IUG Development Programme Status Report

IUG Development Programme Status Report

September 2005

Distribution : / Daryl Yeats
IUG Council
Reference : / Q:\Lmd\Customer\IRIS User Group\Reports\IUG Status\All Budgets\IUG-200509 September 2005-Status.01.doc
Author : / Jon Downes
Version : / 01
Date : / 18th October 2005
Authorised by: / ______/ Projects Manager / Date: / / /

© Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. 2004

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Note: This document is submitted to the IRIS User Group Council members solely for informational purposes and shall not be deemed or construed to be a contract or agreement binding on Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. Only signed hard copies and electronic masters of documents will be controlled. Any other copy may not be current.

Trademark Information

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1. Executive Summary 3

1.1 Forecast 3

2. SN Summary 4

3. IUG Budget 5

3.1 Core Budget 5

3.1.1 Specification Progress 6

3.1.2 Development Progress 7

3.2 Bureau Budget 8

3.2.1 Specification Progress 8

3.2.2 Development Progress 8

3.3 Lloyd's Budget 10

3.3.1 Specification Progress 10

3.3.2 Development Progress 10

4. Council Interest 11

4.1 Council Interest Budget 11

4.1.1 Specification Progress 11

4.1.2 Development Progress 11

4.2 Treasury Activities 13

5. Council Budget 14

5.1 Specification Progress 14

5.2 Development Progress 14

6. Rebus Budget 15

6.1 Specification Progress 15

6.2 Development Progress 15

1.  Executive Summary

Based on progress made in September a payment of £201,150.56 is due.

This consists of £174,267.79 + £30,496.86 (VAT) = £204,764.65

£3,614.09 of RTI payments have been made directly to Xchanging. These will be offset against this amount giving the final total of

£204,764.65– £3,614.09 = £201,150.56

Payment Breakdown by Budget

Budget / Amount Due (exc. VAT)
Core / £138,946.15
Bureau / £33,296.09
Lloyd's / £5,871.80
Council Interest / £1,197.75
Sub-Total / £179,311.79
XL Re Singapore Payment / -£0.00
XL Re Bermuda Payment (Sep) / -£2,952.70
XL Re Sydney Payment / -£0.00
Axis / -£0.00
Goshawk / -£0.00
IGI (Sep) / -£2,091.30
Sub-Total / (£5,044.00)
Total / £174,267.79

1.1  Forecast

The figures shown for previous months are the actual figures (shown in black) whilst the figures shown for future months are the forecast figures (shown in red).

Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun
Total / £37,137.12 / £45,463.63 / £73,949.64 / £118,016.97 / £116,352.92 / £207,922.97
Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec
Total / £112,198.70 / £160,340.26 / £179,311.79 / £117,706.86 / £175,161.22 / £153,045.63

2.  SN Summary

As at the end of September

O/S at month end
Priority / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
GUI / 0 / 25 / 22 / 37 / 5 / 89
AS/400 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 0 / 5
Total / 0 / 26 / 24 / 39 / 5 / 94
Raised in September
Priority / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
GUI / 1 / 22 / 11 / 14 / 1 / 49
AS/400 / 0 / 1 / 4 / 2 / 0 / 7
Total / 1 / 23 / 15 / 16 / 1 / 56
Completed in September
Priority / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
GUI / 1 / 6 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 10
AS/400 / 0 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 0 / 6
Total / 1 / 7 / 5 / 3 / 0 / 16

3.  IUG Budget

3.1  Core Budget

The following list represents the list of IUG items that are being developed under the Core budget.

Ref / Description
(internal Xchanging ref) / Status / Specification Start Date / Specification End Date / Development Start Date / Development End Date / Release
300000402 / Add Fields to Enq (557) / Complete / 13/09/04 / 10/12/04 / 24/01/05 / 18/03/05 / 8.14
300000404 / Enh Bust Cust Func (508) / Complete / 25/09/03 / 18/03/04 / 01/04/04 / 17/12/04 / 8.14
300048749 / Loss Event Narrative (552) / Complete / 25/08/04 / 02/11/04 / 06/12/04 / 07/01/05 / 8.14
300000407 / User Defined Enquiry Columns (564) / Complete / 05/11/03 / 09/02/04 / 02/01/04 / 11/08/04 / 8.14
300049635 / Enhance OCR Process (440) / Cancelled
300000409 / Closings to Stats (565) / Complete / 02/03/04 / 20/08/04 / 23/08/04 / 01/04/05 / 8.14
300000411 / Multi-Sectional Policies (374) / Spec-Voting List / 28/11/03 / 12/08/05
300033646 / Enquiry Trans Amount (604) / Complete / 19/03/04 / 13/07/04 / 29/09/04 / 04/11/04 / 8.14
300033647 / Checks on Claims (151) / Complete / 19/03/04 / 17/06/04 / 04/10/04 / 17/12/04 / 8.14
300033648 / Export to Excel (615) / Complete / 19/03/04 / 21/05/04 / 04/10/04 / 05/11/04 / 8.14
300048124 / Copy Product Code (589) / Complete / 23/08/04 / 03/11/04 / 29/11/04 / 14/01/05 / 8.14
300026707 / IRIS Reporting (493) / Complete / 19/04/04 / 10/09/04 / 13/09/04 / 24/03/05 / 8.14
300048291 / View Only Taken Up Quote (455) / Complete / 20/08/04 / 05/11/04 / 29/11/04 / 05/01/05 / 8.14
300048754 / Soft Delete Codes (511) / Complete / 25/08/04 / 07/02/05 / 01/09/05 / 08/09/05 / 9.15
300056103 / Process A&S Messages (793) / Voting List
300062870 / Policy Unlocking (629) / Testing / 03/02/05 / 23/02/05 / 29/09/05 / 07/10/05 / 9.15
300062869 / Printable Sys Admin Info (638) / With IUG / 20/06/05 / 09/09/05 / 24/10/05 / 23/12/05 / 9.15
300062178 / Policy No Generation (707) / Testing / 31/01/05 / 04/02/05 / 28/07/05 / 14/11/05 / 9.15
300062179 / Policy Full & Snapshot Prints (649) / With IUG / 07/02/05 / 09/09/05 / 24/10/05 / 10/02/06 / 9.15
300068513 / IRIS Install & Upgrades (624) / Coding / 02/05/05 / 08/07/05 / 05/09/05 / 03/03/06 / 9.15
300064942 / Wrt,Earned,Unearned Prm (407) / Voting List
300064682 / Screen Design Utility (595) / Voting List
300069170 / GUI TB Report (660) / Coding / 02/05/05 / 08/07/05 / 01/09/05 / 16/12/05 / 9.15
300070038 / Full Policy History Enquiry (599) / Voting List / 20/06/05 / 20/09/05
300066901 / Closings Reversal (463) / Coding / 24/02/05 / 06/04/05 / 01/09/05 / 27/10/05 / 9.15
300068510 / Enquiries Designer (602) / Coding / 02/05/05 / 02/08/05 / 22/09/05 / 14/12/05 / 9.15
300070039 / GUI CBA Report (737) / With IUG / 13/06/05 / 09/09/05 / 31/10/05 / 03/03/06 / 9.15
300062867 / Bus Cust of Closings Input (628) / Testing / 08/02/05 / 28/02/05 / 19/09/05 / 21/10/05 / 9.15
300070040 / Close Quote on Take Up (711) / Cancelled
300068590 / Trigger Enquiries from Fields (581) / Testing / 11/04/05 / 02/08/05 / 08/09/05 / 28/10/05 / 9.15
300070041 / Multi-Company/Synd Security (505) / Voting List / 02/05/05 / 09/09/05
300074088 / Display Policy Ancillary Info (484) / Voting List
300074087 / Save Incomplete Policies (453) / Voting List
300074106 / Closings Print (730) / Voting List
300074092 / 100% Figures in Claim Summary Enq (606) / Testing / 12/07/05 / 05/08/05 / 21/09/05 / 01/11/05 / 9.15
300073774 / Progression Triangle Enq (419) / Voting List

