Programme Reviewer
Recruitment Pack
October 2015
A Welcome from the President
Congratulations on considering working for Northumbria Students’ Union. We believe we are one of the best places to work in the country, and it’s not just us. This year we retained Investors in People Silver and 85% of our staff would recommend working here. We have been 25th in the Sunday Times Top 100 not-for-profit companies to work for, and were Students’ Union of the Year in 2011. These awards are a testimony to the quality and hard work of our staff and we couldn’t have done it without them.
Northumbria Students’ Union employs over 150 staff, most of whom are students. Our mission is “to have a positive impact on the lives of all our students”. Our staff are vital in helping us achieve that through their high standard of work and providing an excellent customer experience.
As a member of the team you will benefit from being part of a close knit organisation. As your employer Northumbria Students’ Union is committed to your personal development for this role. Programme Reviewers will receive full training, development and support to succeed in a challenging and rewarding role. In exchange we expect staff to be committed, hardworking and enthusiastic. Above all we believe Northumbria Students’ Union is a great place to work.
In this guide you will find the core qualities that we will be looking for from our programme reviewers. You will also find a job description.
As a programme reviewer you will bring your unique experience of Northumbria to the role and to that end we positively encourage applications from candidates who reflect the diversity of the campus whether mode of study, sex, age, home country, ethnic background, sexuality, religious beliefs or disability. All candidates will be treated equally and all appointments made on merit.
We look forward to receiving your application by the deadline of 12pm, Friday 30th October. We will conduct interviews on Friday 6th November. Please ensure you check your availability on this date and let us know as soon as possible if there is any problem.
Good Luck,
Adam Crawley
Students’ Union President
About Northumbria Students’ Union
We’re a charity. We exist by law as a charity to ensure that students have a voice within the University. Therefore we don’t make a profit as such. Any money that we make over the bar or through other services is reinvested into services that will help students in their time at Northumbria. This might be funding for societies, paying for a professional advisor or the costs of training all of the Course Reps across the University.
We’re run by students. There is a team of 5 Sabbatical Officers (President and 4 Vice-Presidents – see below) who are either in the middle of their course or just graduated. They are Trustees of the Union and sit on Student Council. Basically they oversee the day to day workings of the organisation and take decisions every day that impact on how the Union is run. Every March there is an election to decide next year’s Sabbatical Officers and every student can stand.
We’re independent from the University. Whilst we work really closely with departments from all across the University, technically we are a separate organisation. This is important for loads of reasons, but mainly it means that if students have a problem in University - whether that is their course, accommodation, library etc they can come and talk to us. And they can do this in the confidence that we can take up the issue with the University and help to resolve it.
We represent students. This means that the Sabbatical Officers sit on University Committees and pass on students’ opinions about decisions and changes. They also meet with the local Council and NUS to tell them what students think on certain issues. We run Course, Faculty, Community and Halls Rep Schemes to make sure that students have a voice and that it is listened to across the University, locally and nationally.
Our Mission
Our Mission Statement is: “To have a positive impact on the lives of all our students”. We like this because we think it’s easy to remember and is quite broad. For example, the way that we have a positive impact on a student’s life might be that they are a volunteer, or that our Welcome Team helped them move into Halls or just that they love our coffee.
Our Vision
We are an ambitious organisation and want to have an international reputation for improving student life through outstanding representation, life changing opportunities and the positive impact we have on the University and community as well as in delivering an excellent all round user/customer experience.
Our Values
Our values are absolutely fundamental to the way we work. We also think it’s crucial that staff support these values.
Democratic. All key decisions will have student and staff input and will be open to scrutiny. All elections will be conducted fairly.
Inclusive. We will take positive action to try and make all our activities, services and opportunities open to all students.
Ethical. We will conduct ourselves and make decisions based on principles of good ethical practice.
Innovation. We will strive to be creative in all our work and will always look for new ways of delivering services, activities and opportunities.
Quality. Providing a quality experience for you will be central to all of our planning.
Partnership. Officers, Departments and staff will work together as a team. We will work closely with University Departments and other external companies where this will benefit students.
Why apply for this role
The University’s current programme review process is a critical piece of business for the institution and vital to its long term plans. As a programme reviewer you will play a key role in the success of this review and therefore the success of the University.
Whether a current Northumbria student or recent graduate of Northumbria we’d welcome an application if you are looking for;
- A role that makes a difference to the lives of thousands of current and future students at Northumbria. You will help ensure teaching and learning at the University is focused on what students expect and need to succeed when they graduate.
- A role that gives an insight into higher education and academia particularly curriculum planning and quality assurance.
- Experience of analysing, assessing and summarising detailed documentation and proposals that can be highlighted within a CV or job application.
- Experience of working with senior staff and experts in a role that will require you to be confident within meetings and able to present your views in a constructive and deliberate fashion to deliver the best outcome.
- Flexibility within the role to fit around your current commitments.
This is a role that would be particularly suited to those looking to develop or demonstrate their analytical skills and those interested in careers within education or public policy, which require strong analysis and communication skills or for those looking for a role that will stand out on your C.V and draw recognition from both the Students’ Union and University.
