Chapter 9 – Leadership and Advocacy For Every Student’s Achievement and Opportunity

  1. A professional school counselor’s ethical duty is to
  1. be a disciplinarian.
  2. eliminate environmental and institutional barriers that impede student success.
  3. make coffee for the principal.
  4. None of the above.
  1. ______promotes equity in student access to learning.
  1. Helping only students in crisis
  2. Treating all students the same
  3. Creating a just environment using data to close gaps

D.Identifying students with inherent talent and developing it

  1. ______leadership is NOT one of the four types of leadership posited by Bolman and Deal.


  1. Human resources



  1. Of Janson’s four high school counselor leadership themes, ______most reflects the transformed school counselor and new vision of school counselors closing gaps.

A. self-focused and reflective exemplar

B. ancillary school counseling program manager

C. engaging systems change agent

D. empathetic resource broker

  1. ______is/are (a) successful way(s) to publicize transformed professional school counselor roles and transformed school counseling programs.
  1. School counseling program website
  2. School counseling program brochure
  3. Classroom presentations on ASCA Model & Standards, NOSCA 8 college and career readiness components, the new vision of transformed school counseling
D.All of the above.
  1. Nieto’s work on school reform includes
  1. high expectations for all students.
  2. antiracist/anti-bias policies.
  3. recognizing all students have strengths.

D.All of the above.

  1. Political leadership involves
  1. creating an organized plan for change.
  2. communicating a vision of change to others.
  3. empowering and motivating stakeholders.
  4. changing inequitable systemic structures.
  1. An example of an internal public to be targeted by professional school counselors is
  1. legislators.
  2. administrators.
  3. clergy.
  4. business owners.
  1. Professional school counselors can publicize their school counseling programs by
  1. interviewing current and former students, parents, administrators, and teachers on how school counseling has made a difference in their lives.
  2. creating a school counseling program website and encourage local media to access to for story ideas and referrals.

C.requesting that professional school counselor license plates be offered by your state.

  1. All of the above.
  1. A professional school counselor must be an advocate and leader for
  1. strong achievement and opportunities for every student.
  2. more funding from the government.
  3. more classroom time with students.
  4. more staff development time from administration.
  1. When professional school counselors put ______at the center of their work, they are invaluable to the mission of all schools.
  1. crisis intervention
  2. advocacy and leadership
  3. school counseling core curriculum lesson development
  4. consultation
  1. Professional school counselors need to promote success for all learners, especially
  1. poor and working class students.
  2. African American, Latino/a and Native American Indian students.
  3. students with developmental, intellectual, emotional, physical, and learning disabilities.
  4. All of the above.
  1. The CAFÉ model includes

A. collaboration.

B. administrators.

C. equality.

D. None of the above.

  1. ______must be changed so school conditions can be created in which all students can become successful learners.
  1. Knowledge of the faculty
  2. Funding from state and local governments
C.Faculty attitudes and beliefs about their students
  1. Parent and guardian attitudes about school counseling curriculum
  1. A successful school with 100% of students who qualify for free and reduced lunch with low achievement and opportunity gaps has
  1. rigorous coursework open to all students.
  2. high levels of parent/guardian involvement.
  3. staff with high expectations that all students will learn successfully.
  4. All of the above.
  1. Mason and McMahon identified all of the following EXCEPT ______as key variables in school counselor leadership variations in statewide study of school counselors.
  1. age
  2. use of the ASCA National Model
  3. experience
  4. size of the school
  1. ______are disproportionately placed in special education.
  1. African American males
  2. Native American Indian females
  3. Asian American males
  4. Latina females
  1. Successful leaders do all of the following EXCEPT
  1. hold themselves accountable for their efforts.
  2. gain support.
  3. work through resistance.
  4. allow others to define their role as a school counselor.
  1. The client/student empowerment level of the client/student advocacy domain in the ACA advocacy competencies does NOT involve
  1. helping students develop a plan for change.
  2. teaching students how to self-advocate.
  3. assisting students in becoming aware of their situations.
  4. acquiring needed resources for students.
  1. The most effective way a professional school counselor can bring social advocacy into school is to
  1. raise the awareness of students by sharing data about achievement and opportunity gaps.
  2. raise the awareness of staff by sharing data about achievement and opportunity gaps
  3. model social advocacy.
  4. challenge the over-placement of students of color and poor and working class students in low-level classes.
  1. Professional school counselors should educate parents and guardians to manage the school system bureaucracy so that
  1. school and community resources are identified.
  2. inequities or injustices are realized.
  3. Parents and guardians can effectively advocate for their children.
  4. parental rights are understood.
  1. Which of the following is a characteristic of a successful school with students who qualify for free and reduced lunch?
  1. An early warning system monitors all students who fall behind to provide extra help.
  2. Instruction time for mathematics decreases while time for reading increases.
  3. State standards are used to design curriculum and assess student work.
  4. Teacher professional development focuses on emotional disorders and test anxiety.
  1. Students may feel empowered by
  1. receiving higher grades than they deserve.
  2. learning self-advocacy and leadership skills.
  3. dropping out to work instead of finish high school.
  4. taking it easy in their last semester of high school.
  1. The description of a child who needs an advocate is
  1. a bilingual student in low-level language classes.
  2. a gifted student who needs more stimulation.
  3. a bisexual student coming out of the closet
  4. Every student needs an advocate.
  1. College Results Online does NOT include ______for graduation rates:
  1. students with disabilities
  2. students by social class
  3. students by racial identity
  4. students by gender
  1. A/An ______disposition requires professional school counselors to challenge fears and take risks.
  1. advocacy
  2. leadership
  3. ethical
  4. family empowerment
  1. How can a professional school counselor teach advocacy to parents/guardians?
  1. Inform parents/guardians about school operations and academic/opportunity policies and deadlines.
  2. Teach parents/guardians how to discipline their child.
  3. Inform parents/guardians about their student's performance.
  4. All of the above.
  1. TACKLE does NOT include
  1. teaming and collaboration.
  2. culturally competent counseling and coordination.
  3. ASCA National Model.
  4. equity assessment using data.
  1. ______advocacy is NOT one of the three ACA advocacy competency domains.
  1. Public arena
  2. Client/student
  3. School/community
  4. Social/cultural
  1. When advocating for a student, a professional school counselor must
  1. assist the student in recognizing inequities.
  2. assist the parent/guardian in recognizing inequities.
  3. take action to resolve inequities.
  4. All of the above.
  1. Parents/guardians often approach schools and school personnel as the
  1. enemy.
  2. advocate.
  3. authority.
  4. obstacle.

Multiple Choice Answers

1. B11. B21. C31. C

2. C12. D 22. A

3. A13. A23. B

4. C14. C24. D

5. D15. D25. A

6. D16. B26. A

7. D17. A27. A

8. B18. D28. C

9. D19. D29. D

10. A20. C30. D