July 1st July 30th August 3rd August 15th - August 26th


August 26th

(No Tournament)

Coaches provide team placement information before July 1, 2010:

Ø  Team record from Spring 2010 & Placement (e.g. 1 of 6 or 5 of 6 or 3 of10)

Ø  Team Record from Fall 2009 & Placement (e.g. 1 of 6 or 5 of 6 or 3 of10)

Ø  Requested flight and provide supporting comments

Ø  Request League (e.g.) MOSA - JAGS - MAPS - JCS – OCL

Ø  Playing Fall and or Fall and Spring Seasons

Ø  Team registration for leagues to be completed by VP Travel Reps on or around July 15, 2010.

Ø  This will also generate a pass packet request to the respective leagues

Coaches coordinate the following forms / checks from parents by July 30, 2010:

Ø  HUSA Registration Form and check

·  Payment matrix online at HUSA Website

Ø  NJYSA Medical Release – Notarized

·  Dates in July of same year will be fine

Ø  NJYSA Player Registration Form

·  Parent and player must sign and DC checks signatures

Ø  NJYSA Coach Registration Form

Ø  Player 1x1 picture for player pass

·  Use glue stick to paste the picture

·  Cut picture so it fits in the space

·  No computer generated pictures will be allowed

Ø  Birth Certificate

·  Get 2 copies and keep one for your records

Ø  Paperwork Coordination

·  Keep HUSA registration and check separate from the NJYS Membership forms

·  League Stamps are not available to DC until 8/3/2010

·  Correlate in Alphabetical order

·  Paper clip forms in the following order

For players

o  Player pass (Rip off the players section of the passes and attach only the pass itself)

o  Birth Certificate

o  Player membership form – signed

o  Medical Release – notarized

For Coaches

o  Coaches pass– Coaches license

o  Coaches license

o  Coaches Kid Safe forms

Club Rep to allocate each previously registered team to its league (see Team League Registration) in NJYSA GotSoccer Database by August 3, 2010:

Ø  NJYSA Leagues validate the registered team submitted within GotSoccer

Ø  Status is pending until validated

Once your team status is validated in GotSoccer Coaches can load players to create player passes and roster after August 2, 2010:

Ø  We will meet on Tuesday, 8/3/2010 to review the directions with all coaches

Ø  For those who cannot make session, online directions are posted on NJYSA website

Ø  We will deliver pass packets with information and cardstock for pass printing at meeting

Ø  After Players are loaded in GotSoccer Database and Passes/Roster are printed deliver to Club Rep for deliver to DC (see Paperwork Coordination in Pre-Player Registration)


Ø  Club Rep will deliver team pass packets to DC for review and validation

Ø  DC will return validated passes, roster and medical releases to Club Rep for further delivery to Coach

Ø  If there are any mistakes, DC will return packet to Club Rep and Coach will need to fix and repeat process