3.1.1  Specification Progress


Original Estimate / Final Cost
Enquiry Sharing / £14,110.00 / £13,401.47
Flexible Policy Linking / £14,110.00 / £7,581.04
Codes Maintenance / £17,430.00 / £21,218.37
Add Fields to Enq (557) / £1,660.00 / £2,836.80
Enh Bust Cust Func (508) / £12,450.00 / £13,354.91
Loss Event Narrative (552) / £2,490.00 / £2,284.35
User Defined Enquiry Columns (564) / £9,960.00 / £8,468.90
Enhance OCR Process (440) / £13,280.00 / £49,036.37
Closings to Stats (565) / £13,280.00 / £67,450.71
Enquiry Trans Amount (604) / £4,325.00 / £7,119.60
Checks on Claims (151) / £1,730.00 / £2,733.10
Export to Excel (615) / £6,055.00 / £4,630.10
Copy Product Code (589) / £10,380.00 / £6,326.75
IRIS Reporting (493) / £97,745.00 / £42,072.94
View Only Taken Up Quote (455) / £11,245.00 / £2,451.50
Soft Delete Codes (511) / £4,325.00 / £12,614.04
Policy Unlocking (629) / £12,460.00 / £10,398.15
Policy No Generation (707) / £2,670.00 / £7,679.95
Closings Reversal (463) / £13,350.00 / £14,274.59
Bus Cust of Closings Input (628) / £8,900.00 / £20,559.49
Enquiries Designer (602) / £14,240.00 / £56,713.36
Trigger Enquiries from Fields (581) / £9,790.00 / £27,440.97
IRIS Install & Upgrades (624) / £48,060.00 / £22,354.68
100% Figures in Claim Summary Enq (606) / £5,346.00 / £5,647.20
£349,391.00 / £428,649.34

In progress

Original Estimate / Cost
- Previous Month / Cost
- September / Progress in
- September / Projected Cost
Multi-Sectional Policies (374) / £32,370.00 / £86,496.40 / £87,256.90 / £760.50 / £88,000.00
Printable Sys Admin Info (638) / £7,120.00 / £20,029.61 / £20,329.61 / £300.00 / £20,329.61
Policy Full & Snapshot Prints (649) / £24,030.00 / £31,742.35 / £32,042.35 / £300.00 / £32,042.35
Wrt,Earned,Unearned Prm (407) / £14,240.00 / £100.50 / £100.50 / £0.00 / £18,711.00
Screen Design Utility (595) / £12,460.00 / £2,957.20 / £2,957.20 / £0.00 / £16,038.00
GUI TB Report (660) / £9,790.00 / £29,174.37 / £30,456.97 / £1,282.60 / £30,456.97
Full Policy History Enquiry (599) / £11,570.00 / £1,650.00 / £1,650.00 / £0.00 / £14,256.00
GUI CBA Report (737) / £8,900.00 / £29,732.29 / £30,561.79 / £829.50 / £30,561.79
Multi-Company/Synd Security (505) / £19,580.00 / £42,628.29 / £42,916.29 / £288.00 / £44,000.00
Display Policy Ancillary Info (484) / £16,038.00 / £11,750.81 / £11,896.41 / £145.60 / £16,038.00
£156,098.00 / £256,261.82 / £260,168.02 / £3,906.20 / £310,433.72

Projected specification costs highlighted in yellow have increased since the previous status report. Those highlighted in blue have decreased.

