The Triumph Owners Motor Cycle Club - Berkshire Branch

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

held on 9th February 2012

The BCSA, James Lane Burghfield at 2030hrs

Branch President: Mr John Dumelow

Current / Outgoing Committee;

Chairman:Mr Steve Yarwood,

Vice-Chairman:Mr Derek Young,

Secretary:Mr Don MacLean

Treasurer:Mr Mick Billing

Social Secretary:Mr Derek Young

Branch Scribe:Mr Bob Cromwell

Runs Co-ordinator:Mr Dave Holland,

Tools Registrar:Mr Steve Yarwood,

MAG Representative:Mr David Holland,

Clubs Liaison Officer:Mr Paul Mansfield,

Committee / Members / Associate Members / Guests present;

B CromwellM WeaverS RoseB Elborn

R BengeP MansfieldM BillingC Allen

J AlstonD HollandK LovelockS Harris

C MullardD YoungC Woodward

R IngD MacleanM Scriviner

R WatsonS YarwoodM Drew

S ButcherJ DumelowI Cooksley

I CarpenterJ RobertsM Ryall

D BrownR HilesD De Wavrin

Special Guests;Mr Sean Harris (TOMCC member also representing Reading MAG)

Mr Colin Gregan (Reading MAG)

Apologies for absence;None.

1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 2011 AGM;

1.1 The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the 2011 Berks Branch TOMCC AGM. The minutes of the last AGM (February 2011) were circulated and confirmed as an accurate record of the previous AGM.

2. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the 2011 AGM;

2.1 No matters arising.

Committee Reports;

3. Chairman’s Report;

3.1 The Chairman, Steve Yarwood reported on the success of Berkshire TOMCC organized events throughout the year and, the new for 2011, Old Motorcycle Gathering, also the 2011 Classic and Custom Show, all being well supported. The problems and concerns over the 2011 Christmas Dinner were noted, with plans to improve the event in place for 2012. The Chairman advised the Branch remained financially stable and he looked forward to another successful year.

4. Vice Chairman’s Report;

4.1 The Vice-Chairman, Derek Young confirmed 2011 had been an excellent year with a wide range of events being delivered for the membership each month. We’ve continued to work closely with our partners, READING MAG to throughout the year, running joint events, such as the recent Skittles Night, with another one planned on 27thApril 2012.

5. Secretary’s Report;

5.1 The Secretary, Don Maclean advised membership of the Berkshire TOMCC was holding up well, given current difficult economic times. Overall, the Branch has 163 members, which is very slightly down, by 6, on last year. This year, membership churn has been most noticeable, with a total of 43 new members joining the Branch in 2011. The reason for this turnover of members is not clear.

6. Treasurer’s Report;

6.1 The Treasurer, Mick Billing circulated detailed accounts for the Branch expenditure,income and current balance for the last 12 months, independently verified by Mr Arthur King. The accounts identified a very small loss for 2011 / 2012. The Branch remains financially secure, with good income from the 2011 Berks Classic & Custom Show. Copies of the accounts are available from the Treasurer upon request. The Committee thanks Mr Arthur King for his assistance.

7. Scribes Report;

7.1 The Scribe, Bob Cromwell reported 12 Branch reports had been published in Nacelle along with a two-page spread on our Summer Show appearing in the October Nacelle. Positive feedback had been received on both our runs & show’s and where we took part in other motorcycle events from organizers. Our support of a range of good causes throughout 2011 have further raised our image and served to underpin our premier TOMCC Branch position.

7.1 The Scribe thanked the members for their support in providing information on those attending Berkshire events for inclusion in the monthly Branch reports.

8. Social Secretary Report;

8.1 The Social Secretary, Derek Young reported all was well on the social side with a wide range of events organized from quiz nights, curry nights, BBQ’s, etc. Derek requested help from the membership at events during 2012 to help erect the Branch stand and promote the activities of the Berkshire TOMCC.

9. Run’s Co-ordinator Report;

9.1 The Run’s Co-ordinator, Dave Holland, advised a wide selection of runs, both local and continental had been organized and reasonably well supported through the year. Successful European trips to France and Belgium (T Days) had taken place along with a wide range of runs to motorcycle shows, PH outings, a brewery trip and a skittles competition. All the events planned, took place and we achieved all what we set out to do. A very good year overall.

10. MAG Representative;

10.1 The MAG Representative, Dave Holland, reported we continue to work closely with READING MAG to our mutual benefit, both politically and socially. MAG continue to keep us up to speed on emerging legislation.

10.2 Dave Holland then introduced Sean Harris and Colin Cregan from READING MAG who would describe current MAG activities;

10.3 Sean Harris provided an overview of MAG at a National level and the local work on-going. MAG is continuing to work at developing it’s political links to influence outcomes to the benefit of motorcyclists and motorcycling in general. This includes working with MPs and MEPs of all parties where it is politically expedient.

10.4 At grass roots level, READING MAG is working to improve motorcycle access and parking, a recent success being a 75% increase in motorcycle parking, when Reading Council were planning a 20% reduction at Reading Railway Station.

10.5 MAG work closely with the Councils on road safety campaigns and have a Bike Awareness day planned for 16th March to which the Berks TOMCC is invited.

10.6 On the local events front, MAG Easter 2012 Bike Show is on 8th April 2012, the TVV Berkshire Egg Run is planned for 6th April and the Lion Rally is 1st – 3rd June 2012. Again the Berkshire TOMCC is invited to take part. Colin Cregan kindly provided flyers for all the MAG events, which were circulated and will be displayed on the Branch website.

11. Club’s Liaison Officer;

11.1 The Club’s Liaison Officer reported on another successful year with contacts improving between our neighboring TOMCC branches and HQ. We have also been developing contact with the local BSA OC, the Velocette OC and the AJS & MatchlessOC. A multi TOMCC is already being organized mid-year due to meet at the Pub With No Name (The White Horse) Priors Dean / Froxfield.

12. Tools Registrar;

12.1 The Tools Registrar, Steve Yarwood, a detailed listing of all Meriden and Hinckley tools, general tools and publications currently held by the Branch, for loan to the members was available upon request and pinned to the Club night notice board at BCSA.

12.2 A small number of loans had been made during the year, and members were asked to identify any special additional tooling / equipment required, which the Treasurer indicated he was pleased to fund.

13. Resignation of Existing Committee and Election of New Committee;

The existing committee resigned and the following new committee members were elected;

Chairman:Mr Steve Yarwood,

Vice-Chairman:Mr Derek Young,

Secretary:Mr Don MacLean

Treasurer:Mr Mick Billing

Social Secretary:Mr Steve Butcher

Branch Scribe:Mr Mike Ryall

Runs Co-ordinator:Mr Paul Mansfield,

Tools Registrar:Mr Steve Yarwood,

MAG Representative:Mr David Holland,

Clubs Liaison Officer:Mr Richard Ing,

14. Renewal of MAG Membership;

14.1 While the TOMCC is now affiliated to MAG, a proposal (Agenda Item) was made to continue with Branch membership of the MAG, an organization which has proved to be of benefit to the Branch. The motion was put to the floor and carried.

15. Renewal of NABD Membership;

15.1 A proposal (Agenda Item) was made to renew membership of NABD and make a donation to the organization. The motion to pay the NABD £100 was put to the floor and carried.

16. ThamesValley & Chiltern Air Ambulance Trust;

16.1 A proposal (Agenda Item) was made to continue to support a good cause in 2011, which again will be the TV&C Air Ambulance. Post Meeting Note: The Chairman requested this work be managed by last years POC Mr Sid Rose, who agreed to take on the task. A donation of £250 will be made from profits raised during this years Branch events. The motion was put to the floor and carried.

17. Agenda Proposal 1;

17.1 To revise the points scoring regime for the Thursday Attendance Trophy from 1 to 2 points for Branch members only if arriving at the BSCA on a Triumph motorcycle. The Treasurer noted some difficulty in administering this effectively and the Chairman advised responsibility would rest with individual members to report their mode of transport, the goal of this change being to encourage more Triumph riders to attend. The motion was put to the floor and carried.

18. Agenda Proposal 2;

18.1 To separate out the points scored by Branch members for attendance, hence no longer adding towards the Clubmans Trophy, i.e. cease what appears to be double accounting. A lively discussion took place concerning this change including Sean Harris suggesting a five point’s award for Triumph riding members assisting with the erection / dismantling of the Branch stand at events, which was noted, but not voted on. Several members requested disabled members and members engaged on TOMCC Show Stand duties must not be discriminated against, this was agreed and the original motion, i.e.points separation, was put to the floor and carried.

19. 2011 Christmas Party;

19.1 The Chairman noted a wide range of comments had been received concerning the Christmas Party, some positive and some not. The Committee had discussed the issues at length prior to the meeting and agreed some changes were required.

