Haddonfield Friends Meeting

Care/Worship & Ministry Committee

January 13, 2016

Present: Judy Owens, Inspira Williams, Anna Mae Sutterly, Maria Shivers, Judy Barnes, Drew Biehl, Lucy Savarese,

We opened our meeting with a period of silent worship.

1. Drew reviewed October and November meeting minutes. They were approved by the group. We slipped into comment along the way regarding KP, Karen Dillon and Dayna Sharp.

> KP Perkins: Inspira shared her attempts to reach KP. (I need help here with details on our decision for continuing assistance for KP. My notes are terribly inadequate.)

> Karen Dillon: Karen is doing well and has graciously declined offers for help from the Meeting.

> We don’t know whether Ceil has contacted Dayna regarding her request for a “spiritual buddy.”

2. In-Home Worship:

> Judy B has requested that a “hold” be put on worship visits to her, topic to be revisited in March.

> Linda Lotz, Rose Ketterer and Mae Weldon are on the list of volunteers for this service.

3. Worship & Ministry Workshops:

> Maria initiated a conversation about workshops, rather the recent lack of workshops. The group agreed that this is something we should re-initiate, also that coordinating with Religious Ed and COM (Communication, Outreach and Membership) Committee is desirable.

Judy O offered to speak with Lois Hinski and Jake McGlaughlin about the COM proposal of holding a residential retreat at Pendle Hill in May. Our committee has concerns about the fact that there is as yet no program planned and no price set.

> Quakerism 101 was also discussed. Rose Ketterer is leading a daytime class. We puzzled over the wisdom of holding class in a timeslot unavailable to our younger, working members.

4. Possible Workshop Topics:

> “How Goes the Truth with Thee?”

> “Vocal Ministry: Increasing the Likelihood of a Gathered Meeting”

> “ Eldering”

> “Quakerism”

5. Childcare:

> Discussion of the complications involved in trying to coax adults to bring their children to the beginning of Worship resulted in the opinion that this is an impossible task.

> Discussion of the difficulties involved in caring for our children in a safe manner resulted in the resolve to reinstate the practice of “visitation” by a Meeting member at least once a month as required by our published child safety protocol. It was decided that if the “visitor” finds only one adult present, that visitor has the option of remaining so that there are two adults present or returning to Worship and finding a parent or other committee member who will return to the childcare room to be the second adult. Judy Barnes volunteered to be the “visitor” in January. xxx and xxx volunteered to make themselves available if the “visitor” returns to Worship to find a volunteer.

> Drew will speak with Rel Ed about responsibilities for the execution of our child safety regulations.

6. Facing bench schedule:

1/17 Maria and Inspira

1/24 Judy B and Lucy

1/31 Drew

1/7 Judy O

7. Meeting for Healing at Mt Holly Meeting:

> Inspira described her plan for the Mt Holly Meeting for Healing on the Feb 24th. There will be worship, worship sharing and time for questions. She asked us to wrap Light around the occasion as well as around the Mt Holly community.

8. Judy B noted that she is working with John and Joanne Heizer to obtain a grant from PYMs John Martin Trust.

9. The committee spent a short time reviewing names on the Meeting’s e-mail list. It was decided that two lists will be maintained, one for recipients of our newsletter and a second, shorter list for the many event and event reminder e-mails that go out.

The meeting closed with a period of silent worship.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Barnes
