Illinois State Grange Community Service Rules, Guidelines, and other information

The community service year is from August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2013. There are two deadlines that should be noted and remembered. The first is July 1, 2013 where the Subordinate Member, Non-Member, and Junior member recognition nominations are due; Secondly, August 15, 2013 when the Community Service Report/Books are due. Send all required material to Sara Ellwanger, Community Service, 210 Gardner Street, Belvidere, IL 61008.

Action for Success

Granges are urged to select and continue projects that will improve their community. Decide what goals you want to accomplish prior to the start of your project. Be sure to involve community persons who are not Grangers. Also, be proud of what you are doing for your community, announce projects at local meetings (Subordinate and Pomona), publish them in the Illinois Granger and other local papers, use social media as a free advertising tool. Be sure to involve as many people as possible, and to keep an accurate record of hours, people involved, and other documentation (the Action Plan form will help you to organize and complete your project).

State Community Service Project

This year we will be honoring the Rockford Area Pregnancy Care Center (RAPCC) in Rockford, IL. This is an organization that I feel is doing wonders with those they help. RAPCC was founded in 1983 by a group of concerned individuals who wanted to help women facing crisis or unplanned pregnancies. From its early beginnings in an old Victorian house on State Street in Rockford, RAPCC has advanced considerably. Today RAPCC operates two pregnancy care centers in Rockford, and through a grant from Focus on the Family, RAPCC is able to offer ultrasound services at both centers. In 2008, RAPCC opened its Maternity Home for pregnant, homeless women. RAPCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, faith-based organization which is supported by individuals, churches, civic organizations and businesses within the community.

Bring all your donations such as diapers, baby clothes, blankets, and other baby items to the State Session; let’s see which Grange can bring the most goods!

Subordinate/Pomona Community Service Suggestions

¶  Words for Thirds Dictionary Donation Project- organize the local sponsorship, ordering, and distribution of dictionaries to local school districts.

¶  Blood Drive- sponsor the drive and help advertise for it.

¶  Box Tops for Education- Collect Box Tops and use to donate to ICA or a local school.

¶  Community Beautification- Rake leaves and mow lawns for the elderly, pick up trash on the road side, plant flowers in public parks.

¶  Feed the Homeless- Donate time, food or money to a local soup kitchen or shelter

¶  Food Drive- Collect non-perishable food items to donate to a local food pantry or soup kitchen

Community Service Recognition (Subordinate and Junior Member)

Recognize a Grange member that has had an impact on the community and within the Grange this year. Have a presentation at one of your Grange meetings and present some type of award. To nominate a junior- this person must be 14 or younger as of August 1, 2013. The junior nominee does not have to be a participant of a Junior Grange, but they must be related to a Grange member in some way. Only one nomination per Grange for both Subordinate and Junior, simply fill out the enclosed nomination form and return it to the Illinois State Community Service Director no later than July 1, 2013 for judging.

Community Service Recognition (Non-Member)

Recognize a person/group/or not-for-profit organization in your community that has had an impact and improved the community. The nomination must be for a non-Grange member. Invite your nominee to a meeting where you can present them with an award. Only one nomination per Grange, simply fill out the enclosed nomination form and return it to the Illinois State Community Service Director no later than July 1, 2012 for judging.

Awards to Be Given

☺  1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place for the Community Service Report/Books

☺  Recognition of IL State Grange Subordinate Grange Member of the Year

☺  Recognition of IL State Grange Non-Member of the Year

☺  Community Service Hours (total)

☺  Highest average of community service hours per Grange member

Contest Rules

1.  Reporting period is August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2013.

2.  Deadline for Community Service Recognition (Member, Non-member, Jr.) is July 1, 2013. Anything received after this date will be displayed but not judged.

3.  Deadline for the Community Service Report/Book is August 15, 2013. Anything received after this date will be displayed but not judged.

4.  The Community Service Report Form will be accepted as your final report. A copy of the winning report/book will be sent to Nationals to be judged and displayed at the National Session. All that is required is the completed Report Form; but it is encouraged that every Subordinate and Pomona Grange submit a book that also includes completed Plan of Action Forms for every activity, pictures, and other publications.

5.  Keep track of your community service hours that your Grange members and local community volunteers donated to the betterment of the community, and keep them as accurate as possible!

6.  The Report Form needs to be filled out in its entirety!

If you need help or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me! I would love to help you!

Sara Ellwanger~ IL State Grange Community Service Chairperson

815-985-8764 ~ ~ 210 Gardner Street, Belvidere, IL 61008