19.2 Comments from the floor were made over the cost of drinks, the delivery of the food and the type of music. The organizer, Steve Butcher, noted members concerns and described the problems experienced on the night and while he agreed room for improvement existed, he still believed overall the venue continued to offer excellent value for money. The event, second time at the venue, was well supported, and we should work to resolve the problems first of all, before changing location.

19.3 The Chairman thanked Mr Butcher and advised the committee will take forward and resolve the issues post the AGM.

20. Christmas Dinner, Refund to members;

20.1 The members were asked to consider a proposal to continue the half cost refund, from club funds, for members and one guest attending the Christmas Dinner. A discussion followed in which current club funds / usage was reviewed. A motion was put to the floor to continue with the arrangement, which was carried.

21. 2012 Summer Classic and Custom Show;

21.1 A request was made to the members to volunteer to help at the Show and take on duties as necessary to make the event a continuing success. Noted by all.

22. Summer Classic and Custom Show – Show Badges;

22 .1 The Treasurer, Mick Billing, requested clarification on Show lapel badges for this years event. The outcome of discussions was to proceed with the purchase of 50 lapel badges.

22.2 The Branch President, Mr John Dumelow, identified the importance of linking sales of Show promotional material (badges and tee-shirts) directly to the event and not selling them widely well before the event. Discussion form the floor indicated mixed views, including the provision of nil-cost show material to Branch members (see AOB), which was not put to a vote, however it was agreed to limit the sale of products to much nearer the event. This was to ensure members / helpers had the opportunity to purchase tee-shirts and present a joined-up corporate image leading up to the week-end.

23. 2012 Classic and Custom Show Sub-committee;

23.1 The Chairman appealed to the Branch members for support in running the 2011 Show (agenda item). He advised a separate Show committee would be formed to take this project forward and requested volunteers. Mr Jim Alston, Mr Bob Cromwell and Mr Colin Allen all agreed to contribute. This will be taken forward nearer the event (late July).

24. New Runs and Rallies 2012;

24.1 The Runs Co-ordinator, Paul Mansfield, requested feedback from the members on any new events (agenda item) they would like to see featured in the Runs List. He distributed a new run’s list covering the period mid-February 2012 to end April 2012.

24.2 Paul also identified a number of future planned events including TRIDAYS Austria 22nd – 24th June, TOMCC AGM and a run to South Hants Branch. He requested all idea’s for runs from the members be accompanied with information on the event, i.e. dates timings, venue, cost, etc. Noted by all.

24.3 The members we also informed Mr Robin Watson has volunteered to act as focal point for the Berks Branch Old Motorcycle Gathering due to be held on 23rd June at the BCSA (our Thursday Night Club meet venue). Further support from the membership would be appreciated. Our Thanks to Robin for taking on this important role. Noted by all.

25. Change to Berkshire Branch Badge;

25.1 Following discussion with the committee and membership over the last few weeks, a proposal is made to improve the identity and image of the Berkshire Branch by adopting a “crown” into the badge to better reflect our “Royal” Berkshire location and align with other Branch identities i.e. “Mighty” South London Branch and “The Missing Lincs” Lincolnshire Branch etc. The proposal was put to the floor and while not voted upon, found favor and will be pursued by the committee, with sample badges being procured for review, in due course.

26. AOB;

26.1 The Treasurer remained concerned over the changes agreed to the Thursday night Attendance Trophy and Clubman’s Trophy scoring and indicated an unwillingness to participate. Noted by all.

26.2 A proposal was made by Colin Woodward to increase weekly subs from 50p to £1 if funding was to become an issue. A discussion took place over finances and while a willingness to increase contributions was made from the floor, it was noted, but will be carried over to a future AGM as funding is in place for this years events. The committee noted the cost of camping at our 2012 Classic & Custom Show will rise from £5 to £6, but the entrance fee remains unchanged at £3.

26.3 A proposal was made by Martin Scriviner for 2012 Classic & Custom Show tee-shirts to be issued free to all helpers at the event or reduced entry cost, etc, to encourage greater participation by the membership. This was not voted upon, but will be taken up by the Committee for consideration prior to the event.

27. Thanks to Outgoing Committee;

27.1 The outgoing committee was thanked for their efforts by the members.

28. Close of Meeting;

28.1 Members thanked for their attendance. The meeting closed at 21:05 hrs.

Minutes prepared by Bob Cromwell.