Sunday, February 17, 2008

Second Sunday of Lent



Genesis 12: 1-4a/2 Timothy 1: 8b-10/Matthew 17: 1-9

In the lives of the disciples the transfiguration represents one of those privileged moments when suddenly everything becomes clear. Jesus invites three of his closest associates to withdraw for a time with him from whatever it is they are doing. He leads them up a mountain, a favored place in the biblical tradition for an encounter with God.

The reaction of Peter is intriguing. It is almost as if he wants to take hold of the moment and to give it permanence. The experience of God can take many forms and provoke a wide range of responses. The vision is meant to strengthen the disciples and to help them understand and deal with what lies ahead. Daily life continues, and for Jesus it will soon bring suffering and rejection. For his followers, it will entail doubt anddenial and the temptation to despair. When Jeus tells Peter and the others not to be afraid, he is obviously referring to the present moment but he is also looking ahead to the challenges that they will soon have to face.

Chapter 12 of Genesis from which our first reading is taken marks a new moment in the story of God’s dealings with humankind. Abraham is regarded in the Bible as the first of the patriarchs, the one from whom the Jewish people will eventually spring. The God who appears to Moses in the burning bush will identify himself as the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. Abraham remains for Christians as well as Jews “our father in faith.”

Today’s second reading evokes in more general terms what is suggested in the other readings by the mention of Abraham and Moses and Elijah. God, it says, had a purpose for us from before the beginning of time. The purpose has been revealed in Jesus Christ. It is the overcoming of all that is evil and destructive, including death itself. God’s purpose for us is life and immortality. *

* Excerpt fromPreparing for Worship 1995by Daniel Donovan published by Paulist Press, New York/Mahwah.

Morning Prayer

Last have I loved you, O Beauty every ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you. Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you they would not have been at all. You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace.

O Truth, you are the light of my heart.

Let your light speak to me, not my own darkness.

I went astray, but I remember you

And now I return longing and thirsting you’re your fountain,

I myself cannot give life.

Of myself I have lived wrongly;

In you I have found life again.

And now I ……



Every Wednesday from 8:00 to 9:00 PM


Relax with the Lord!
...Join us for an opportunity for prayer and adoration
There will be an opportunity for Confessions and we will end with the Night Prayer of the Church (Compline).

Today’s Special Collection

Br. Austin Litke, O.P. will speak on behalf of the Deserving Poor Boys Priesthood Association for the support of Dominican Students preparing for the priesthood. Please be generous to this appeal. Check should be made out to “Deserving Poor Boys Priesthood Association”.

Lenten Day of Reflection

She said to him: “How is it that you ask me, for something to drink?” John 4: 9-10

Saturday, February 23 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM

The Elizabeth Seton Women’s Center

133 West 70th Street

Suggested Donation: $50 – RSVP (212) 579-3637

Breakfast will be served

“We are pilgrims traveling in this life… Let whoever has ears, hear; whoever has eyes, see; whoever has feet, get going…
and with your hands do holy, true, and good works grounded in Christ.” - St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)
The Spirituality Committee is pleased to announce our speaker for the Lenten Day of Renewal will be Jane Tylus, NYU professor and Catherine of Siena scholar. Dr. Tylus will guide us into the 14th century world of the Dominican mystic, great reformer and Doctor of the Church. We will consider how Catherine, saint and political activist, speaks to us today.
We hope you will join us on Saturday, March 8th, from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm in the Parish House. The offering of $20.00 includes Morning Coffee and lunch.
For more information about our speaker and topic, please pick up a flyer on the table in the Narthex.
If you are planning to come, be sure to call the Parish Office at 212-741-1274 by Wednesday, March 5th.
Volunteer Opportunities
The following organizations need volunteers. Consider offering service during the season of Lent.
The Pastoral Care Department at St. Vincent’s Hospital needs good listeners who can accept people the way they are, are relatively atease in an environment where there is disease and/or illness, are compassionate and wants to put that compassion into action. Phone (212) 604-7858 for further information.
The Cornelia Connelly Center at 220 East 4th Street, is seeking to motivate under-served girls to develop their potential as individuals. Volunteers tutors are matched with a 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grade girl (ages 10-14) for a 10 week session to provide help in reading, writing, science or math. Tutors receive training on how to be effective as well as an orientation to the school. A background check is conducted. Interested persons should contact Katie Seitzer at (212) 982-2287 or email her at .
Volunteers are needed for the Education Outreach P:rogram (EOP) mentoring program offered by Catholic Charities at Kennedy Center, 34 West 134th. St. EOP is a program to assist individuals in developing skills necessary for independent living an self-sufficiency. This is a short-term and limited commitment. If you are interseted in being a part of this unique program, please call Alison at (212) 371-1000 ext. 2450.
Pax Christi Lenten Retreat
Pax Christi Metro New York (PCMNY) invites you to a Lenten retreat with Fr. Joseph Nangle, OFM, from February 29th to March 2nd, at the St. Joseph Renewal Center in Brentwood , Long Island . His theme will be “Engaged Spirituality: Faith Life in the Heart of the Empire.” Please contact PCMNY at 212-420-0250 or by February 19th for details, or visit
Deuteronomy 26: 16-19/Matthew 5: 43-48
12:10 PM
5:30 PM
SUNDAY, Feb. 17 – Second Sunday of Lent
9:00 AM Patricia Reid
11:30 AM Frank Beirne
6:00 PM Mary McGuire
MONDAY, Feb. 18 – Presidents’ Day – Office Closed
Daniel 9: 4b-10/Luke 6: 36-38
12:10 PM Dorothy Southwell
5:30 PM Jane Bruce
TUESDAY, Feb. 19
Isaiah 1: 10; 16-20/Matthew 23: 1-12
12:10 PM William Mazza
5:30 PM John Kaczmierez
Jeremiah 18: 18-20/Matthew 20: 17-28
12:10 PM Anna Argento
5:30 PM Natalie Darcy
THURSDAY, Feb. 21 – St. Peter Damian – bishop and doctor
Jeremiah 17: 5-10/Luke 16: 19-31
12:10 PM Adele Fanton
5:30 PM
FRIDAY, Feb. 22 – The Chair of St. Peter, Apostle
1 Peter 5: 1-4/Matthew 16: 13-19
12:10 PM James Robert Hynes (living)
5:30 PM
SATURDAY, Feb. 23 – St. Polycarp, bishop and martyr
Micah 7: 14-15; 18-20/Luke 15: 1-3; 11-32
12:10 PM
5:30 PM
SUNDAY, Feb. 24 – Third Sunday of Lent
Exodus 17: 3-7/Romans 5: 1-2; 5-8/John 4: 5-42
  • 1st. Thurs. of the mo. Pax Christi Bd. Mtg. – 6:30 p.m.- in the Pax Christi Office
  • 1st. Fri. of the mo. Novena to the Sacred Heart after the 5:30 p.m. mass
  • 1st. Sat. of the mo. Blessings for the Sick after the 12:10 mass
  • 2nd. Wed. of the mo. Altar Rosary 7:00 p.m. - Library
For NYU Catholic Center Events please see the new website:
6:30 PM Centering Prayer Music Room
6:15 PM St. Egidio Prayer Church
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous Casserly Hall SATURDAY
10:00 AM or 1:00 PM Soup Kitchen Casserly Hall
6:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Casserly Hall
9:15 AM Children’s Religious Instruction Farrell Hall
10:00 AM Adult Scripture Discussion Library