Section / Instructional Routine / Time
Warm-up Activities / Review Activity:
Sound link - Using chain links, students take off a link for the sound deleted in the word. Examples: fat - at; cat - ca; big - bg
Word List: fat, cat, big, pig, pet, fox, run, hop, mud, bug, Bub, Ned, Bob / 2 min.
Phonological Awareness and Articulation of Skill / Activate Phonemic Awareness:
Picture sort: words with short a/short e from available resources. If not available, Students touch a red manipulative if they hear short a, touch blue manipulative if hear short e.
1. Model for students short a sound. Have students watch your mouth, imitate you chorally. 2. Have students look in mirrors. What's the shape of your mouth when you say/aaaaa/? Repeat same process for short e. / 3 min.
Letter-Sound Correspondence / Letter sound Correspondence: Hold up the letter a- tell students that the letter a stands for /a/ in CVC words. Have students hold up a letter a card when you say /a/.Repeat for short e. Practice short a / short e sound and students identifying sound.
Word List: men, Cat , Cap, tap, can,met, dad, ten, Ben, set, vet, web, Dan, Sam / 2 min.
Word Reading Blending Routines
(sound-by-sound or continuous) / Word Reading List: cat, dad, set, web, met, Sam
I Do: Teacher reads first from word cards. Model blending routine (example Ashlock, 95% group) using think aloud.
We Do: Students repeat with the teacher from the word cards. Emphasize blending routines and students thinking aloud.
You Do: Students read words quietly. Teacher needs to monitor student reading and provide corrective feedback. Repeat modeling to scaffold struggling students. / 5 min.
Word Work / Word Building Words: cat, dad, set, web, met, Sam
I Do: Teacher and students build words using magnetic letters or letter cards.
We Do: Students repeat with the teacher from the word cards. Emphasize blending routines and students thinking aloud.
You Do: Students read words quietly. Teacher needs to monitor student reading and provide corrective feedback. Repeat modeling to scaffold struggling students. / 5 min.
Dictation / men, cat , cap, tap, can,met, dad, ten, Ben, set, vet, web, Dan, Sam
Model with Think Aloud. Provide model for students to self-assess. / 3 min.
Text Application /
  1. Have students identify the words in story one that contain the targeted skill.
  2. Read the identified words.
  3. Read Story One.
/ 10 min.

Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Skill:CVC Review

Instructional Day: One

Section / Instructional Routine / Time
Warm-up Activities / Review Activity:
Stand up sit down: Students stand up when teacher reads a short a word sits down for short e words.
Word List: men, cat , cap, tap, can,met, dad, ten, Ben, set, vet, web, Dan, Sam / 2 min.
Phonological Awareness and Articulation of Skill / Activate Phonemic Awareness: Students take a step forward when they hear short i and a step back when they hear short o. (Teacher read words from word list in next section)
Articulation: 1. Model for students short i sound. Have students watch your mouth, imitate you chorally. 2. Have students look in mirrors. What's the shape of your mouth when you say/iiii/? Repeat same process for short o. / 3 min.
Letter-Sound Correspondence / Letter sound Correspondence: Hold up the letter i- tell students that the letter a stands for /i/ in CVC words. Have students hold up a letter a card when yousay /i/.Repeat for short o. Practice short i / short o sound. Have students hold up appropriate card while dictating words below.
Word List: kid, hid, lid, wit, fit, hot, jog, sob, Bob, hop, / 2 min.
Word Reading Blending Routines
(sound-by-sound or continuous) / Word Reading List: kid, hid, hot, jog, fit, sob, top, pip, dog, mit, pot
I Do: Teacher reads first from word cards. Model blending routine (example Ashlock, 95% group) using think aloud Place word in appropriate word sort category.
We Do: Students repeat with the teacher from the word cards. Emphasize blending routines and students thinking aloud.
You Do: Students read words quietly. Teacher needs to monitor student reading and provide corrective feedback. Repeat modeling to scaffold struggling students. / 5 min.
Word Work / Word Building Words: kid, hid, hot, jog, fit, sob, top, pip, dog, pit, pot
I Do: Teacher models with think aloud. Segment word and "build" with magnetic letters.
We Do: Students repeat with the teacher from the word cards. Emphasize blending routines and students thinking aloud.
You Do: Student builds words - teacher monitors closely. Provide correct model and encourage students to self-assess. / 5 min.
Dictation / Words/Phrases/Sentences to write:
kid, hid, hot, jog, fit, sob, top, pip, dog, pit, pot
Model with Think Aloud. Provide model for students to self-assess. / 3 min.
Text Application /
  1. Read story one with identified target words.
  2. Read clean copy of story one.
/ 10 min.

Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Skill: CVC Review

Instructional Day: Two

Section / Instructional Routine / Time
Warm-up Activities / Review Activity: Sight words
Word List: Use appropriate grade level Dolch list words for your students or all, been, bird, give, help, was, soon. / 2 min.
Phonological Awareness and Articulation of Skill / Activate Phonemic Awareness:
Thumbs up for words with short /u/ sounds. Say words with short /u/ and words with other vowels. Model first word and think aloud.
Articulation: "We're reviewing the short u sound today. Short u sounds like /u/. What does my mouth look like? Look in your mirrors. What's the shape of your mouth when you say /u/?
If skill is secure, then spend this time in text application. / 3 min.
Letter-Sound Correspondence / Letter sound Correspondence: Letter sound correspondence: The letter u stands for /u/ in cvc words. When I hold up the i card, practice making the /u/sound. When I put the card down, turn the sound off. Hold up cards with the words below.
Word List:
run, pup, jug, mud, mug, rub
If skill is secure, then spend this time in text application. / 2 min.
Word Reading Blending Routines
(sound-by-sound or continuous) / Word Reading List: Flip book (short u)
I Do: Teacher reads first from flip book, integrate blending routines and model using think aloud.
We Do: Students repeat with the teacher continue modeling needed to provide scaffoldingYou Do: Students practice reading flip book words. Can integrate previously reviewed short vowels (a,e,i, o, u) / 5 min.
Word Work / Word Building Words: Teacher and students use dry/erase boards
I Do: Teacher models segmenting and writing short u words. Use think aloud and explicit instruction. Remember to use appropriate routines.
We Do: Teacher and Student writes words with /o/ sounds
You Do: Student writes words with /o/ sounds independently with student monitoring. Also provide correct model for students to self-check / 5 min.
Dictation / run pup
mud on a pup
rub the jug / 3 min.
Text Application /
  1. Identify target words in story 2.
  2. Read story 2.
/ 10 min.

Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Skill: CVC Review

Instructional Day: Three

Section / Instructional Routine / Time
Warm-up Activities / Review Activity: Sight word activity
Word List: Use appropriate grade level Dolch list words for your students or all, been, bird, give, help, vox, was, soon. / 2 min.
Phonological Awareness and Articulation of Skill / Activate Phonemic Awareness: (This step is not routinely used on day 4 but can be included if students need additional support.)
If skill is secure, then spend this time in text application. / 3 min.
Letter-Sound Correspondence / Letter so Letter sound Correspondence: Review short vowel sounds with students model each sound explicitly. Students practice sound as teacher randomly displays vowel letter card.
Word List:
If skill is secure, then spend this time in text application. / 2 min.
Word Reading Blending Routines
(sound-by-sound or continuous) / Word Reading List: run, pup, jug, mud, mug, rub, rug, bus, sun, nut, men, cat, cap, tap, can, met, dad, ten
I Do: Teacher models decoding word and placing in appropriate word sort column.
We Do: Students repeat with the teacher- teacher continues modeling needed to provide scaffolding.
You Do: Students complete word sort, Teacher provides immediate corrective feedback / 5 min.
Word Work / Word Building Words: kid, hig, lid, hot, jog, sob, men, set, cap, dad, run, pup, jug, mud
Teacher and students use dry/erase boards
I Do: Teacher models segmenting and writing short vowel words. Use think aloud and explicit instruction. Remember to use appropriate routines.
We Do: Teacher and Student writes words with short vowel sounds
You Do: Student writes words with short vowel sounds independently with student monitoring. Also provide correct model for students to self-check. / 5 min.
Dictation / The kid hid the pup. The men will jog. Dad will run in the mud. / 3 min.
Text Application /
  1. Read story two.
/ 10 min.

Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Skill: CVC Review

Instructional Day: Four

Section / Instructional Routine / Time
Warm-up Activities / Review Activity: Speed drill with sight words.
Word List: Use grade level appropriate Dolch list words. / 2 min.
Phonological Awareness and Articulation of Skill / Activate Phonemic Awareness:
Articulation: Articulation: Look in your mirrors. What's the shape of your mouth when you say/a/, /e/, /i/, /o/,/u/?
If skill is secure, then spend this time in text application. / 3 min.
Letter-Sound Correspondence / Letter sound Correspondence:
Letter/sound correspondence: Hold up the u card for words with short vowel sounds. Say words with short vowels and students hold up appropriate letter.
Word List:
run, pup, men, dad, set, met, cap, dad, cat, jug, hit, lid, wit, hot, jog, bob
If skill is secure, then spend this time in text application. / 2 min.
Word Reading Blending Routines
(sound-by-sound or continuous) / Word Reading List: run, pup, men, dad, set, met, cap, dad, cat, jug, hit, lid, wit, hot, jog, bob I Do: Teacher readsfirst from word cards; models blending routines
We Do: Students repeat with the teacher from the word lists
You Do: Students read word list independently with close monitoring by teacher who provides immediate, corrective feedback. / 5 min.
Word Work / Word Building Words: Teacher and students write words with pencil/paper.
I Do: Teacher models writing words. Use think aloud strategy and segmenting routines.
We Do: Teacher and Student writes words.
You Do: Student writes words as dictated. Teacher provides model for students to self-assess. / 5 min.
Dictation / The pup is in the mud.
The cat is in a cap.
Bob is hot.
The men hid the lid / 3 min.
Text Application /
  1. Read story three.
  2. Formative Assessment: Student should read targeted skill words with the goal being 95% accuracy.
/ 10 min.

Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Skill: CVC Review

Instructional Day: Five

Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Target Words For CVC ReviewStories

Story 1 / Story 2 / Story 3
Skill Specific
New words
(10-14) / Skill Specific
New Words
(5-7) / Skill Specific Words From
Story 1 (5-7) / Skill Specific
New words
(10-14 words)
man / kid / box / tan
cat / hid / Dad / van
cap / lid / cat / Tad
yells / pot / hen
can / fit / digs
met / Rod / pit
dad / Bob / bug
box / den / gum
Ben / DAY 3 word list* / yuck
sets / run/pup / his
vet / jug/mud
back / mug/rub
Dan / rug/bus
Sam / sun/nut

Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Instructional Focus:CVC Review

Story Number: 1

Dad and the Cat

A man sees a cat with a cap. The man gives Dad the cat with a cap. Dad and the cat go to see Dan. Dan is the vet. Dan, the vet, sets the cat on the box. The vet looks at the cat.

The vet says, “This cat is Sam. Sam is Ben’s cat. The cap is Ben’s cap.”

Dad and the vet go to see Ben. Ben sees his cat, Sam.

Ben yells, “ Now, my cat and cap are back.”

Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Instructional Focus: CVC Review

Story Number: 2

Bob’s Cat

Bob is a kid with a cat. Bob’s cat hid from him. Bob will get Dad to help look for the cat. Dad and Bob look in the den. The cat is not in the den. They see a box. The cat is not in the box. The cat will not fit in the box. Bob and Dad met Rod in the hall.

Rod said, “Look in the pot with the lid.”

Bob and Dad look in the pot. The cat was in the pot.

Bob said, “How did the cat get in there?”

Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Instructional Focus:CVC Review

Story Number: 3


Tad finds gum in his tan van. On the gum is a bug. Yuck! Tad does not like gum with bugs on it.

Tad digs a pit. Tad puts the gum with the bug in the pit. Tad walks away.

A hen sees Tad. The hen walks to the pit. The hen sees the bug. The hen likes to eat bugs. Yuck! The hen does not like bugs that are in gum. The hen walks away.