The House of the Scorpion

by Nancy Farmer


Picture or drawing of scorpion

Or something significant from the novel



Page 1 - Scorpions Information

1.  Where are scorpions found?

2.  What are the systems of a scorpion sting?

3.  Which scorpion is the most venomous in the United States?

4.  Name four characteristics shared by all scorpions?

5.  Name the three most common scorpions found in the Southwest?

6.  Describe the scorpion’s range and habitat.

7.  Describe a scorpion’s diet/food/behavior.

8.  How does a scorpion hunt and kill its prey?

Page 2 - Dystopian Society Facts- Notes from class

Page 3 - Dystopian Society Analysis

1.  Throughout this unit we will analyze dystopian societies – that is Utopian dreams gone wrong. Drawing on the evidence from both the novel and research, decide whether or not you believe a Utopian society will ever exist. Why or why not? Provide evidence from the text study to support your claims.

Page 4 - Main Characters Chart

What the character What the What others How do others Comparisons

Character says character does say about treat the to other

The character character? characters

1.  Celia

2.  Matt

3.  Maria

4.  Tom

5.  Tam Lin

6.  El Patron

Page 5 - Stem Cell - Pros/Cons



My opinion supported by facts:

Page 6 - Cultural References

Find examples of the following cultural references in the novel. Be sure to include a quote and page number from the novel.

1.  Spanish terms

2.  Traditions

3.  Mythological creatures

4.  Slang

5.  Religion

Page 7 - Organ Donation Pros/Cons



My opinion based on what I’ve learned:

Page 8 - Reflection Comparison

Write a one page narrative reflection comparing yourself to a character from the text you feel a connection with. In your narrative consider and include one example from each category listed below:

1.  Different allusions in the text: religious, cultural, literary

2.  Different themes in the text: alienation, social classification, struggle to get and maintain power

3.  Character relationships in the text: bully and victim, unrequited love, absentee parental figures

Page 9 - Name Research

1.  Research the origin of the following character names from the novel. Be sure to include as much information as you can find about the names. Determine whether or not the names are suitable for the characters they represent. If you find the names do not match the character(s) then assign that character(s) a more suitable suggested name. Explain why or why not the name is a good representation for that character.

a.  Matteo

b.  Celia

c.  Maria

d.  Esperanza

e.  Tom

2.  Research the origin of your first name. Does it represent you? Explain.

Page 10 - Poetry Analysis/Comparison

Read Shakespeare’s Sonnet 60.

1.  What is Shakespeare’s purpose in writing this sonnet?

2.  What parallels can be drawn between the two texts?

3.  What is Nancy Farmer’s purpose in writing her novel?

4.  Which text, if any, is more realistic?

Read Dylan Thomas’s “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”

1.  What themes are consistent in these works?

2.  How do the different author’s approach the idea of rebellion and death?

3.  See if you can find a third poem with a similar theme. Give title and author.

Page 11 - Human Cloning Pros/Cons



Page 12 - Letter

Write a letter to the president of the medical profession to convince the medical community your view on human cloning. The letter must include a call to action, you must convince the reader to do something (cast a certain vote, petition a governing body, etc.). You must include facts/examples to support your opinion.