
As a teacher, my goal is for students to be successful in all aspects of school life and develop a life long love of learning. I set high standards for every student in my classroom both in academics and behavior while respecting personal needs and differences. A variety of instruction and assessment methods are used so that all students may learn to the best of their abilities. In addition, to assist students in becoming more independent learners and thinkers, I encourage them to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.

Student Job Description

On the first day of school, all of the students promised to learn and do their best work at all times as well as complete the responsibilities listed below as part of their duties as a student.

Student Responsibilities:

Sit quietly and still when someone else is talking so you can listen.

Follow the directions of all adults

Be helpful to your classmates.

Do your homework and class work on time.

Come prepared for school.

Do your best everyday!

Class List

Kaylee E.

Chad G.

Richard I.

Allison J.

Keane K.

Justin K.

Hayley L.

Brooke L.

Sophia M.

Maxwell M.

Gregory P.

Noah S.

Anna S.

Christian S.

Jonathan S.

Devyn S.

Jennifer W.

Welcome to

Third Grade


Mrs. Kalp

John A. Sciole

Elementary School



I ask that all parents help their child’s learning by reinforcing the importance of completing daily homework assignments to the best of their ability. All homework assignments are to be completed by the following school day unless otherwise noted in the planner.

Missing or incomplete

Each day, students who failed to hand-in and/or complete one or more homework assignments will receive a stamp in their planner noting the missed and/or incomplete assignment. Please sign the stamp and emphasize the importance of completing assignments in a timely manner.


We all learn from our mistakes. Therefore, I believe it is very important for students to correct their own errors. On any homework assignment with errors, I will place a “Please Correct and Return” stamp with the incorrect items circled. Students are to take these assignments home, make the necessary corrections, and return the corrected assignment to school within a week’s time.


Homework due the day of an absence is to be handed-in as soon as the student returns to school. Any homework or assignments missed during the absence must be turned in within the next five school days.


Each student will be provided with a planner. Please consult the planner every evening for daily assignments, assessment dates, reminders about special events, and other miscellaneous communications.


Most tests and quizzes will be announced as much as a week in advance and recorded in the students’ planners. Grades will also be taken from some homework assignments, in-class tasks, and special projects. All graded items will be sent home requesting a signature to ensure that parents are continuously informed about their child’s progress in the classroom between the distribution of report cards.


In order for teachers to effectively educate students, information, insight, and support provided by parents is essential. Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments or concerns you may have throughout the year. This may be done through the planner, a note, e-mail, or phone call. I strive to keep myself approachable to students as well. For those uncomfortable with seeking me out directly, I have set up a system in which students may write to me privately and, if they feel necessary, anonymously.

Classroom Website

A very valuable tool for both parents and students is our classroom website. On the site, you will find classroom policies and procedures, homework guidelines, copies of previous correspondence, photographs of classroom happenings, a calendar of events, and overviews of each subject. Also under each subject heading, there are games and activities for students to use to further their understanding of concepts taught throughout third grade.

The website can be accessed through the internet using the following instructions:

  1. Go to Lancasterschools.org.
  2. On the top left side of the screen, you will see a gray bar.
  3. Click on “Select a School”.
  4. A pull down menu will be displayed.
  5. Choose “John A. Sciole Elementary”.
  6. Once you have reached the JAS site, you will see various tabs located at the top of the screen.
  7. Click on the tab labeled “Classrooms”.
  8. A list of various teachers will be displayed in alphabetical order.
  9. Under “K”, choose “Kalp, Wendy”.
  10. You have found the classroom website!