace Jeffreys left the meeting at 7.25pm).
8. / Headteacher Secondment
This item is covered under confidential minutes – part B (Ali Armstrong, Lyn Downes, Helen Follett and Howard Ambler left the meeting at 8.05pm).
9.7 / Any other business
Online booking for parent’s evening: Feedback from parent governors on the new system is very positive. Parents are still able to book via the school office if necessary.
Outside light for car park: Quotes from recommended contractors are high at approximately £500. ACTION: HA to confirm insurance requirements and PW to seek alternative quotes from local contractors. ACTION: Add to next F&F agenda.
Weather: The recent thunderstorm caused problems with the alarm system, the electronic windows and some lighting. The site manager is working on resolving any outstanding issues.
Damage to barrier in car park: One of the retaining posts holding the barrier to the car park has been badly damaged. A parent is suspected of causing the damage but has not claimed responsibility. This is not covered by insurance and the school is likely to have to bear the cost. The details have been passed to Legal Services.
Comic Relief: Congratulations and thanks were extended to the staff for their involvement in the ‘Wrong Direction’ Youtube video!
The Tadley Grapevine: An article from a local councillor,which was very negative about the school, the Headteacher and the local authority, was published in the Tadley Grapevine magazine. The April edition of Grapevine will publish a response from the LA.
Next FGB Meeting: The original FGB meeting scheduled for 20 May 2013 has been rescheduled to take place on Wednesday 8 May 2013. ACTION: AA to investigate whether a joint staff/GB curricular meeting can take place prior to the FGB. / HA/PW
10. / Date of next meeting: Wednesday 8 May2013

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Signed: ...... Date: ......

BCPS GB Minutes 20.03.2013

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