Parent Teacher Organization Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2007 Morning/Evening
“Bridging our Community and Educators”
I. Call to Order – Meetingswere called to order at 9:05 A.M. and 7:04 PM respectively – Linda Saffran PTO President presiding.
II. Introductionof all those in attendance
III. Minutes of last meeting were not distributed at today’s meetings.
IV. Correspondence Report – Susan Taddei - Thank you notes from teachers for start up money have been received. Thank you notes from children were also received. The notes were passed around for members to read.
The PTO Today Magazine is available for anyone to review in the PTO mailbox.
V. Treasurer’s Report – Kate Babbitt – The checking account balance is $19,833.00. As noted previously, $5,000 has been given to the Board of Education for the playground fund.
Please note that it costs the PTO $20.00 to do a stop payment on any check. There have been several persons who have not cashed their checks, teachers and volunteers. If anyone does not cash a check that has been written by the PTO they will be charged the $20.00 stop payment fee.
VI. Administration Report –Rob Spino AM meeting andMary Federico PM meeting, - Rob indicated that the first bus evacuation drill will be Oct Mary asked whether or not the summer letter was helpful. The response was a definite “yes.” She reported that the CMT report indicated that scores were up in everything for the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. However, some of the 3rd grade scores were down, which was true across the state. There is no clear explanation for this at this time.
In response to concerns about a possible lack of physical activity in the school day, Mary indicated that the school is looking at how recess/activity is incorporated into the overall school day. Mary also responded to concerns expressed by parents about the organization of Back to School Night for the 6th grade. It was suggested that it might work better for the 6th grade to have their own night in the future. The issue will be reviewed and a better solution will be worked out for next year.
VII. Teacher Report – Mrs. Marissa Capasso and Ms. Michelle Stockel - No report today
VIII. Board Of Education Committee Report – Maura Harrigan –The Task Force designated to study our school needs following the defeat of the school referendums, has completed its task. Three referendums have failed to address the building needs of our school. The problems are still here. There will be a power point presentation for the community to review of the issues and begin the dialogue about workable solutions. They have set up two dates to present their findings and proposals to the community. The meetings will both be held in the school cafeteria. The dates are Friday, September 28th at 9:00 AM and Wednesday October 3rd at 6:00 PM. Babysitting will be provided.
The task force report will be available on the school website.
The Board has adopted a five year plan for the school which is also available on the website.
IX. Follow-Ups/Future Events --- We strive to make all event latex and peanut free.
School Supplies –Chairperson Tracy Johnson – There were 129 school packets ordered, 35 were for kindergarten. Everything was distributed before school started. Teachers and parents seemed to be happy with the program. There was discussion about some snags, but overall it seems like a very helpful program that will continue.
Fundraising Auction – Chairperson Tracy Johnson – Tracy is the chairperson for a new fundraiser scheduled tentatively for April 4, 2008 with Scott Haney of Channel 3 as the MC. This will be an adult evening, wine and cheese event, with music, auctions and more. The local microbrewery has offered to help. Stay posted for updates, this looks exciting. Auction items are already coming in.
Geri Reis will draft a letter for people to present to various stores, companies and individuals requesting donations, and a corresponding thank you letter. Mary Tesla is organizing baskets for the auction. Some will be put together by the various grade levels. Volunteers are needed to make this event a success, contact Tracy.
New Fall Apparel – Chairperson Eileen Babbitz – New apparel has been purchased. These items were displayed at the evening meeting. The clothing, sweatshirts, t-shirts, and hats, etc. have the word Bethany or the bulldog on them, making them appropriate for most anyone. Help is needed to sell apparel at different events around town and help boost community spirit.
Bethany Winter Festival – PTO & Parks and Rec Event—December 1, 2007 --- Chairpersons Kim Goclowski/Dawn Brinton – This was such a success last year that we are going to do it again. This will combine the Soup and Cider Supper, the Book Fair, the Craft Fair, and the Tree Lighting again. Teresa Buono will chair the Craft Fair. Crafters are needed. Volunteers are needed, call the respective Chairpersons.
X. Upcoming Events Updates
Spirit Day --- Chairperson needed - Activities to promote school spirit are needed. The kids are urged to wear the school colors of blue and white, or their Bethany apparel. The winning name of our mascot, the bulldog will be announced in the not too distant future. Tracy volunteered to bring in a real, live bulldog, that’s the spirit, but there may be some liability issues with that.
Picture Day – Chairperson Pam Della Torre – Picture Day is Tuesday, September 25th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. They need a helper with each photographer. We will receive 15 free packages that can be given to families who might not otherwise be able to afford them. Notices for people to apply for these have been sent out.
The Yearbook Chair has been passed along to Pam Prinz alone with all of the relevant information.
Salon Night – ChairpersonGeri Reis – This event is scheduled for Wednesday from 6- 8 PM. Over 100 people are signed up. Everything is set. There will be 20 stylists who are contributing their time from a local hairdressing school. Pam Prinz will be arranging the crafts for the evening. This promises to be a very fun event.