Who we are looking for
You must be
- A current Northumbria student OR
- Graduated within the past 12 months from Northumbria.
You will be able to
- Attend training in November (dates tbc)
- Able to commit to read and summarise sample documentation provided to you in preparation of a programme review event.
- Able to attend that event. There are a rolling series of events from December to May and we will agree with you at the outset which events you will be required to attend.
- Be able to meet the requirements set out in the role description.
Please note this is a zero hours contract working to specific pieces of work. It is not expected that there will be regularly scheduled activity on a weekly basis but rather spot work based around the timings and content of review events.
Staff Core Qualities
The following are the core qualities that Northumbria Students’ Union expects and requires from all staff regardless of department or role within the organisation:
1. Commitment
2. Enthusiasm
3. Ability to learn
4. Team-worker
5. Initiative
6. Communication Skills
7. Time Management Skills
8. Hardworking
9. Loyalty
10. Providing exceptional customer service at all times
You will be paid an hourly rate currently national minimum wage. This role will also be recognised by the University and Students’ Union on Higher Education Achievement Report (for current students) and in a reference (for all staff).
How do I apply?
Download your application form from or collect from the Welcome Desk, or the Coach Lane Welcome Desk.
You must complete all areas of the application form, or your application will not be accepted. If there is anything you are unsure about you can email your enquiry to HR at .
Please return your completed form either by e-mail to or hand them in to the Welcome Desk in the Students’ Union between the hours of 8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday, or the Coach Lane Welcome Desk between 10:00am and 4:00pm, Monday to Friday.
If you are unable to return your application form in person or e-mail it then please send it by post to Nicola Simpson, HR Coordinator, Northumbria Students’ Union, 2 Sandyford Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 8SB.
Deadline for all applications is 12noon on Friday 30th October. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.
Do I get an interview?
We will shortlist based on the applications that we receive and you will be notified whether you are invited to attend an interview on Friday 6th November. You will be informed via an email to your email as per your application form so please ensure you check your emails and confirm your attendance if invited.
How soon will I know if I have been offered a job?
By no later than Wednesday 11th November via email to your email. Please ensure you check this account. If you do not receive an email contact Nicola Simpson by telephone on 0191 227 3185
You will need to reply by email no later than Friday 13th November to confirm that you wish to take up the offer of employment.
If appointed, your work schedule will be agreed after training in early December. It is expected that all work will be completed by May 2016, but the majority will be finished by March 2016. Your employment will be subject to ongoing satisfactory work performance and conduct. The Students' Union cannot guarantee the availability of work in advance.
Job Title: Programme Reviewer –Approvals and Review
Department: Membership Services
Responsible to: Advice and Representation Manager
Job Purpose: To provide student insight into Northumbria University’s programme approval and review processes, and to ensure the needs of students are taken into account within them.
Specific Duties & Responsibilities
1. To participate in programme approval and validation events, as agreed with Academic Registry.
2. To review documentation, receive presentations and ask questions necessary to ensure an informed and accurate contribution to these events.
3. To attend and fully engage with training on the Programme Framework for Northumbria Awards, ensuring a thorough understanding of key quality assurance and validation processes.
4. To contribute to the ongoing review and development of NSU’s contribution to the Programme Framework for Northumbria Awards.
5. To receive and answer queries from Students’ Union officers and staff regarding the approval, validation or review of any programme for which you have been part of a review process.
6. To participate in additional programme review activities, as required by NSU.
7. To keep records of your contribution to University processes, and raise any concerns or feedback with the Vice-President Education or Advice and Representation Manager.
8. To attend meetings when necessary and take minutes.
9. Other Duties and Responsibilities
· To undertake such duties with full regard to Northumbria Students’ Union’s Equality and Diversity Policy.
· Be responsible for ensuring that a good relationship is developed and maintained with University and other Northumbria Students’ Union’s Departments.
· To undertake training as and when required.
· To attend conferences and seminars as and when required.
· To uphold the Students’ Unions environmental and wider corporate social responsibility practices.
· To be committed to the Union’s values of Democracy, Inclusive, Ethical, Innovation, Quality and Partnership
The above is not an exhaustive list of duties and the post holder will be expected to undertake any other reasonable duties as may be required.
For further information on the role please email Daniel Carr, .
This section of the application will be used solely for monitoring purposes.
Northumbria Students’ Union recognises and actively promotes the benefits of a diverse workforce and is committed to treating all employees with dignity and respect regardless of race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion and belief. We therefore welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary for any of these points.
Ethnic Origin
WhiteBritish / Irish / Any other White background
White and Black / White and Black African / White and Asian / Any other mixed
Caribbean / African / background
Black & Black British
Caribbean / African / Any other Black background
Asian or Asian British
Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi
Chinese or Other
Chinese / Other Ethnic Group:
Date of Birth:
Do you consider yourself to have a disability: / Yes / No
If yes, please state nature of disability
The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as “A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”
Sexual Orientation:
How did you become aware of this vacancy?