Lapinski 25


Associate Professor with Tenure (awarded 10/07)

Michigan State University

Joint appointed in the: Department of Communication (teaching and tenure home-30%),

Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES-20%), and the College of Communication Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office as Associate Dean for Research (50%).

480 Communication Arts and Sciences Building, East Lansing, MI 48824

(517) 353-4466 (W)/(517) 351-4500 (H), Electronic mail:

I. Education and Professional Experience

II. Professional Recognition (grants, awards, research)

III. Professional Competence (teaching)

IV. Professional Service

I. Education and Professional Experience

A. Education

Doctor of Philosophy (2000). Department of Communication, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Dissertation title: Response to persuasive ingroup and outgroup messages about the environment in Taiwan and the United States.

Master of Arts (1995) Department of Speech University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii. Thesis title: Deception and self-construal: The effects of cultural orientation on ratings of deceptive messages.

Bachelor of Arts, (1992) Department of Communication Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

B. Professional Experience

Associate Dean for Research, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, August 2009 to present.

Evaluation Consultant, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Baltimore, MD Summer 2009.

Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Communication, National Food Safety and Toxicology Center, Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Spring 2007 to present.

Evaluation Consultant, HIV/AIDS Prevention and Intervention Section, State of Michigan, South Eastern Michigan Health Association, Detroit, MI, 1999-2007.

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication and National Food Safety and Toxicology Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Fall 2005 to Spring 2007.

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, Fall 2000-Summer 2005.

Research Assistant, Center for Evaluative Studies, Dr. Murari Suvedi, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Fall 1998 –Summer 1999.

Research Assistant and Teaching, Department of Communication, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1995-1999.

Research Consultant, Oral HIV Testing Program Evaluation, South Eastern Michigan Health Association, Detroit, MI, 1997.

II. Professional Recognition

A. Grant and Contract Activities (listed chronologically by calendar year)


United States Department of Agriculture, NIFA. Bovine TB CAP. Risk communication team lead with Paul Coussens (PI). Submitted July 15, 2010. Amount requested: $ 4.5 Million.

National Institutes of Health. The Behavioral Mapping Project. PI with Rajiv Rimal (Johns Hopkins), Monique Turner (University of Maryland). Submitted April 9, 2010. Amount requested: $277,451. Award decision: None to date. Project period: 10/1/10 to 9/30/15.

National Institutes of Health. Approaches for Reducing the Human Burden of Zoonotic Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa, Co-Investigator with John Kaneene (Lead), Jennifer Olson, David Campbell, Khadi Ndiyae, David Todem. Submitted March 18, 2010. Amount requested: $4,786,149. Award decision: None to date. Project period: 9/1/10 to 8/31/13.

United States Department of Agriculture. Bovine TB in Michigan and Minnesota. Co-Investigator with Scott Winterstein (Lead) Meredith Gore, Shawn Riley, and others. Amount requested: $161,006. Award decision: None to date. Project period: 10/01/10 to 9/30/12.

World Health Organization. Eradicating Wild Polio Virus in Northern Nigeria: A Strategic Communication Approach. Co-Investigator with Folu Omundigo (Journalism), Nwondo Achebe (History), Khadi Ndiyae (COM), Stephen Obaro (CHM-Pediatrics), Karl Gude (Journalism).

Submitted January 18, 2010. Amount requested: $628,272. Award decision: Pending.

Project period: 5/16/10 to 55/15/12.

National Science Foundation. Attentional Prioritization and Risk Information Processing: Eye Tracking Experiments with Consumable Product Risk Labels (1024557). Decision, Risk and Management Sciences, Primary Investigator with Laura Bix (Packaging) and Monique Mitchell-Turner (UMD); doctoral student Lindsay Neuberger & MA student Chelsea Fristoe.

Submitted January 18, 2010. Amount requested: $397,677. Award decision: Not awarded.

Award period: 7/1/10 to 6/30/12.


