Interactive Notebook – 3rd Quarter - AP American Gov & Politics

_____ Chapter 9 title page

_____ Interest Groups Lecture

_____ Chapter 9 questions #1-7

_____ Quotation Illustration – LEFT

_____ Vocab. Chart – LEFT

_____ Activities of Interest Groups (web, chart, pamphlet) – LEFT

_____ Interest Group Info. Wrksht. (right)

_____ Iron Triangle – Right-Left Match

_____ Political Cartoon Analysis – LEFT

_____ Socratic Seminar – Right-Left Match

______Chapter 10 title page

______History & Structure of News Media Wrksht. Questions (right)

______Mass Media Lecture

______Functions/Roles of Media & Bias Chart – LEFT

______Text Reading Questions #1-13

______Vocabulary Chart – LEFT

______How Dumb Can We Get? Article – Summary – LEFT

______Media & Elections – LEFT

______Chapter 11 Congress title page

______Congress Lecture (typed for you)

______Congress Part I questions #1-8

______Vocabulary Chart – LEFT

______Congressional Representation Web/Pamphlet – LEFT

______Congress Wrksht. (right page)

______Congress Part II questions #1-17

______Party Organization in Congress Web/Pamphlet/Chart – LEFT

______Vocabulary Chart – LEFT

______Bork Barrel Spending Article Analysis & Political Cartoons – right-left match

______Legislative Branch Web - LEFT

______Socratic Seminar Worksheets – right-left match (w/ flip-up opinion)

______Baker v. Carr – right page w/ left illustrated outline

______Reynolds v. Sims – right page w/ left illustrated outline

______Redistricting Cases (Bush v. Vera & Shaw v. Reno) w/ summary (right)

______How Congress Works Lecture

______New Gerry State Gerrymandering Worksheet - LEFT

______Bill to Law Cut & Paste Flow Chart - LEFT

______Congress Overview Chart, Web, Pamphlet (supplementary reading) – LEFT

______Oversight Article (Immigration) Analysis – LEFT

_____ Chapters 12 & 13 “The Executive Branch” title page

_____ Chapter 12 questions #1-18

_____ Office of the President Chart – LEFT

_____ Vocab. Chart – LEFT

_____ Roles of the Presidency Lecture (powerpoint)

_____ Roles of the President Wrksht. & Roles of the President Quotation Illustration – right-left match

_____ Presidential Popularity Chart w/ questions (right page)

_____ Presidency Article Analysis - LEFT

_____ War Powers Act -Budget Reform Act Chart & War Powers Article – right-left match

_____ Imperialistic Presidency Socratic Seminar – Right-Left Match

_____ Chapter 13 questions #1-5

_____ Vocab. Chart – Congressional Oversight - LEFT

_____ Growth of Bureaucracy Chart –LEFT

_____ Bureaucracy Lecture (Power Point)

_____ Bureaucracy Cartoons Analysis - LEFT

_____ Bureaucratic Pathologies right –left match

_____ Budget Article w/ analytical paragraph & Budget Quotation Illustration – right-left match

·50 total required entries @ 5 pts. each = 250

·details & analysis = 50

·organization, hi-lighting, completion (questions copied & answered), neatness, creativity, use of color to chunk information, etc. = 25 pts.

TOTAL /325 pts.