StateHigh School

Mathematics A

Work Program


Table of Contents


Course Organisation1


Sample Student Profile4

Sample Unit of Work5

ASHSMathematics A Work Program

Course Organisation

Ref / Syllabus Topic / Time / Subject Matter
Semester One / 1 / Managing Money I / 5 weeks
(15 hours) /
  • spending, including discount, business application of profit, loss, mark-up and foreign exchange (SLE 3, 5, 7, 9, 16)
  • earnings, including salary, wages, overtime, commission, piece rate, and means-tested income; an industrial award should be used where appropriate (SLEs 1, 2, 8, 10 – 12, 14 - 16)

2 / Elements of Applied Geometry / 5 weeks
(15 hrs) /
  • area and volume in life-related situations (SLEs 3 -11)
  • applications of trigonometry using sine, cosine and tangent ratios (SLEs 1 - 3, 9, 12)
  • applications of Pythagoras Theorem (SLEs 1 – 3)
  • simple algebraic manipulation of relevant formulas of area, volume etc.

3 / Data Collection and Presentation / 4½ weeks
(13 hours) /
  • types of data (continuous and discrete) (SLEs 1 - 6)
  • practical aspects of collecting and handling data for observation, experimentation, or survey, including possible data problems (SLEs 1–6, 9, 12)
  • what a sample represents, how it relates to populations and whether it is appropriate (SLEs 1–6)
  • description of key features of data w.r.t suitable graphical and tabular displays (SLEs 3, 10, 11, 12)
  • data displays including scatterplots, simple and compound stem and leaf plots, and box and whisker plots (SLEs 4, 12)

4 / Linking 2 and 3 Dimensions / 4 weeks
(12 hours) /
  • interpretation of scale drawings and plans (SLEs 1, 3)
  • drawing simple scale drawings and plans (SLEs 2, 4, 11 - 13, 15)

Semester Two / 5 / Elements of Applied Geometry / 4½ weeks
(13 hours) /
  • latitude, longitude and measurement of time (SLEs 12 - 18)

6 / Managing Money I / 4½ weeks
(13 hours) /
  • taxation, including gross, net and taxable income, goods and services tax, deductions, rebates, levies (SLEs 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15)
  • budgeting, including the preparation of a personal budget plan (SLEs 4, 6, 7, 9 - 15)

7 / Data Collection and Presentation / 5 weeks
(14 hours) /
  • sample means and medians as measures of central tendency (SLEs 7 – 12)
  • sample standard deviations and interquartile range as descriptors of spread (SLEs 7 – 12)

8 / Linking 2 and 3 Dimensions / 5 weeks
(15 hours) /
  • practical tests for squareness, plumbness and levels (SLEs 6, 7)
  • estimation of quantities and costs in a variety of construction areas (SLEs 9 – 12, 14, 16 – 21)
  • the geometry of bracing for rigidity (SLEs 3, 5, 8)

Ref / Syllabus Topic / Time / Subject Matter
Semester Three / 9 / Managing Money 2 / 5 weeks
(14 hours) /
  • simple and compound interest for various compounding periods, effective and nominal rates (SLEs 1 - 6, 10, 18)
  • inflation, appreciation and depreciation (SLEs 8, 9)
  • notion of present value of a lump sum payment (SLEs 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19)
  • simple algebraic manipulation of financial formulas

10 / Maps and Compasses - Navigation
(elective) / 5 weeks
(15 hours) /
  • compass bearings and reverse bearings (SLEs 1 - 3, 8, 9, 11, 15)
  • plot and determine compass bearings and reverses bearings (SLEs 1 - 3, 8, 9, 11, 15)
  • magnetic variation and the use of magnetic variation to explain the link between true and magnetic bearings(SLEs 1 - 3, 9, 11, 15)
  • nautical miles and knots (SLE 3, 15)
  • calculate speed and distance wrt latitude and using nautical miles and knots (SLEs 3, 15)
  • use of maps/charts, compasses, dividers/parallel rulers or their equivalent (SLEs 1, 3 - 5, 7–13, 15)

11 / Exploring and Understanding Data / 5 weeks
(14 hours) /
  • use of summary statistics to draw and analyse conclusions, represent data and make inferences (SLEs 1 - 5)
  • interpretation and use of sample statistics (including sample means and medians) as estimates of parameters to predict underlying population values or of values in a model (SLEs 1 - 3)
  • interpret relationships between variables and make predictions by identifying and using trend lines (both linear and non linear) (SLEs 6, 12, 13)
  • interpretation and use of relative frequencies to estimate probabilities of individual values for discrete variables (including categories) and of intervals for continuous variables (SLEs 7, 9 - 11)
  • interpretation and use of probability as a measure of chance in a range of practical and theoretical situations (SLEs 7, 9 - 11)

12 / Maps and Compasses - Navigation
(elective) / 4 weeks
(12 hours) /
  • methods of fixing position which may include bearing fix, dead reckoning, running fix, GPS (SLEs 3, 4, 6 - 8, 10–15)
  • plot courses and determine location by: (SLEs 1, 3 –15)
- using of maps/charts, compasses, dividers/parallel rulers or their equivalent
- a variety of methods of fixing positions which may include bearing fix, dead reckoning, running fix, GPS
Semester Four / 13 / Operations Research - Networks
(elective) / 5 weeks
(15 hours) /
  • identify and use network terminology including node, branch, path and tree (SLE 1 - 6)
  • shortest path through a network(SLEs 1 - 3, 6)
  • minimum spanning tree for a network(SLEs 1 - 3)
  • choose and use shortest path or minimum spanning tree as applicable to the context (SLEs 1 – 3, 5, 6)
  • identify and reflect upon the effect of critical steps in project networks (SLEs 1, 4, 6)
  • identify and reflect upon the impact of slack time in a project network (SLEs 1, 4, 6)

