
Autumn 1

Autumn 2
/ Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2


(Text level work) / Induction unit (Pirates - limericks, description, diary, story)
Journalistic writing
/ Recounts
Writing narrative
Christmas stories for younger audience / Visual literacy (Harry Potter)
Reading & writing non-fiction
Formal/impersonal writing / Classic poetry
Extending narrative (reading)
Timeslip stories / Argument
Persuasive writing
SATS test
Performance poetry / Authors & texts
Extending narrative (writing)
Leavers’ assembly work
Science / Light /
Electricity (inc. series and parallel circuits, and symbols)
/ Living things
Habitats / Life Cycles
Animals and Humans / Evolution and Inheritance / Practical investigations:
Separating materials- chemical changes
Floating & sinking
ICT / Internet research / E-safety Word Processing,
Control & logical programming (Mission Control / Scratch) / Desktop publishing (e.g. newspaper report on Anglo Saxons – Sutton Hoo) / Internet research
Spreadsheets (formatting and formulae, real life applications) / Windows Movie Maker (e.g. persuasive advertisements) / Control & logical programming
(Logicator 2) / Publisher/Powerpoint – Project work
History / Pirates(Induction work)
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
Origins, Settlements,
Lifestyles, Sutton Hoo / Anglo-Saxons and VikingsReligion, Warfare, Language, Legacy etc. / Mayan Civilisation
Settlements, Lifestyles, Legacy etc.
Geography / Which countries involved in Anglo-Saxon/Viking immigration / BiomesStudy of different biomes, (wetlands, polar), Geographical features,
Climate, Animals, Plants,
People, Environment / MountainsDistribution of mountain areas (atlas work)
How they are formed
Mountain tourism, O.S. maps, Grid references / Independent country study
Art & Design / Seascapes
Sketching – own shoes
Shoe designs inspired by Andy Warhol / Sketching - bottles
Saxon pots/runes – clay
London scenes (water colours) / Animal papier maché masks (biomes link)
Artist study – L.S. Lowry / Mayan art study / Watercolours of mountain landscapes / Artist study (choice) – mixed media
Design & Technology / Pirate ship models,
Saxon longboats / Sewing – Christmas tree hanging
Food Tech: biscuits/mince pies / Bridges (success criteria: load, span, design) / Mayan link: e.g. chocolate, pyramids / Egg flinging design and evaluate (build at home) / Beach shoes (success criteria: strength, design, comfort)
R.E./SEAL / New Beginnings
Living by Rules
Being Fair and Just / Getting on and Falling out, Say No to Bullying, Christmas,
Joining in, Appreciating Beauty / Going for Goals
Being Loyal, Courage and Confidence / Good to be me
Suffering and Forgiveness / Relationships
Expressing Joy
Remembering Roots / Changes
Being Curious, Valuing Knowledge, Reflection, ISLAM
P.E. / OAA unit 3
Dance unit 6 / Invasion Games
Gymnastics unit 6 / Invasion Games
Dance unit 6 / Athletics
Gymnastics unit 6 / Athletics
HRE / Striking & Fielding unit 2
Net & Wall unit 2
Music / Rhythm & pulse – note values, musical techniques / Creating own accompaniments / Music making materials: Recycling/Live/Electronic music
Make own instruments & rehearsing in ensemble groups / The A to Z of Music
French / Where do you live? Places in a town. / Asking for and giving directions. / Food and drink vocabulary / Ordering in a café, buying ice creams / Numbers to 100, Euros / Project based on French trip
Educational Visits /Visitors / FRANCE Residential / London (Houses of Parliament, HMS Belfast, London Eye) / Safeside / Science Museum / Book week author visit / Sex Educationsessions
Dovedale visit / Mosque
Secondary school visits