Cycle C – Mary, Mother of God, January 1, 2016

World Day of Peace

“Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart …”


Leader: May God be gracious to us and bless us

And make his face to shine upon us,

All: that your way may be known upon earth,

Your saving power among all nations.

Leader:Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,

For you judge the peoples with equity

And guide nations upon earth.

All: Let the peoples praise you, O God,

Let all the peoples praise you.


First Reading – Numbers 5:22-27

In ancient societies, like the one in which Numbers was written, a name stands for the entire reality of who one is. “Knowing” a name implied a certain intimacy, and a power and control. God’s name, at first reading, does not seem revealed. Until one realizes that God’s “name” is

a series of verbs: blessing, making his face shine upon us, giving us peace. God’s very identity then is a dynamic interplay of love and peace with humanity.

  1. What names do you give God?
  2. God’s name is a verb (an action word) – does this speak to you? How? If not, why not?

Second Reading – Galatians 4:4-7

For Paul, it is the spirit of the risen Christ who reveals to us God’s name, making us cry out “Abba, Father.” The ultimate blessing, pronounced in Numbers, has now been received once and for all in the Lord Jesus. We now live in Christ and have become heirs of God’s reign. As heirs, we need to embody in our earthly lives the action of God: blessing, loving, giving peace, reconciling, forgiving.

  1. What is the difference between being God’s slave, God’s child, and God’s heir?

Gospel Reading – Luke 2:16-21

“He was called Jesus,” Luke tells us. Even though bewildered by the circumstances of her child’s birth and the visit of the shepherds, Mary nevertheless pondered all things. Only after his death would she see clearly what her son’s name truly reveals. The joy and peace of Christmas are paralleled by the Easter peace the risen Christ brings to the world, a peace which “passes over” death into resurrection living.

  1. Who is Jesus for you?
  2. What does your own name mean to you?
  3. Naming, blessing and pondering characterize today’s readings – what does this mean for you?


How does God’s Word challenge me this week?


Intercession: We pray for those who have no name, no face, no protection,

no place in our society, who are deprived of blessing and of love.

We pray to the Lord.

(Invite personal intentions, ending with “Our Father…”)

Concluding Prayer:

Leader:Through becoming one with us in Jesus, O God,

you have made us heirs and blessed us for the Kingdom.

All:Help us to grow an open, pondering and receptive spirit,

the kind emulated by Mary, Mother of God.

Leader:Reveal to us in the depth of our heart

the name you give to each of us:

All: your beloved one, heir to your reign of justice and peace.


Leader: Let us share with one another the joy and peace of Christ, God-with-us!