14 / Managing Money 2 / 5 weeks
(14 hours) /
  • consumer credit including personal loans, credit cards, debit cards, housing loans (including fees and charges) (SLEs 1 - 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 18)
  • investments including savings accounts, term deposits, real estate and stock market (SLEs 13, 14, 17, 19)
  • simple algebraic manipulation of financial formulas

15 / Operations Research - Queuing
(elective) / 4 weeks
(13 hours) /
  • investigate single and multiple-server queue situations with constant arrival and service times using a variety of representations
    (SLEs 7 - 9)
  • investigate the effects on a queuing system of random arrival and service times (SLE 7 - 9)

16 / Exploring and Understanding Data / 4 weeks
(13 hours) /
  • interpretation in context of row and column percentages for a contingency table (two-way table of frequencies) (SLEs 8, 9)
  • misuse of probabilities, including misinterpretation of row and column percentages in contingency tables (SLEs 6–9)

Assessment Plan

Semester / Assessment Instrument / Knowledge and Procedures / Modelling and Problem Solving / Communication and Justification
Formative / 1.1EMP/Report /  /  / 
1.2Examination /  /  / 
1.3 EMP/Report /  /  / 
1.4 Examination /  /  / 
Summative / 2.1EMP/Report /  /  / 
2.2Examination /  /  / 
2.3Examination /  /  / 
Summative / 3.1EMP/Report /  /  / 
3.2Examination /  /  / 
3.3EMP/Report /  /  / 
3.4Examination /  /  / 
Summative / 4.1EMP/Report /  /  / 
4.2Examination /  /  / 
4.3Examination /  /  / 

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ASHSMathematics A Work Program

ALDRIDGE StateHigh SchoolMathematics ATeacher Semester 1:......

Student ProfileSemester 2:......

Student Name:...... Semester 3:......

Year of Entry/Exit:...... Semester 4:......

Semester / Assessment Instrument / Knowledge and Procedures / Modelling and Problem Solving / Communication and Justification / Comments
(if applicable)
Formative / 1.1EMP/Report / B / B / B
1.2Examination / A / B / B
1.3 EMP/Report / A / A / B
1.4 Examination / B / B / B
Semester 1 Summary / B / B / B / Summary Result: / HA
Summative / 2.1EMP/Report / A / A / B
2.2 Examination / A / A / A
2.3Examination / B / B / B
Semester 2 Summary / B / B / B / Summary Result: / HA
Monitoring Summary / B / B / B / Monitoring LOA: / HA (mid)
Summative / 3.1EMP/Report / A / B / B
3.2 Examination / B / A / B
3.3EMP/Report / A / A / B
3.4Examination / A / B / A
Semester 3 Summary / A / B / B / Summary Result / HA
Summative / 4.1EMP/Report / B / B / B
4.2Examination / A / A / A
Verification Summary / A / B / B / Verification LOA: / HA
4.3 Examination / A / B / A
Exit Summary / A / B / B / Exit LOA: / HA

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ASHSMathematics A Work Program

Outline of Intended Student Learning

Unit Topic: Managing Money I

Subject Matter / Text and Resources / Learning Experiences and Teaching Strategies / Possible assessment
Earning Money
Salaries/Wages / New Q Maths 11A
(Brodie and Swift)
Chapter 6 / Definition of salaries vs wages
Calculating real life wages and salaries using student generated data from part time jobs.
Use of tables from employers/internet to calculate weekly incomes
Collect a variety of job advertisements which mention different methods of payment / Supervised test:
Short items, practical exercises in the topic of earning money
  • Salary, wage, overtime, commission calculations
  • Reading industrial awards
  • Calculating discount
  • Foreign exchange calculations
Formula sheet provided
Extended modelling and problem solving task:
Format: task requires students to research industrial wards and methods of payments to present a report discussing weaknesses and strengths of methods of payments. Students will be required to research 3 occupations to highlight differences in payments pertaining to the appropriate awards.
Overtime / New Q Maths 11A
(Brodie and Swift)
Chapter 6 / Calculating overtime rates for the Hospitality industry
Investigate the different forms of overtime that are paid
Use computer software to calculate weekly earnings
Commission / New Q Maths 11A
(Brodie and Swift)
Chapter 6 / Investigate types of occupations that earn income through commission
Guest Speaker from local Real Estate Company
Piece Rate / New Q Maths 11A
(Brodie and Swift)
Chapter 6 / Calculate the weekly wages and rates of pays of persons earning income through piece work payments
Means Tested Incomes / New Q Maths 11A
(Brodie and Swift)
Chapter 6 / Investigate a variety of forms of means tested incomes
Investigate the effect of income and family size on family allowance/child care payments
Guest Presenter from local Centre Link offices
Industrial Award / Copy of Hospitality Industrial Award / Draft an industrial award of your own with provisions in areas such as annual leave, sick leave, overtime, lsl, special allowances, etc
Combinations of Earning Money / New Q Maths 11A
(Brodie and Swift)
Chapter 6 / Research a job occupation in each of the methods of payment discussed and present a report to the class
Discount / New Q Maths 11A
(Brodie and Swift)
Chapter 11 / Formulate and use simple models to calculate discount.
Business profit and loss and exchange. / New Q Maths 11A
(Brodie and Swift)
Chapter 11 / Formulate and use simple models to calculate foreign exchange.
Convert Australian dollars into other currencies.

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