State AssociationsSubcommittee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 29, 2012
3:00 p.m. ET
Michele Oken - NACM Vice President
State Associations Subcommittee Chair
Vicky Carlson – Minnesota
Rhonda Wharton – Arkansas
Lonnie Wolf – Wisconsin
Dawn Palermo – Louisiana
Vicky Bartholomew – MACM/PACM
Lynn Maloy – Louisiana
Jeff Chapple – Missouri
Scott Griffith – NACM Board Member
Kathy Griffin – Michigan
Trish Kinlow – Washington
Linda Perkins – NCSC Staff
Michele welcomed and thanked participants for joining.
- Midyear conference information: February 10-12, 2013, Los Angeles, California, Bonaventure Hotel;Theme: Making Tough Choices and Coping with Change. Michele encouraged State Association leaders to attend.Link to conference information:
- Dual Membership incentive: Vicky Carlson, Membership Committee Vice Chair, explained the dual membership partnership and benefits to state associations – link to site:
Vicky also explained the eLimited membership available for new members only, for a cost of only $25. Link to form:
- State Association Webpage will be launched after the first of the year. Vicky suggested links for education as well. NACM currently has links to the following state websites: Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, MACM, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Texas.
All other associations are encouraged to send Michele Oken or Linda Perkins links to their websites.
- National Agenda - Scott Griffith, Planning Committee Vice Chair, National Agenda Subcommittee Chair
(reproducible brochure is available on the website)
Scott reported that NACM’s goal is to keep the National Agenda front and center and relevant to membership. Vicky B. stated that PACM was energized by Kevin Bowling’s recent National Agenda presentation in Pennsylvania and that they plan on utilizing it as a tool for their strategic plan.
ANational Agenda power point is available; NACM encourages state associations to utilize the power point to promote the National Agenda. Let Michele/Scott know if you would like a copy. Please keep NACMinformed of feedback received.
NACM has a partnership with COSCA (Conference of State Court Administrators) and has asked Patti Tobias, COSCA’s liaison to NACM, to advertise the NACM National Agenda. Finally, Pam Harris, NACM President, has requested that the National Agenda Subcommittee review and analyze current priorities.
- Leadership conference – San Antonio
Michele shared the potential idea of mini workshops which would be interactive.Response was overwhelmingly positive; consensus by states that roundtables and sharing ideas/experiences with other associations is preferred.
A question was posed about who can attend the leadership conference. Michele explained that NACM invites one attendee from each association. Associations can send additional representatives; however, additional attendees’ expenses would be the responsibility of the state associations. Michele will review wording on previous invitations with Linda Perkins.
- Michele briefly explained the NACM Strategic Plan and the responsibility of the committees to discuss action items. The concepts of local meet and greets and educational opportunities targeting local regions and courts was discussed. Vicky B. indicated that a representative from NACM, usually Pam or Jude, speaks to attendees at the MACM conferences. Trish K. would entertain the idea to have a NACM officer/board member speak at their state conference; Lonnie concurred.
Vicky C. stated that Minnesota, as the host state of the 2012 Midyear conference, had contacted Kevin Bowling, Past President, prior to the conference to provide a NACM presentation at their local meeting.
There being no further business, the conference call concluded at 3:50 p.m. ET
Respectfully submitted,
Michele Oken, Vice President
State Associations Subcommittee Chair
Future conference calls
Last Thursday of the month, bi-monthly 3:00 p.m. ET
January 31
March 28
May 30