Fourth Senate Session

October, 10th2017

Stern Center Ballroom

Call to Order

The Fourth Session of Senate was called to order at 4:30

Roll Call

  • Absences
  • Senator Palacios
  • Senator Ponder
  • Senator Pitts
  • Senator Hicks


Motion to waive the reading of the minutes.

  • Passed

Executive Council Reports

  • President Alexandra Helfgott
  • Grade redemption policy be voted on today in faculty senate
  • Last year Senate passed a resolution that supported the installation of a cross walk on the corner of Saint Philip Street and Liberty Street
  • That will be installed very soon
  • SGA will also be starting a pilot program of free feminine hygiene products that will be available in the library bathrooms
  • Secretary Emily Ramsayer
  • No report
  • Treasurer Sara Graham
  • I will be sharing with you the same budget workshop PowerPoint that I present to clubs
  • Clubs are required to maintain their OrgSync pages
  • On OrgySync there is the compass with all of the funding rules
  • The deadlines for budget requests is October 27th at 5:00pm
  • Budget hearings: week of October 30th-November 3rd
  • Publication of tentative budgets: November 7th
  • First reading of budget bills will be read at Senate on November 14th
  • Deliberations and appeals will start then
  • Appeal submission deadline: November 14th at 5pm
  • Appeal Hearings: November 16th
  • Contingency funding requests can be submitted by budgeted organizations for non-budgeted requests
  • 4 week notice needed for all purchases
  • 5 weeks needed for travels and contracts
  • Change of request is when you move money from one event to another
  • This needs to happen before the event happens
  • All the forms are digital
  • All request forms must be submitted by November 6th
  • Dark period begins December 5th
  • Cannot fund events that have already happened, uniforms, costumes, equipment, etc.
  • Can fund things like travel, t-shirts, film screenings, etc.
  • You can purchase the rights to a movie for your club, but if it is for an educational purpose and you have an advisor present, this lowers the price significantly
  • If the details of the event are not solidified, they can defer to contingency funds
  • Encourage clubs to have at least 1% of expenses per semesterbe offset by fundraising
  • We cannot fund items for resale or direct donations
  • Reimbursement for travel can be granted
  • Budget hearing expectations include the number of expected students at the event, purpose of event, food, etc
  • We have Comic book club coming for travel and we have already cut their funds accordingly
  • Chief of Staff Williams
  • Pep Club meeting is on Thursday at 7pm in Maybank 105
  • Bylaw review session is coming up
  • It will focus on the election process
  • I will send a doodle poll out to find times that everyone can meet
  • Deputy Chief of StaffRunzo
  • SOR and Allocations will be tabling next Wednesday
  • Vice President Tripp Keefe
  • I have a meeting on October 26th about working out an agreement with Gotcha Ride Company
  • I will let you know how it goes

Unfinished Business

  1. FB-10-2017 — To allow the budgeted student organization Luminescent to enter their 28-day waiting period.
  • First Rights
  • Senator Stewart:
  • I yield my time to her
  • Club Rep:
  • I founded a nonprofit called Luminescent
  • It is a community outreach organizationcentered on colligate students and their ideas about how they can do outreach in their community using what they have learned in school
  • We have afterschool programs with middle school students
  • We would be budgeted
  • We have over 90 interested students
  • We had 60 people come to our first interest meeting
  • We would have monthly general body meetings
  • Volunteer at middle schools once a month
  • Promote events via social media and tabling
  • I have different executive board members of students from different grades to make sure our club is sustainable
  • Period of Discussion
  • Director Conti: Have you reached out to any middle schools?
  • I have reached out to the PR person of middle schools in the area and have meetings with her coming up soon
  • Deputy Chief of Staff Runzo: How many interested members do you have?
  • We have 90 people
  • Parliamentarian Rizzo: What would a typical meeting look like?
  • People can come and talk about different ideas that they want to address. Basically, college students are using what they have learned in the class room to help address issues in the community together
  • Chief of Staff Williams: What do you plan to do in your 28 days?
  • I would like to recruit people by tabling and letting people know about positions they can hold
  • Chief of Staff Williams: How do plan to fill your executive positions with biweekly executive board meetings?
  • People have already agreed to the biweekly meetings
  • Senator Meis: Do you have any examples of things that Luminescent has already done?
  • We are still getting approved as a nonprofit. Right now we are doing a Flint Michigan fundraiser.
  • Motion to pass by unanimous consent
  • Objection
  • Motion to be passed by unanimous proclamation
  • Passed

