Stress Webquest

Introduction / Activity / Research Sites / Reminders / Rubric for Evaluation


Stress is an important factor that everyone experiences at some point in time. Taking an important exam, playing in a state championship game, or arguing with a friend can all be sources of stress. Being able to understand and manage your stress effectively and healthy will help you live a healthy life. You will now explore the causes of stress, how to respond, and take control of your stress to improve your health for life.

Standards Addressed:

10.1.12. B – Evaluate factors that impact the body systems and apply protective/preventive strategies.

10.4.9. B – Analyze the effects of regular participation in moderate to vigorous physical activities in relation to adolescent health improvement.

Web Quest Activity

You must now search the internet using information from the research sites providedbelow or any personal resources you may find. You will be required to create and distribute a survey, aforumon stress management tips, and write a 1 page reflectionessay on your findings of the survey. You must hand in all 3 assignments above to be graded.


You will create a survey to collect information about stress and how teenagers deal with it. Factors to include:

  1. The survey must be at least 10 questions (Sample Question - In the last month, how often have you felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them?)
  2. Once the survey is created, distribute the survey to at least 10 different people in the appropriate age group (teen years 13 – 19).
  3. Review the surveys and use the data collected to design a Voicethread about how to manage stress and to write your 1 page reflection.

* You must hand in a blank copy of the survey that you distributed with the final project to be graded!!


You must post in a forum on how you deal with stress in a healthy way. Provide tips and/or advice on how to manage stress.

Information to include in yourforum:

  1. Define Stress
  2. Identify 10 Sources of Stress that teens experience
  3. Signs and Symptoms of Stress
  4. 5 defense mechanisms you would use
  5. Body’s response to stress
  6. Identify tips on managing stress

1Full Page Typed Reflection Essay

After you have researched stress through many different avenues such as the internet, collected data from your survey, and creating a Voicethreadon tips and management strategies it is now time to reflect on your findings. Your reflection essay should include the following.

Question to ask yourself:

What have I learned?

Did my opinion about stress change?

Is stress/stress management an important part of health and living a healthy life.

Research Sites

Teens Health – Stress

Helping Teenagers with Stress

Teens & Stress

Helping Teens Cope with Stress

Stress Defense Mechanisms


All information and materials must be submitted to your instructor by the appointed deadline.

Failure to submit the above information will detrimentally affect your grade.

Please examine rubric below to know how this web quest will be assessed.

Rubric for Evaluation

Stress Survey Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Your
Content / The survey exceeds above & beyond the stated criteria / The survey exceeds the stated criteria on most parts / The survey meets half of the stated criteria / The survey meets less than half of the stated criteria
Creativity / The survey is an outstanding, creative work / The survey shows some creativity & originality / The survey shows little originality or creative thought / The survey shows little or no originality or creative thought
Neatness / The survey is exceptionally neat and presentable / The survey is neat & presentable on most elements / The survey is neat but lacks organization on most elements / The survey lacks neatness & being unorganized
Writing Mechanisms / The writing mechanisms are excellent & without errors / The writing mechanisms has few errors / The writing mechanisms has some errors that does not interfere with clarity / The writing mechanisms has multiple errors & interferes with clarity

Total Score for survey:


4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Your
Content / The forumexceeds above & beyond the stated criteria / The forum exceeds the stated criteria on most parts / The forum meets half of the stated criteria / The forum meets less than half of the stated criteria
Creativity / The forum is an outstanding, creative work / The forum shows some creativity & originality / The forum shows little originality or creative thought / The forumshows little or no originality or creative thought
Neatness / The forum is exceptionally neat and presentable / The forum is neat & presentable on most elements / The forum is neat but lacks organization on most elements / The forum lacks neatness & unorganized
Writing Mechanisms / The writing mechanisms are excellent & without errors / The writing mechanisms has few errors / The writing mechanisms has some errors that does not interfere with clarity / The writing mechanisms has multiple errors & interferes with clarity

Total Score for forum:

One Page Essay Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Your
Content / The essay exceeds above & beyond the stated criteria / The essay exceeds the stated criteria on most parts / The essay meets half of the stated criteria / The essay meets less than half of the stated criteria
Creativity / The essay is an outstanding, creative work / The essay shows some creativity & originality / The essay shows little originality or creative thought / The essay shows little or no originality or creative thought
Neatness / The essay is exceptionally neat and well organized / The essay is neat & presentable on most elements / The essay is neat but lacks organization on most elements / The essay lacks neatness & unorganized
Writing Mechanisms / The writing mechanisms are excellent & without errors / The writing mechanisms has few errors / The writing mechanisms has some errors that does not interfere with clarity / The writing mechanisms has multiple errors & interferes with clarity

Total Score for the essay: