Matthew J. Ramage, Ph.D.

September 22, 2017

Office Phone: (913) 360-7565 1020 N. 2nd St. Atchison, KS 66002

Areas of Specialization

Biblical inspiration and hermeneutics

Dark passages of the Bible

Historical truth of the Gospels

Theology of Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger

Theology of Pope Francis

Theology of religions / inter-religious dialogue


Ph.D., Systematic Theology (minor: Biblical Studies), Ave Maria University (2009)

M.A., Theology & Christian Ministry, Franciscan University of Steubenville (2006)

B.A., Religious Studies (minor: Philosophy), University of Illinois (2004)
Philosophy professional major certificate, Benedictine College (2005)

Philosophy studies at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome (2002-2003)

Current Appointments

Associate Professor, Department of Theology, Benedictine College (2015-present)

Previous: Assistant Professor (2009-2015)

Adjunct Professor, Liturgical Institute of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake (2017-present)

Adjunct Professor, Holy Apostles College and Seminary online graduate program (2016-present)

Instructor, Sophia Institute for Teachers (2015-present)

Instructor, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Permanent Diaconate Program (2014-present)

Instructor, St. Meinrad Seminary Permanent Diaconate Formation Program (2014-present)

Instructor, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas School of Faith Institute (2010-present)

Previous Positions

Instructor, Holy Spirit College graduate program (2015-2016)

Instructor, Diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph Bishop Helmsing Institute (2014)

Instructor, Diocese of Little Rock School of Spiritual Direction (2013)

Instructor, Classical Languages, Benedictine College (2011-2012)

Instructor, St. Gregory’s University & Diocese of Little Rock Theology Institute (2012)

Visiting Instructor, University of Illinois, Department of Religious Studies (2008-2009)

Visiting Instructor, St. John Institute of Catholic Thought, Graduate Program (2008-2009)

Visiting Fellow, St. John Institute of Catholic Thought (2008-2009)

Fellow, Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal (2006-2009)

French Translator, Nova et Vetera and Sapientia Press (2006-2009).

Teaching Assistant, Department of Classical Languages, Ave Maria University (2006-2008)

Research Assistant, Department of Theology, Ave Maria University (2008-2009)

Italian Translator, Dreamtime Entertainment and Industrial Nanotech, Inc. (2007)

Tutor, Department of Classics, Ave Maria University (2006-2008)

Director of Intellectual Formation, St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Newman Center (2005-2006)

Director of Liturgy, St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center (2004-2005)



Jesus, Interpreted: Benedict XVI, Bart Ehrman, and the Historical Truth of the Gospels.

Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2017.

Reviews: Aleteia (June 2017); Nova et Vetera (forthcoming)

Dark Passages of the Bible: Engaging Scripture with Benedict XVI and Thomas Aquinas.

Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2013.

Reviews: First Things (April 2014): 64; Scripta Theologica 46 (April 2014): 239-40;

Franciscan Way (Summer 2014): 11; New Blackfriars vol. 96, issue 1061: 108–109 (January 2015); Theology 118:2 (March/April 2015): 130-31; Nova et Vetera (Spring 2016): 707-712.

Towards a Theology of Scripture: Joseph Ratzinger’s “Method C” Hermeneutic and Sacra Doctrina on the Afterlife in the Old Testament. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 2009.

Contributing author

Ressourcement after Vatican II: Essays in Honor of Joseph Fessio, S.J.

Chapter: “The Theology and Hermeneutics of Pope Benedict XVI as Revealed in His

Catechetical Instructions”

The Reception of Vatican II after 50 Years: Retrospect and Prospect (Oxford University Press,


Chapter: “Reception of the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism”

Wisdom and the Renewal of Catholic Theology: Essays in Honor of Matthew L. Lamb

(Pickwick Publications, 2016)

Chapter: “Biblical Inspiration in the Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Father Matthew Lamb.”

Reading Sacred Scripture with Thomas Aquinas: Hermeneutical Tools and New Perspectives.

Textes et Études du Moyen Âge Series. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2015.

Chapter: “In the Beginning: Aquinas, Benedict XVI, and the Book of Genesis.”

Translator or co-translator

Benedict XVI: Art Is a Doorway to the Infinite—Theological Aesthetics for a New Renaissance.

Translation of the Italian volume Benedetto XVI—L’Arte è una Porta verso l’Infinito: Teologia Estetica per un Nuovo Rinascimento, eds. Msgr. Jean-Marie Gervais and Alessandro Notarnicola (Fabrizio Fabbri Editore, 2017). Translation in progress.

The Eucharist Project. An international team project aimed at making available all the

eucharistic passages found in the Church Fathers for the first eight centuries of the Church with matching English translations—an endeavor never undertaken in the English language. The translations I have completed thus far for the project include selections from the letters and sermons of Leo the Great (Latin) and selections from Gelasius Cyzicenus (Greek). The publication date for this project has not yet been set.

Christ and Spirituality in St. Thomas Aquinas, Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of

America Press, 2011. Translation of the author’s Preface plus the following chapters:

Chapter 2: “Theology and Sanctity.” Translation of Jean-Pierre Torrell, “Théologie et sainteté,” Revue Thomiste 71 (1971): 205-21.

Chapter 3: “Charity as Friendship in St. Thomas Aquinas.” Translation of Jean-Pierre Torrell, “La charité commeamitié chez saint Thomas d'Aquin,” La Vie Spirituelle 81 (2001) 265-83.

Chapter 4: “The Interpreter of Desire: Prayer in St. Thomas Aquinas.” Translation of Jean-Pierre Torrell, “L'interprète du désir. La prière chez saint Thomas d'Aquin,” La Vie Spirituelle 84 (2004) 213-23.

Articles (scholarly)

“Pope Francis, Culpability, and Communion: The Gospel Context of Pope Francis’ Teaching on

Divorce and Remarriage.” Josephinum Diaconal Review (forthcoming 2017).

“Divorce, Remarriage, and ‘Discerning the Body’: On Pope Francis’ Interpretation of 1 Cor

11:27-34 in Amoris Laetitia.” Homiletic and Pastoral Review (April 2017).

“The Reception of St. Paul in the Works of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.” Letter and Spirit

11 (2016): 147-71.

“Benedict XVI’s Hermeneutic of Reform: Towards a Rapprochement of the Magisterium and

Modern Biblical Criticism.” Nova et Vetera 14.3 (2016).

“Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus & the Substance of Catholic Doctrine: Towards a Realization of

Benedict XVI’s ‘Hermeneutic of Reform.’” Nova et Vetera 14.1 (2016).

“Integral Ecology and the Ecological Virtues in Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’.” Homiletic and

Pastoral Review (December 2015).

“How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian: The Problem of Divine Violence as Considered

in Recent Curial Documents” Homiletic and Pastoral Review (July 2015).

“Benedict XVI, Catholic Doctrine, and the Problem of an Imminent Parousia.” Josephinum

Journal of Theology 21.1 (2015).

“Christian Discernment of Divine Revelation: Benedict XVI and the International Theological

Commission on the Dark Passages of the Old Testament.” Scripta Theologica 47 (2015): 71-83.

“Violence Is Incompatible with the Nature of God: Benedict, Aquinas, and Method C Exegesis

of the ‘Dark’ Passages of the Bible.” Nova et Vetera 13.1 (2015).

“Pope Benedict XVI’s Theology of Beauty and the New Evangelization.” Homiletic

and Pastoral Review (January 2015).

Translated and published in Polish: “Papieża Benedykta XVI Teologia Piękna a Nowa Ewangelizacja.” Roczniki Teologiczne LXII, zeszyt 12 (2015): 175-189.

Republished in Jerusalem, supplement to the Italian journal Frontiere (September, 2016)

“Benedict XVI and Freedom in Obedience to the Truth: A Key for the New Evangelization.”

Homiletic and Pastoral Review (May 2014).

“Jesus’ Infancy through the Eyes of Benedict XVI.” Homiletic and Pastoral Review (December


“Saint Thomas and Non-Christians” (forthcoming). Translation of Jean-Pierre Torrell, “Saint

Thomas et les non-chrétiens,” Revue thomiste 106 (2006): 17-49.

“Search for the True Meaning of the Term ‘Speculative’” (forthcoming). Translation of Servais

Pinckaers, “Recherche de la signification véritable du terme ‘spéculatif,’” Nouvelle Revue Théologique 81 (1959): 673-95.

“Theological Knowledge in St. Thomas Aquinas” (forthcoming). Translation of Jean-Pierre

Torrell, “Le savoir théologique chez saint Thomas,” Revue thomiste 96 (1996): 355-96.

“Saint Thomas and History” (forthcoming). Translation of Jean-Pierre Torrell, “Saint Thomas

etl’histoire: état de la question et pistes de recherches,” Revue Thomiste 105 (2005): 355-409.

“St. Thomas Aquinas’ Treatise on Prophecy and Theology of Revelation” (forthcoming).

Translation of Jean-Pierre Torrell, “La Traité de la Prophétie de S. Thomas d'Aquin et la Théologie de la Révélation,” in La doctrine de la révélation divine de saint Thomas d'Aquin: actes du Symposium sur la pensée de saint Thomas d'Aquin, tenu a Rolduc, les 4 et 5 novembre 1989, 171-95.

Articles (popular)

“Let Justice Roll down like Waters (Amos 5:24).” Lead essay for the Fellowship of Catholic

Scholars monthly publication Teaching the Faith (September, 2016).

“The Bible and the Question of Miracles: Towards a Christian Response” Strange Notions

(March 9, 2015).

“Bart Ehrman, Benedict XVI, and the Bible on the Question of Miracles.” Strange Notions

(February 20, 2015).

“Authentic Freedom Comes from Accepting the Cross.” Lead essay for the Fellowship of

Catholic Scholars monthly publication Teaching the Faith (September, 2014).

“The Gods of Israel? Does the Bible Promote Polytheism?” Strange Notions (April 4, 2014).

“Psalm 137: Is God Pro-Life or Pro-Death?” Strange Notions (January 29, 2014).

“Common Ground for Catholics and Atheists: Violence Is Contrary to God’s Nature.” Strange

Notions (December 20, 2013).

“Benedict XVI & the Christmas Readings.” Crisis Magazine (December, 2013).

“Farewell to the Devil?” Gregorian Institute (October 25, 2013).

“American Catholics in India.” Gregorian Institute (June 20, 2013).

“Five Spiritual Lessons from Dante’s Divine Comedy.” Gregorian Institute (February 7, 2013).

Book reviews

Nature and Grace: A New Approach to Thomistic Ressourcement by Andrew Swafford, for Nova

et Vetera 14.4 (2016).

The Salvation of Atheists and Catholic Dogmatic Theology by Stephen Bullivant, for Nova et

Vetera 14.3 (2016).

The Call of Abraham: Essays on the Election of Israel in Honor of Jon D. Levenson by Joel S.

Kaminsky and Gary A. Anderson, eds., for Cithara 55:1 (2015): 55-59.

Will Many Be Saved? What Vatican II Actually Teaches and Its Implications for the

New Evangelization by Ralph Martin, for Nova et Vetera 12.4 (2014): 1313-17.

What is Dogma? by Charles Cardinal Journet, for Nova et Vetera 10.3 (2012): 886-90.

Interviews (print, radio, television)

“Historical Truth of the Gospels.” EWTN Radio Catholic Answers Live. September 22, 2017.

“Jesus, Interpreted.” EWTN Radio Son Rise Morning Show. July 5, 2017.

“Understanding the Dark Passages of the Bible.” Episode of Catholicism on Campus hosted by

Msgr. Stuart Swetland and aired on EWTN (December, 2016).

“Graduate Program Alumnus to Release another Book.” Ave Maria University theology blog.

September 19, 2016.

“Professor Offers Course in Rome.” Benedictine College Circuit. January 30, 2014.

“Reading the Infancy Narratives with Benedict XVI.” EWTN Radio Son Rise Morning Show.

December 20, 2013.

“How to Understand the Bible’s Dark Passages: An Interview with Dr. Matthew Ramage.” December 17, 2013.

“Understanding Your Vocation: Resources and Advice from All States of Life.” Benedictine

College Circuit. September 30, 2013.

