Hands-on Exercises

eBooks and personal development – supporting your KSF

Split into groups of 4 and answer 4 questions on areas covered by the KSF’s core dimensions. When you have finished one section move on to a new section.

N.B. Please remember to close each eBook once you have finished viewing it.

Group 1

C1 Communication

1) Search the e-Library for the eBook “Interpersonal Communication”. Once you have found this eBook open it up in the NetLibrary interface and login with your Athens details.

Which two situations are mentioned in the cover introduction in which communication can influence our life?

C4 Service improvement

2) Using the ‘Basic Search’ box on the right of the screen, by Titlefor the eBook ‘'Decision Making for Improved Performance”Click on ‘View this eBook’

Use the navigational tools to go to Page 6.

List the first 3 steps of the 7-step decision-making process?

C1 Communication

3) Click on ’Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. Using the ‘Advanced Search’ page, search by Keyword for ‘body’ and ‘language’

Tip: Combine the keywords using the ‘AND’ from the drop-down menu to the right of the search box.

In the introduction to Chapter 2 of the eBook “Visible Thought: The New Psychology of Body Language” what do Tower, Bryant and Argyll say about language and non-verbal behaviour

C6 Equality and diversity

4) Again click on ‘Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. In the ‘Basic Search’ page find the eBook “The Diversity Training Handbook: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Changing Attitudes”

Use the Table of Contents to locate the web address for the ‘Commission for Racial Equality’

Hands-on Exercises

eBooks and personal development – supporting your KSF

Split into groups of 4 and answer 4 questions on areas covered by the KSF’s core dimensions. When you have finished one section move on to a new section.

N.B. Please remember to close each eBook once you have finished viewing it.

Group 2

C1 Communication

1) From the ‘Basic Search’ page,search by Subject for ‘Communication’

How many eBooks are there on this subject?

C2 Personal and people development

2) Using the search box on the right of the screen, click on ‘Advanced Search’ Find the eBook on ‘people development’ by the author ‘Rostron’

Tip: Combine a Keyword and Author search using the ‘AND’ from the drop-down menu to the right of the search box.

What is the name of this eBook?

C3 Service improvement

3) Click on ’Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. In the ‘Basic Search’ page, search by Title for the eBook “Improving Cancer Services Through Patient Involvement” Click on ‘View this eBook’ Using the Table of Contents on the left of the screenBrowse the ‘glossary of tools and methods for user involvement’

Tip: It is in section 2 of this title.

What are the key attributes for the strategy ‘User information about service and treatment options’?

Look at some of the other strategies. Could some of these be used in other practices?

C4 Health, Safety and Security

4) Again click on ‘Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. Search for the eBook “Clinical Risk Management”. Do a phrase search for “inpatient violence”.

Tip:You will need to use the ‘Search this eContent’ search box

List two predictive factors for inpatient violence?

Hands-on Exercises

eBooks and personal development – supporting your KSF

Split into groups of 4 and answer 4 questions on areas covered by the KSF’s core dimensions. When you have finished one section move on to a new section.

N.B. Please remember to close each eBook once you have finished viewing it.

Group 3

C1 Communication

1) From the ‘Basic Search’ page, search byTitlefor“How to Write a Paper”. Click on ‘Show Details’.

List two ‘Similar Items’ that NetLibrary suggest you might also be interested in?

C2 Personal and people development

2) Using the ‘Basic Search box on the right of the screen, search byTitlefor“Mentoring, Preceptorship and Clinical Supervision: A Guide to Professional Roles in Clinical Practice”Click on ‘View this eBook’ Use the Index on the Table of Contents to look at the ‘benefits of mentoring’

Evidence from literature suggests that the benefits of mentoring are split between who?

C5 Quality

3) Click on ’Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. In the ‘Basic Search page,search byKeyword for Teamwork.

In the eBook “Thinking Teams, Thinking Clients: Knowledge-based Teamwork” on page 69 what did the Ministry of Health suggest would improve quality?

C5 Quality

4) Again click on ‘Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. Using the ‘Advanced Search’ page, search for an eBook by Michael Armstrong published by Kogan Page.

Tip: Combine anAuthor and Publisher search using the ‘AND’ from the drop-down menu to the right of the search box.

What is Armstrong’s definition of ‘Personal development planning’ as outlined in Chapter 16?

Save this page as a PDF file to the desktop.

Hands-on Exercises

eBooks and personal development – supporting your KSF

Split into groups of 4 and answer 4 questions on areas covered by the KSF’s core dimensions. When you have finished one section move on to a new section.

N.B. Please remember to close each eBook once you have finished viewing it.

Group 4

C1 Communication

1) From the ‘Basic Search’ page, search by Titlefor “How to Present at Meetings” Click on ‘View this eBook’Using the Table of Contents on the left of the screen, click on Chapter 1 ‘Principles of communication’ using the ‘+’ sign look at the section on ‘Content’

Which four points should a presentation cover?

C3 Health, Safety and Security

2) Click on ’Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. Search for the Title”Health Promotion: Philosophy, Prejudice, and Practice”

Save this cover to your desktop using the Acrobat toolbar. (You can also email some book covers. Think of ways that this may come in useful?

C5 Quality

3) Again click on ‘Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. Using the ‘Advanced Search’ page find eBooks on ‘evidence based medicine’ published by BMJ.

Tip: Combine aKeyword and Publisher search using the ‘AND’ from the drop-down menu to the right of the search box.

Look at “How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence Based Medicine”

Browse the sections of chapter 2 ‘Searching the literature’

What two sources does the author recommend you use to search for literature in this section?

C6 Equality and diversity

4) Again click on ‘Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. Find the eBook “The Diversity Training Handbook: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Changing Attitudes” Click on ‘View this eBook’ Using the Table of Contents find the section ‘Diversity and the Bottom Line’ in Chapter 2 of this eBook.

Name the 3 pieces of legislation on diversity which are summarised in the section?

Hands-on Exercises

eBooks and personal development – supporting your KSF

Split into groups of 4 and answer 4 questions on areas covered by the KSF’s core dimensions. When you have finished one section move on to a new section.

N.B. Please remember to close each eBook once you have finished viewing it.

Group 5

C3 Health, Safety and Security

1) From the ‘Basic Search’ page, search by Titlefor ‘Health Promotion’ Sort Results by ‘Newest First’.

What is the title of the most recent eBook?

C1 Communication

2) Using the ‘Basic Search box on the right of the screen, search by Title for ‘Visible Thought’ Click on ‘View this eBook’ Using the Table of Contents find Chapter 3 ‘Icebreaking’. Use the navigational buttonsat the top of the page to go to the ‘Next’ page.

What is the first thing the author does to create dialogue with delegates?

C4 Service improvement

3)Click on ’Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. Using the ‘Advanced Search’ page find the eBook by the authors by Fottler, Ford and Heaton

Tip: Combine authors using the ‘AND’ from the drop-down menu to the right of the search box. Alternatively type AND in the search box.

Find the 15 principles of achieving service excellence.
Tip:Go to the section ‘The Principles of Achieving Service Excellence’

What is the first principle?

4)Again click on ‘Close Item’ and then click on ‘Home’. Find the eBook “The Diversity Training Handbook: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Changing Attitudes” Click on ‘View this eBook’

Using the ‘Glossary’find definitions for Culture and Diversity?