National Institutes of Health. MSU Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. Submitted: November 2009. Part of Communication Core for $20 million proposal. Not awarded.

National Science Foundation. The Pangea Project: Climate Decision-Support for Regional and International Engagement. Co-Principal Investigator with Head PI: Joe Arvai (CARRS), Tom Dietz (ESPP), John Kerr (CARRS) and Robby Richardson (CARRS). Submitted July 2009, Amount requested: $7,077,827; Award decision: Not awarded.

Ingham County Health Department/DHHS Contract. Wait Training Program Evaluation. Principal Investigator with COM doctoral students Genevieve Risner, Doshik Yun. Award decision: $15,000 awarded May 2009. Award period: 9/1/09 -9/30/10

National Institutes of Health. Penetrating the Wall of Silence: Stigma, Norms and Seeking Help for Combat Stress. Principal Investigator with Co-I Khadi Ndiaye, Doctoral student Rose Clark-Hitt. Submitted April 25, 2009. Amount requested: $523,000. Award decision: Not awarded.

United States Department of Agriculture. Bovine TB in Minnesota and Michigan. Principal Investigator with John Baker and Shawn Riley. Submitted May 8, 2009. Amount requested: $229,343. Award decision: Awarded 09/01/09.

Compton Foundation. Improving Prenatal Care in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Peter Lapine (CSD). Submitted February, 2009, Amount of request: $80,000, Award decision: Not awarded.

Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, MSU, Strategic Partnership Grants. Request for Funds for Linkages in Playa del Carmen, MX. Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Peter Lapine (CSD). Submitted March, 2009, Amount of request: $9,000, Award decision: No proposals funded.


Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. Social Norms about Bovine TB Reduction Behaviors in Michigan. Co-Principal Investigator with Shawn Riley and Scott Winterstein. Submitted August, 2008, Amount of request: $60,000, Award decision: Awarded October 1, 2008.

United Stated Department of Agriculture, National Integrated Food Safety Initiative (NIFSI), Project Title: Improving Hygienic and Food Preparation Practices in Day Care Centers. Role in Project: Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Ewen Todd (NFSTC).

Submitted: January, 2008, Amount of request: $600,000, Awarded: September 1, 2008 -2011.

National Cancer Institute. Cancer Research Network Clinical Communication Center Grant.

Role in Project: Consultant, with Principal Investigator Jim Dearing.

Submitted: February, 2008, Amount of request: $1.5Million; Award decision: Awarded; Consultants removed from grant.

Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. Public Perceptions of the Bio-economy Initiative, Co-Principal Investigator with Kami Silk: $50,000 Awarded October 1, 2008.


Community Vitality Program, Michigan State University, Project Title: Land Use Attitudes in the Tri-County Area. Role in Project: Principal Investigator with C-PI Dr. Ellen Bassett (Urban Planning) and Community Partner Mid-Michigan Land Conservancy.

Submitted: January 26, 2007, Amount of request: $47,758, Award decision: Awarded 4/1/07


Michigan Department of Agriculture (Contract). Project Title: Risk Communication for Food Regulators and Emergency Responders. Role in Project: Principal Investigator.

Submitted: August 2006, Amount of request: $10,000, Award decision: Contract awarded 8/06.

HBRI Internal Center Competition, MSU (Grant #06-HBRI-II-591). Project Title: Focused Health and Risk Communication Research. Role in Project: Co-Principal Investigator with Dr.’s Charles Atkin, Sandi Smith, Franklin Boster, Hee Sun Park, (all from the Michigan State University, Department of Communication), Dr. Mark Hansen (MSU Extension), and Dr. John Tilden (Michigan Department of Agriculture).

Submitted: March 2006, Amount of request: $424,907, Award decision: Awarded 7/12/06.

