Costs of War Lesson Plan

1. Ohio Standard and NCSS Thematic Strand


Grade 8 (Economic Strand)

22. Choices made by individuals, businesses, and governments have both present and future consequences.


Power, Authority, and Governance

Global Connections

2. Grade Level identified

Grade 8

3. Purpose, Background, and Context

The Vietnam War had left a great burden on the United States financially. The costs of the war upset citizens of the United States. The lack of monetary support to domestic issues led to more resistance of the war. In total, the United States spent $120 billion to support one of the longest conflicts the United States has been involved in, ignoring the downfall of the economy. All wars place a financial burden, some more than others; it is important to contemplate financial responsibility and act in the best interest of all United States citizens.

4. Goals/Objectives/Student Outcomes/Performance Expectations

Students will:

·  Analyze political cartoons popularized during the Vietnam War

·  Determine the financial burden of the Vietnam War

·  Contemplate how the financial costs of wars influence the future (graphic organizer)

·  Determine what citizens must think about before engaging in war

5. Materials

Political cartoons from and,%20Money%20Enough.gif and

Web Diagram

‘Cause and Effect’ Demonstration Activity

6. Procedures

Day 1

  1. Ask students: “What are the biggest challenges that government must consider before officially entering a war?” Have students get with partners and fill out the supplied web diagram.
  1. Have students share with class their responses. When the topic of expenses is brought up by a student, lead into political cartoons.
  1. Pass out copies of the two political cartoons. Different groups will be receiving different cartoons. Have groups determine how the United States government viewed the effects of costs of war. Ask: “What was the situation in America at this time regarding the costs of the Vietnam War? Explain.” “How did United States citizens feel about the government’s distribution of money?”
  1. Have students share their answers as a class.
  1. Present ‘Cause and Effect’ demonstration using the SmartBoard.
  1. Assign research. Have students research the costs and other effects of the Iraqi War.

Day 2

1.  Have cartoon from the Iraqi war displayed when students enter the classroom.

2.  Have students compare and contrast, using the provided chart and cartoons from the day before, the monetary burdens of the two wars.

3.  Create a master compare and contrast chart on the Smart Board as a class while discussing how the two wars have very similar consequences.

4.  Assign each student a President involved during either conflict. Have students research how that president used the government’s money. i.e. Did they try to stop the recession? Did they put the government more in debt? Etc…

7. Assessment of Outcomes

Collect the Cause and Effect charts and President Project. Look for the students’ rationale.

8. Extensions and Adaptations

Compare multiple wars using a Jigsaw Cooperative Activity on the topic of cause and effect

Compare the government’s war budget to the amount of money that is put into education, poverty, national disasters, etc…

9. Resources,%20Money%20Enough.gif