3.1.2  Development Progress


Original Estimate / Final Cost
Add Fields to Enq (557) ** / £3,320.00 / £5,166.00
Enh Bust Cust Func (508) ** / £32,370.00 / £96,432.00
Loss Event Narrative (552) ** / £4,980.00 / £5,166.00
User Defined Enquiry Columns (564) ** / £11,620.00 / £53,950.00
Closings to Stats (565) ** / £66,400.00 / £149,814.00
Enquiry Trans Amount (604) ** / £6,055.00 / £3,444.00
Checks on Claims (151) ** / £4,325.00 / £6,888.00
Export to Excel (615) ** / £12,975.00 / £11,193.00
Copy Product Code (589) ** / £27,680.00 / £23,247.00
IRIS Reporting (493) ** / £165,215.00 / £244,524.00
View Only Taken Up Quote (455) ** / £14,705.00 / £5,166.00
£349,645.00 / £604,990.00

In progress

Original Estimate / Cost – Previous Month / Cost – September / Progress in
- September / Projected Cost
Multi-Sectional Policies (374) / £102,920.00 / £6,726.13 / £6,726.13 / £0.00 / £212,949.00
Soft Delete Codes (511) * / £12,110.00 / £26,719.31 / £27,264.60 / £545.29 / £30,294.00
Policy Unlocking (629) * / £29,370.00 / £38,443.09 / £38,443.09 / £0.00 / £45,441.00
Policy No Generation (707) * / £6,230.00 / £7,770.41 / £11,860.10 / £4,089.69 / £15,147.00
Closings Reversal (463) * / £20,470.00 / £15,588.94 / £23,094.72 / £7,505.78 / £32,076.00
Bus Cust of Closings Input (628) * / £35,640.00 / £33,575.55 / £34,850.57 / £1,275.02 / £47,223.00
Trigger Enquiries from Fields (581) * / £19,580.00 / £1,403.33 / £10,825.65 / £9,422.32 / £22,275.00
Enquiries Designer (602) * / £48,060.00 / £793.88 / £30,167.48 / £29,373.60 / £88,209.00
100% Figures in Claim Summary Enq (606) * / £8,019.00 / £3,608.55 / £3,849.12 / £240.57 / £5,346.00
IRIS Install & Upgrades (624) * / £90,780.00 / £18,620.12 / £51,722.55 / £33,102.43 / £114,939.00
GUI TB Report (660) * / £32,930.00 / £1,940.60 / £51,425.85 / £49,485.25 / £107,811.00
£406,109.00 / £155,189.91 / £290,229.86 / £135,039.95 / £721,710.00

* Additional costs highlighted to IUG before progressing development.

** The additional 10% has been invoiced for these items, since development has been completed

3.2  Bureau Budget

The following list represents the list of IUG items that are being developed under the Bureau budget.

Ref / Description
(internal Xchanging ref) / Status / Specification Start Date / Specification End Date / Development Start Date / Development End Date / Release
3446 / Bureau Download with FTP / Complete / - / - / 02/01/04 / 30/07/04 / 7.13-002
300067243 / IPT (543) / Spec / 01/06/05 / 10/10/05 / 24/10/05 / 02/12/05 / 9.15
300068515 / Link to LPC CLASS system (521) / Coding / 04/04/05 / 02/08/05 / 01/09/05 / 24/10/05 / 9.15
300070042 / Bx Message Loading (609) / Spec-Voting List / 02/05/05 / 01/12/05
300066359 / Bx Clm Enq excl Incomplete Msg (522) / Complete / 04/04/05 / 15/04/05 / 14/07/05 / 09/09/05 / 9.15
300068520 / Add Extra Pol Info to Further Details (512) / Complete / 02/05/05 / 02/06/05 / 01/07/05 / 08/09/05 / 9.15
300070043 / Store Bx Signed %s (365) / Testing / 02/05/05 / 05/08/05 / 05/09/05 / 07/11/05 / 9.15

3.2.1  Specification Progress


Original Estimate / Final Cost
Bureau Download with FTP / £14,940.00 / £15,466.71
Bx Clm Enq excl Incomplete Msg (522) / £890.00 / £8,460.31
Add Extra Pol Info to Further Details (512) / £8,010.00 / £10,382.93
Store Bx Signed %s (365) / £13,350.00 / £6,845.45
Link to LPC CLASS system (521) / £6,230.00 / £11,757.50
£43,420.00 / £52,912.90

In progress