National Science Foundation, (Grant #0624583). Project Title: Adolescents' Identification with Televised Portrayals of Male and Female Scientists. Role in Project: Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Jocelyn Steinke (Western Michigan University, School of Communication), Dr. Nancy Marshburger (Western Michigan University, Department of Education), & Dr. Marilee Long (University of Colorado, Department of Communication). Pre-proposal Submitted: October, 2005, Full Proposal Submitted: February 2006, Amount of request: $499,999, Award decision: Awarded 7/06.

2004 and Prior

National Science Foundation, (Grant # 0429005). Project Title: Assessing Media Influences: Effects of Media Literacy Training on Middle School-Aged Girls' Perceptions of Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology. Role in Project: Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Jocelyn Steinke (Western Michigan University, School of Communication), & Dr. Aletta Zeitsman (Western Michigan University, Department of Physics).

Submitted: February 2004, Awarded: June 2004-Dec 2005, Amount of Award: $291,000.

B. Awards

Article of the Year with Rimal for Lapinski & Rimal (2005). Health Communication Division, National Communication Association (Fall 2010)

Michigan State University Teacher-Scholar Award, Competitive award to recognize outstanding teaching, mentoring, and research. (February 2010)

Phi Kappa Phi Membership, Nominated and awarded membership (April 2007).

John Hunter Meta-Analysis Award with Levine et al. from the Information Systems Division of the International Communication Association (Spring 2006).

Top Paper Award, Health Communication Division, National Communication Association, 2nd Place Paper (November 2004).

Top Paper Award, Health Communication Division, International Communication Association, 1st Place Paper (May 2003).

Research Development Scholar Award Program, $3,625 for research and travel money, grants training and mentoring (Spring 2001).

2000-2001 Article of the Year Award: The Journal of Intergroup Relations. Paper Title: A Social Identity Approach to Understanding the Jury Decision-making Process: Race as a Social Indicator. 2nd Place Award.

2000 Article of the Year Award: Journal of Applied Communications. Paper Title: Trends in Michigan Farmers’ Information Seeking Behaviors and Perspectives on Delivery of Information.

Top Three Paper, Applied Communication Division, Speech Communication Association (Fall 1997).

Top Three Paper, Health Communication Division, Speech Communication Association (Fall 1996).

C. Publications

1. Refereed Journal Articles (N=32; authorship order determined by contribution with lead author typically making largest contribution and authorship determined by effort on project and paper)

Long, M., Steinke, J., Applegate, B., Lapinski, M.K., Johnson, M.J., Ghosh, S. (2010) Representations of scientist characters in television programs popular among middle school-aged children. Science Communication.

Lapinski, M., Braz, M., Maloney, E., & Randall, L. (2010). The down low, social stigma, and risky sexual behaviors: Implications for health communication interventions. Journal of Homosexuality, 57 (5).

Lapinski, M.K., Randall, L., Peterson, M., & Peterson, A. & Klein, K.A. (2009).

Prevention options for positives: Testing the effects of a health communication intervention for men who have sex with men who are HIV positive. Health Communication, 24, 562-571.

Steinke, J., Lapinski, M.K., Van der Maas, C., Ryan, L., Long, M., Applegate, B. (2009). Seeing oneself as a scientist: Media influences and adolescent girls’ science career-possible selves. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 15, 4, 279-301.

Mastro, D., Lapinski, M., Kopacz, M., & Behm-Morawitz, E. (2009). The influence of exposure to depictions of race and crime in TV news on viewer's social judgments. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 53, 1-21.

Bix, L. Bello, N. M., Auras, R., Ranger, J., & Lapinski, M.K. (2009). Examining the conspicuousness and prominence of two required warnings on OTC pain relievers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, published online before print March 30, 2009. (Impact Factor 9.598)

Lapinski, M.K., Rimal, R.N., Klein, K., & Shulman, H. C. (2009). Risk perceptions of people living with HIV/AIDS: How similarity affects optimistic bias. Journal of Health Psychology.14 (2), 251-258.

Lapinski, M.K. & Nwulu, P. (2008). Can viewing a short film change HIV-related risk and stigma perceptions? Results from an experiment in Abuja, Nigeria. Health Communication, 23, 403-412.