New Business

  1. FB-17-2017 — To allocate up to the amount of $292.50 to the student organization, Comic Book Club for the purpose of lodging
  • First Rights
  • Senator Brown:
  • I yield my time to him
  • Club rep:
  • Trying to go to comic convention in North Carolina
  • 10 students, no faculty
  • We are already promoting this event
  • We originally asked for$ 400
  • We raised 60$ in fundraising already through a bake sale
  • We will be having one more bake sale
  • We already have drivers in place to take us there
  • Period of Discussion
  • Motion to pass by unanimous consent
  • Passed
  1. FB-18-2017 — To appoint Jarrett Baade to the position of Junior Senator of the Student Government Association for the 2017-2018 Academic Year
  • First Rights
  • Parliamentarian Rizzo:
  • I yield my time to him
  • Club rep:
  • I want to be a senator because I want to get more involved on campus
  • I love this school, I have been here for 2 years
  • It is important to have students who are enthusiastic for the future of Charleston in SGA
  • I am hoping to be a valuable member of this organization
  • Period of Discussion
  • Senator Meis: Have you been on any executive boards before?
  • No
  • Chief of Staff Williams: Have you done any community initiatives beforehand?
  • Yes, my fraternity has done many different outreach events. I wanted to join SGA because I thought I could do more.
  • Chief of Staff Williams: Could you specify which event you were most passionate about?
  • Yes, an event called fire truck pull and all the proceeds go to charity.
  • Deputy Chief of Staff Runzo: Are you in any other clubs?
  • Yes, the Tennis Club
  • Parliamentarian Rizzo: What stopped you from running in the spring?
  • I planned to run but there was a mistake with the Registrar and miscommunication so I was unable to run.
  • Director Conti: Do you have ideas for any initiatives that you would like to pursue?
  • I believe students should be given more control over affairs for the College of Charleston; I don’t have any particular initiatives that I have come up with yet, only that we should have more control over the College’s decisions.
  • Period of Debate
  • Voting Procedures
  • Passed by unanimous proclamation

Motion to suspend special rules to swear in the new senator


Motion to reinstate the special rules


Committee Reports

  • Allocations- Treasurer Sara Graham
  • We have 4 clubs coming to allocations this week
  • That is exciting because we still have a lot in contingency
  • Student Organization Review Board- Secretary Emily Ramsayer
  • So far I have one club coming this week to SOR so next week will probably be pretty similar to this week as far as clubs go.
  • Director Conti
  • My committee will be tabling at Day Without Water next Thursday
  • We have been getting a lot of positive feedback form other universities who have done this same things
  • No university in SC has taken on this endeavor yet
  • All our individual initiatives have started to get rolling as well
  • Director Pullin
  • We keep hearing from students that they want more tables in the library with outlets
  • However, we have found that these are really expensive to buy
  • We are now looking into portable charge blocks as a way to take care of that concern
  • We are in conversation with the bike share division of the Gotcha group about a discounted price for students
  • I am still in conversation with the Student Health Service’sdirector about getting us free dental dams as well as offering emergency contraceptive in health services
  • Freshman Committee
  • We are working on water bottle refill stations
  • we are looking at stern first as far as location goes
  • We are also pursuing guest meal swipes
  • We have found that roll over printing doesn’t work because it is gifted to us in the first place
  • Also, we are looking to lower the cost of Cougar Cards back to $10


  • SGA Related
  • Chief of Staff Williams:
  • Come to the Pep Club meeting!
  • Non-SGA Related
  • Senator Caleca:
  • I am in Model UN
  • We are hosting a conference at CofC on November 3rd and 4th that is open to all students
  • You should all get involved!—plus there is free food!


The fourth Session of the Student Senate adjourned at 5:11pm