“Church’s Rich Heritage is on Display in India.” Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

newspaper The Leaven. August 16, 2013.

“Journey to India Fulfills 3-credit Theology Course.” Benedictine College Circuit. February 25,


“Professor Finds Inspiration in Pope’s Demonstration of “Humility.” Archdiocese of Kansas

City in Kansas newspaper The Leaven. February 17, 2013.

“Catholic Leaders and Students React to Pope Resignation.” KQ2-St. Joseph TV News Station.

February 11, 2013.

“Catholics Call Resignation an Act of Humility.” Fox 26-St. Joseph TV News Station & St.

Joseph News-Press. February 11, 2013.

“Benedict XVI, Sacred Scripture, and Today’s Church: An Interview with Theologian Matthew

Ramage.” Gregorian Institute. May 25, 2012.

“Re-Evangelizing America 101.” National Catholic Register. March 30, 2012.

“Blogging Professor to Be Published.” Benedictine College Circuit. October 1, 2012.

“Importance of Communication: Interreligious Dialogue.” Benedictine College Circuit. March

30, 2012.

“Hope at D.C. Bishops Meeting.” Gregorian Institute. September 22, 2011.

“Discussing Religion over CHI.” Benedictine College Circuit. March 11, 2011.

Courses offered on campus at Benedictine College

New Testament I: Synoptic Gospels (TH 240)

Ø  Benedictine College, FA14, FA15, FA17

Christianity & World Religions (TH 365)

Ø  Benedictine College, FA09, SP10, SU10, FA10, SP11, SU11, FA11, SP12, SU12, SU13, FA13, FA14, FA15, SU17, FA17, SU17

Senior Seminar: Amoris Laetitia & the Catholic Tradition (TH 4500)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP17

Independent Study: Historical Jesus (TH 499)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP17

Old Testament II: Wisdom Literature (TH 3100)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP13, SP15, SP17

Christian Moral Life (TH 200)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP10, SU10, FA10, SP11, SU11, FA11, SP12, SP13, FA13, SP14, FA14, SP16, SP17

The Historical Jesus and Christian Origins (TH 398)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP16

The Papacy & the New Evangelization (EA 341)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP14, SP16

Old Testament I: Pentateuch (TH 210)

Ø  Benedictine College, FA15

Senior Seminar: Genesis 1-11 through the Ages (TH 450)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP15

Biblical Hebrew (TH 499)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP15

Spiritual Theology (TH 377)

Ø  Benedictine College, FA11, SP13, SP14, SP15

Senior Seminar: Apologetics of Benedict XVI (TH 450)

Ø  Benedictine College, FA13

Senior Seminar: Benedict XVI & Exegesis (TH 450)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP12

Independent Study: Eschatology (TH 499)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP11

Senior Seminar: Theology of Scripture (TH 450)

Ø  Benedictine College, FA10

Introduction to Theology (TH 101)

Ø  Benedictine College, FA09, SP10

Gospel of Matthew (RI 378)

Ø  Benedictine College / Archdiocese of Kansas City School of Faith Institute, FA10, SP11

Independent Study: Studies in Judaism (TH 499)

Ø  Benedictine College, SU10

Benedictine College Experience: Freshman Seminar (GS 150)

Ø  Benedictine College, FA14

Intermediate Latin (LA 104)

Ø  Benedictine College, SP12

Elementary Latin (LA 103)

Ø  Benedictine College, FA11

Courses offered abroad for Benedictine College

Religions of India (TH 499)

Ø  Benedictine College, SU13 (on location in India)

Theology of Benedict XVI (TH 398)

Ø  Benedictine College (Florence campus), FA12

Dante’s Divine Comedy (TH 400)

Ø  Benedictine College (Florence campus), FA12

International Study Practicum (GS 398)

Ø  Benedictine College (Florence campus), FA12

Footsteps of the Apostles (TH 398)

Ø  Benedictine College (on location in Greece and Turkey), FA12

The Holy Land (TH 398)

Ø  Benedictine College (on location in Israel), SU12

Courses offered online for Benedictine College

Christianity & World Religions (TH 365)

Ø  Benedictine College, SU14, SU15, SU16, SU17

Courses offered at other universities and institutions