Curriculum, vitae

Personal history and professional experiences

Name: / Ismail Ahmed wasfy Ismail
Home- address: / flat 7 Building B, Assiut university- staff buildings (Easterngroup)Assiut Egypt
Phone: / 0882080644
Present address / Ophthalmic Department- faculty of Medicine –Assiut University, Egypt
Phone: / 00201223266787
Date of birth: / July 1932
Place of birth: / MeitGhamrDakahlia province Egypt
Nationality: / Egypian
Religion: / Islam
Marital status: / Married
Height: / 168cm
Weight: / 75kg
Professional degrees:
  1. Mb. chB, Janury 1957 Cairo faculty of medicine

  1. Ophthalmic Diploma , November 1961 , Cairo faculty of medicine

  1. Diploma in general surgery, October 1962, Cairo faculty of Medicine

  1. Diploma in Ophthalmology june 1966 , London

  1. Fellowship of the Royal college of surgeons of England ,November 1966

Previous posts held:
  1. House officer, Cairo University hospital for 1 year 1.3.57 till 27.2.58

  1. Doctor in the Military industries organization 15.4.58 till 16.3. 1960

  1. Ophthalmic registrar , Cairouniversity hospitals, for 2 years 17.3.1960 till 16.3.1962

  1. Ophthalmic specialist , ministry of health from 17.3.1962 till 24.6.1962

  1. Assistant research fellow , national research Centre in Cairo 25.6.1962 till 8.10.1962

  1. Ophthalmic demonstrator, Assiut Faculty of Medicine 9.10.1967 till 14.5. 1967

  1. Ophthalmic tutor, Assiut faculty of medicine , 15.5.1967 till 14.7.1971

  1. Assistant professor, Ophthalmic Department, Assiut faculty of Medicine, 15.7.1971 till 24.11.1975

  1. Professor, , Ophthalmic Department, Assiut faculty of Medicine, 25.11.1975 till 11.12.1988

  1. Vice Dean, faculty of Medicine , Assiut University from 17.12.1988 till 31.7.1990

  1. Head, Ophthalmic Department, Assiut faculty of medicine 1.8.1990 till 23.7.1992

Present post Honorary Professor of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, from 24.7.1992 till now
Arabic ( Mother Tongue)
English: good command
Professional teaching
Teaching Ophthalmology for undergraduate students
Teaching ophthalmology for graduate students
Teaching ophthalmic surgery for house officers and registrars.
Scientific experiences
  • Study leave in the u.K from 29.8.1963 till 19.2.1967
  • Course in plastic eye surgery, October 1978 in England
  • Scientific mission by theBritishCouncil for 3 months in the year 1979 in the U.K

Membership of scientific organizations
  • Member of the Ophthalmological society of the U.K
  • Member of the EgypytianOphthalmology society
  • Member of ESOIR

  • Gold medal of the Egyptian Ophthalmological society
  • Medal of the Egyptian Medical syndicate

Reading in history and novels chess game
List of publications
  1. Methyle green pyronin stain for the diagnosis of trachoma, BJO vol 53 no.4 pp 263- 266 April 1969
  2. Ophthalmianeonatorum due to Tric Agents in a trachomatous population Bull of the ophth. Soc of Egypt vol 63 1970
  3. Isolation of a microorganism antigeneticaly related to Human trachoma Agent from dogs with follicular conjunctivitis ophth. Digest, USA, August 1971.
  4. Female genital tract infection with Tric agents in a trachomatous population j. of Obst. and Gyn. the British Commonwealth.
  5. Ocular leprosy in Assiut Bull. Of the ophth. Soc of Egypt vol. 64, 1971
  6. Crouzon’s disease ( Parrot Head) with a report of a typical case Bull. Of the ophth. Soc. Of Egypt vol. 64.1971
  7. Extensive congenital opaque nerve fibres with a repot of two cases Bull, of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt vol 74.1971
  8. Metastatic pyogenic Scleritis with a report of two cases Bull. Of the Ophthsoc. of Egypt vol 64 .1971
  9. The relation between ArcusSenilis and atherosclerosis, A biochemical and clinical study , J of cardiology of the Egyptian medical Association
  10. A method of electrophysiological study of drug actions on the Ciliary Muscle “In vivo” J. of the Egyptian med. Association
  11. A study of primary glaucoma in Assiut
i.simple glaucoma Bull . Oph. Soc of Egypt . 1975
  1. A study of primary glaucoma in Assiut
II Angle- closure glaucoma Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt 1975
  1. Anterior chamber depth measurements in normal eyes and in eyes involved with primary glaucoma in Assiut. Bull of the Ophth. Soc. Of Egypt , 1975
  2. Coenurnsglomeratus in the anterior chamber of a human eye. Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt 1975
  3. Lymphangectasiahemorrahgica conjunctivae, report of 3 cases with a note of successful treatment with cryosurgery in one case. Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt 1975
  4. Histoplasmosis of the eyes of donkeys II an Electron Microscopic study Assiut vet med. J
  5. Dacryocystography, evolution and techniques . Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt 1975
  6. Subtraction distention macrodacryo cystography with simultaneous intubation injection in the four canaliculi using an infusion pump. Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt 1975
  7. Eye findings in some blood and reticuloendothelial diseases Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt vol 74 1980
  8. Pattern of eye diseases in children below the age of 12 years.Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt vol 74 1986
  9. Behavior of intra ocular pressure following different methods of cataract extraction. Satady j. of Ophth. Vol 8 Nov. 1994
  10. Histopathological finings of corneal buttons removal during therapeutic Keratoplasty. Assiut med. J vol . 26 No 2 , 2002.
  11. Visual Acuity and causes of visual failure in primary and pre paratory school children in Assiut .Assiut med J vol 14 no 4 1990
  12. Ocular findings in chronic renal failure . Egy. J. of medicine vol. 7 No 2. 1992
  13. Ocular hypotonia prior to cataract extraction, comparison of three techniques
  14. Carotid cavernous sinus fistula C.T and colour flow Doppler ultrasonography Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt vol 90 no 3 pp.319 -324 1997
  15. Ocular Findings in Assiut leprosy outpatient clinic. Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt vol 81.1988
  16. Surgical management of rodent ulcer of the eye lids Bull of the Ophth. Soc of Egypt vol 82.1989. pp 13-19

  1. Prof. abdelLalif H. siam
Prof. of Ophthalmology
Ein shams university
  1. Prof. GamalNoubyMahomoud
Prof. of ophthalmology
Assiut faculty of medicine
Mobile; 01223211939