Kennedy, J., Worosz, M.R., Todd, E.C.D., Lapinski, M.K. (2008). Segmentation of US consumers based on food safety concerns. British Food Journal, 110 (7), 691-706.

Knight, A. J., Worosz, M.R., Lapinski, M.K., Ten Eyck, T.A., Harris, C.K., Bourquin, L.D., Dietz, T.M., Thompson, P.D., Todd, E.C.D. (2008). Consumer perceptions of the food safety system: Implications for food safety educators and policy makers. Food Protection Trends 28(6): 391-406.

Lapinski, M.K. & Orbe, M. (2007). Evidence for the construct validity and reliability of a scale measuring the components of co-cultural theory. Communication Methods and Measures, 1(2), 137-164.

Steinke, J., Lapinski, M. K., Crocker, N., Zietsman-Thomas, A., Williams, Y., Higdon, S., & Kuchibhotla, S. (2007). Assessing media influences on middle school-aged children’s perceptions of women in science and engineering using the draw-a-scientist test (DAST). Science Communication, 29 (1), 35-64.

Lapinski, M.K., Rimal, R., DeVries, R., & Lee, E.L. (2007). The role of group orientation and descriptive norms on water conservation attitudes and behaviors. Health Communication, 22, 133-142.

Steinke, J., Lapinski, M.K., Zietsman-Thomas, A., Crocker, N., Williams, Y., Higdon, S., &

Kuchibhotla, S. (2006) Assessing media influences on girls’ perceptions of science,

engineering and technology. Paper in press at Journal of Women and Minorities in

Science and Engineering, 12, 295-323.

Lapinski, M.K. (2006). A theoretically-based content analysis of pro-eating disorder websites. Health Communication, 20, 243-253.

Levine, T.R., Hullett, C.R., Turner, M.M., & Lapinski, M.K. (2006). The Desirability of Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis on Published Scales. Communication Research Reports, 23 (4).

Lapinski, M.K & Rimal, R.N. (2005). An explication of social norms. Communication Theory, 15, 127-147.

Rimal, R.N., Lapinski, M.K., Cook, R.J., & Real, K. (2005). Moving toward a theory of normative influences: How perceived benefits and similarity moderate the impact of descriptive norms on behaviors. Journal of Health Communication, 10, 433-450.

Christian, S. E., & Lapinski, M.K. (2003). Support for the contact hypothesis: High school students’ attitudes towards Muslims post 9-11. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.

Levine, T. R., Bresnahan, M. J., Park, H.S, Lapinski, M.K., Wittenbaum, G.M., Sherman, S.M., Lee, S.Y., Chung, D., Ohashi, R. (2003). Self-construal scales lack validity. Human Communication Research, 29, 210-252.

Levine, T. R., Bresnahan, M. J., Park, H.S, Lapinski, M.K., Lee, T.S., & Lee, D.W. (2003). The (in)validity of self-construal scales revisited. Human Communication Research, 29, 291-308.

Levine, T. R., Lapinski, M. K., Banas, J., Wong, N., Hu, A. D. S., Endo, K., Baum, K. L., & Anders, L. N. (2002). Self-construal and self-other benefit as determinants of deceptive message generation. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 31, 29-48.

Lapinski, M.K., & Boster, F.J. (2001). Modeling the ego-defensive function of attitudes. Communication Monographs, 68, 314-324.

Lapinski, M.K. & Mastro, D. (2001). A social identity approach to understanding the jury decision-making process: Race as a social indicator. The Journal of Intergroup Relations, 2 48-62.

Lapinski, M. K. & Levine, T. (2000). Culture and information manipulation theory: The effects of self-construal and locus of benefit on information manipulation. Communication Studies 51, 55-73.

Suvedi, M., Lapinski, M.K., & Campo, S. (2000). Farmers’ perceptions of MSU Extension: Trends and lessons from 1996 to 1999. Journal of Extension.