Brandon Marsh Nature Centre, Brandon Lane, Coventry CV3 3GW

Telephone 02476 302 912; Fax 02476 639 556; Registered charity 209200

Please complete all sections in black ink or type. Do not include a CV.

Post applied for:

Surname First Name (s) Title

Home address (including postcode)

Home telephone number Work Telephone Number

Mobile Number Email Address

Do you have any illnesses / disabilities that would limit your ability to fulfill this role? YES/NO

If so, please give details.

If you are not a UK national, you may not be able to work in the UK without a work permit or right to work visa.

Do you require a work permit? YES/NO

Do you require a right to work visa? YES/NO

Do you hold a current full driving licence? YES/NO

Do you have any current endorsements? YES/NO

If yes, please give details of endorsements

Do you own a car? YES/NO

If yes, would you be prepared to use it on Trust business? YES/NO

From / To Organisation Title and Main Duties Notice period or reason Salary

(Month/Year) for leaving

From/To Establishment Qualifications Achieved/Training Completed


Organisation Grade of Membership Date Joined

Please state why you consider yourself suitable for this post, making particular reference to your skills, knowledge and experience. Please refer to the Role Description and Person Specification before completing this section.

Please describe why you are applying for this post.

Please give the names and contact details of 2 referees. The first should be your present or most recent employer.

Name Name

Position Position

Address Address

Tel: Tel:

Email: Email:

May we contact your referees prior to interview?

1.  2.

I declare that the information I have given is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct

Signed Date

Return this completed form to: The Chief Executive, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Brandon Marsh Nature Centre, Brandon Lane, Coventry CV3 3GW. Please enclose the completed Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form, and also a stamped, addressed envelope if you want us to acknowledge receipt of your application form.


Warwickshire Wildlife Trust is an Equal Opportunities employer.

The Trust operates a policy that aims to ensure that unfair discrimination does not take place. The information requested below will help us to monitor the effectiveness of our recruitment. The details supplied are confidential and will not be made available to the recruitment team.

Please complete this form and return it with your application to the address below.

Post applied for:


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Gender Male Female

Date of Birth

Are you disabled? Yes No

Where did you see this post advertised?

Local press

Please specify:

National press

Please specify:

WWT Website

Other website

Please specify:

Job Centre


Please specify:

To which of these groups do you consider you belong (tick one box only)?*

*The ethnic groupings are those agreed by the Commission for Racial Equality.

A White

A1 British

A2 Irish

A3 Any other White background

B Mixed

B1 White and Black Caribbean

B2 white and Black African

B3 White and Asian

B4 Any other mixed background

C Asian or Asian British

C1 Indian

C2 Pakistani

C3 Bangladeshi

C4 Any other Asian background within category C

D Black or Black British

D1 Caribbean

D2 African

D3 Any other Black background within category D

E Any other ethnic group

E1 Chinese

E2 Any other ethnic group

E3 Not stated

Return this completed form to:

The Chief Executive, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Brandon Marsh Nature Centre, Brandon Lane, Coventry, CV3 3GW

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