Fraction Farm Project

DUE DATE: Thursday, June 6, 2013

Your job is to create a garden using fractions.

Apply your knowledge the denominator of a fraction represents the number of whole equal parts.

Apply your knowledge the numerator of a fraction represents the number of whole parts being


Compare the size of different fractions.

Develop the understanding of equivalent fractions

Plot your fractions on a number line and state which is greater than and/or less than.

You must use graph paper and transfer this paper garden into your own creative 3-D garden. Remember, you can grow anything in your garden. Don’t forget to name your garden J


1.  Pick a base for your project (shoebox, cardboard square, construction paper, Styrofoam square).

2.  Come up with items to grow in your garden (flowers, fruits, vegetables and what kinds).

3.  Come up with an item to represent what you want to grow in your garden (For example:

M & M’s, gummy bears, seeds, pasta, nuts, starbursts, jellybeans, fruit loops, skittles, mini marshmallows, stickers, cotton balls, your own paper pictures).

You must use the same food item for each garden plant to keep it proportional.

4.  Glue these items correctly onto your board to show each fractional part of the entire garden.

5.  Be creative with this project and make sure your fraction parts add up correctly J

Graph Paper Example of your garden:

(My example is out of 20; your child has already chosen their number located on the graph paper).

(red skittles) / ROSES
(red skittles) / ROSES
(red skittles) / ROSES
(red skittles) / ROSES
(red skittles)
(red skittles) / ROSES
(red skittles) / ROSES
(red skittles) / ROSES
(red skittles) / ROSES
(red skittles)
(orange skittles) / CARROTS
(orange skittles) / CARROTS
(orange skittles) / PEAS
(green skittles) / PEAS
(green skittles)
(orange skittles) / CARROTS
(orange skittles) / PEAS
(green skittles) / ONIONS
(yellow skittles) / ONIONS
(yellow skittles)

Red Skittles represent Roses – 10/20 or ½ of the garden

Orange Skittles represent Carrots – 5/20 or ¼ of the garden

Green Skittles represent Peas – 3/20

Yellow Skittles represent Onions – 2/20 or 1/10th of the garden

Number line showing my Fraction Garden:

5/20 Carrots


/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__ /

1 * 3/20 peas 10 20 (20/20)

*2/20 onion * 10/20 Roses

< to > = Roses are greater than Peas, Carrots and

onions are the smallest

Convert your fraction to a decimal and order it from smallest to greatest. Example 2/20 = .10 3/20 = .15 5/20 = .25 10/20 = .50

Fraction Garden Rubric

Garden Area / 25 / 10 / 10 / 5
Accuracy of fraction/decimal / All parts of the garden match up with fractional amounted stated and decimal / All but one part of the garden matches up with fractional amounts or decimal stated / All but two parts of the garden match the fractional or decimal amount / Three or more fractional parts or decimals do not match up
Neatness / Items are neatly placed and organized on the project / Items are neatly placed on the project, but not organized properly / Items are not placed on the project neat or organized
Creativity / Creative use of the same item throughout entire project. Added details to make the garden look more realistic. / Used the same item throughout entire project. Little added details to make the garden look more realistic. / Used different items, which made it hard to notice the fractions. Little details added to make garden look realistic / Used different items, which made it hard to notice the fractions. No added details were made to the garden to make it look more realistic
Number line and Paper Graph / Both are turned in with garden project and are correct. / Only one was turned in with garden project and is correct / Both are turned in with garden project and both are incorrect. / One is turned in with the garden project and is incorrect.