Family Pumpkin Night – Chairperson Barb DiGiacomo -- This event is developing very nicely. More information will be coming.
Mini Grants Chairperson Beth Kirschbaum – The 4th grade team requested a group grant of $320 to purchase a fish raising project from the Connecticut River Restoration Project. They will be given eggs to hatch into fish. The 3rd grade team also requested a group grant of $320 to purchase books for each classroom in the Commander Toad series. Several other teachers requested individual grants of $80 each to purchase books for their classrooms.
Teresa Buono suggested that people can contribute books from their personal libraries if they are ready to pass them on. Rob indicated that the books could just be left in the Teacher’s Lounge and labeled “free.”
Governor’s Reading Challenge – Chairperson Heidi Gianquinto – Heidi is handing in the numbers for the Governor’s Challenge and the Superintendent’s Reading Challenge and the results should be known shortly.
Room Parents – Chairperson Heidi Gianquinto – This year’s list is being compiled for room parents for each class from the applications received. The selected parents will meet for an orientation meeting the first part of October. The task of deciding who will be responsible for washing the T-shirts for each class after trips will fall to the room parents.
Membership – Chairperson Betsy Fertman – As of this date, 175 people have signed up as members of the PTO and an additional 30 have signed up to be listed in the Directory. The membership drive is going well and Betsy needs help.
Family Fun Events Calendar – Chairperson Linda Saffran – The Refrigerator Facts sheet is out with the schedule of events for the 2007-2008 school year. Father/Son Night may need to change, but there is time to adjust. There are chairpersons needed for some events. People should review the list and see if they can help. Co-chairing this year or helping with an event may give you the experience you need to be a chairperson next year. Anyone who can volunteer to fill a position will have all the help they need from other members to make their event a success.
Box Tops --- Chairperson Cathy Rives - Cathy is just taking over this position and we can expect to see some announcements soon.
Cultural Enrichment --- Chairperson Christina Krebs –This program is a large part of our budget. The PTO contributes money for enrichment programs for the students. A parent representative for each grade works with the respective teachers to find and schedule field trips and in school presentations that are educational. The PTO supplements the school budget for these kinds of activities. Some are just for specific grades and some events are scheduled to benefit the whole school. Programs can change from year to year according to what teachers think fits with their curriculum. Environmental awareness issues were suggested as a possible direction for some activities.
New Ideas – A children’s art project fundraiser was suggested, notecards, and/or other paraphernalia with a child’s art on it could be marketed.
Family Portraits could be another project. A Southern Living night was suggested as a project.
There was a suggestion that each chairperson prepare a sort of guidebook for the next chairperson to follow.
There was a suggestion that form donation request letters be sent out in September/October to whatever vendors we might want to approach for donations for any events that are scheduled throughout the year. Some vendors only process such requests at the beginning of their fiscal years.
There was discussion about insurance coverage for the PTO. Maura will check with the BOE about whether or not they will cover the PTO so that we do not have to pay almost $700/year for coverage.
The issue of our not having school playground equipment for the children was brought up by a parent who gave a generous donation toward such equipment this evening. Several parents will explore this issue further and see whether or not there might be an alternative to the currently proposed $150,000 one that there is not enough money to build.
PTO COMMUNICATION—Dena Durley –Dena is in charge of the school website. Direct any questions to her about putting things on the web.
Dorothy Seaton writes the PTO Newsletter – contact her for anything that you would like to see in the newsletter.
MEETING ATTENDEES: Morning Linda Saffran, Rob Spino, Tim Connellan, Deanna Pico, Cathy Rives, Chantal Hendricks, Ann Laubstein, Susan Taddei, Teresa Buono, Katy Zalinsky, Christine Floyd, Jen Shatney, Rachael Anderson, Geri Johnson-Reis, Pam DellaTorre, Karin Hackett, Christina Krebs, Gillian Ivory, Maura Harrigan, Mary Sofair, Sara Hale, Marissa Capasso, Michelle Stockel, Betsy Fertman, Heidi Gianquinto, Kristin Asis
Evening Linda Saffran, Mary Federico,Heidi Gianquinto, Courtney Adelberg, Deanna Pico, Kathy Boufford, Kim Goclowski, Tracy Johnson, Rachel Anderson, Ann Datunashvili, Bob and Heather Brinton, Lisa MacNamara, Jaclyn Sinclair, Christine Houday, Anastasia Przybylosla, Clint Simpson, Kate Babbitt, Dorothy Seaton, Valerie Knight-DiGangi, Jennifer Fletcher, Eileen Babbitz, Aimee Cotton Bogush
Anyone may join the PTO at any time. All of the membership fees are used to provide direct supplies and educational programming for all of the children at BCS. All jobs for the PTO are rotating jobs. Anyone may offer to chair an event. We are always looking for more parents to help with all activities, even if it is only for an hour.
Next PTO meetings --October 11, 2007 at 9:00 AM and November 15, 2007 at 7:00 PM
Meetings adjourned at: 10:25 AM and 9:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Deanna Hale Pico - Recording Secretary