Nutrition Leadership Planning Initiative – March 20, 2007

Action Planning Session – Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Joaquin Anguera, Kitty Roberts, Mary Drebelbeis, James Johnson, Bill Molina, Debby Reaza, Judy Shaplin, Wendy Shigenaga, Pam Smith, Tom Splitgerber, Judy Stern, Carol Dall, Christie Goodsell, Brenda Bothel, Carolyn Cannon, Emilie Zouhar, Walter Hartman, Leisa Bustanoby, Jeanette Van, Charlie Fleishman, Wendy Harrison. AIS Staff: Donna Brase, Bonita Maglidt, Richard Wanne, Adria Cavanaugh.

  • Participants reviewed past sessions, and focused particularly on the success profiles developed during the March 5th session.
  • Participants then divided into two groups. Each group was asked this question: “How do we get from where we are to where we want to be?”
  • All responses were listed on flip chart paper, numbered and posted in the room.
  • The group took part in an exercise to prioritize ideas. The results of that exercise are posted in the spreadsheet below. They are ranked from highest to lowest in terms of the number of points assigned and the number of people that listed them.

# / Idea / # of Points / # of People
1, 8, 10 & 13 / Development of proposals for marketing funds through task force of nutrition providers. Develop coordinated marketing plan. Work with CTN, cable networks and other media. "Come to the fun." Develop and create sponsorship opportunities for businesses. Develop and create sponsorship opportunities for business community. Develop and embrace a "tag line" - nutrition providers created, "enhancing lives through education and socialization." Tie into health and wellness initiatives - this would link to diverse funding. / 132 / 34
6 & 12 / "Barrier Busters" - group to identify what can be changed with regulations, what can be modified. Also, will point out what barriers don't really exist. Implement an advocacy coalition. Jointly advocate changes to barriers. / 113 / 28
5 & 7 / Collaborate among nutrition providers for purchasing, funding, marketing and information sharing - meetings to share this info. Develop method to look at consolidation of contractors to address improved efficiencies. / 97 / 14
2 & 16 / Sharing customer service surveys that are currently implemented - we already have the information. Identify customer needs (survey) and form Focus Groups. Implement interview process and institute standardized survey. / 90 / 18
9 & 17 / Improve environment in centers. Presentation, table settings, table cloths, centerpieces. Conduct customer service training. / 67 / 17
3 & 11 / Create think-tank group for customer innovation and drawing in boomers - as volunteers, donors, resources… Leverage volunteer resources; utilize volunteer resources in different ways. Include students, scouts, other retired seniors. / 60 / 17
4 & 14 / Develop group to look at best practices nationally and share information. Program Development - Collaborate on best ideas and practices. Share services and resources, create speakers bureau - share information. / 44 / 12
18 / Develop work group/task force to address the underserved populations or hard to reach seniors. Outreach to lower income and "hidden seniors." / 28 / 7
15 / Technology: Develop technology resources. Online reservations, video conferencing and website. / 26 / 12