Advice to Grow by Workshop Planning A Garden
By Andrea Peck Master Gardener
If the plot of land you hope to call a garden leaves you scratching your head and retreating back to your house, you may be interested in attending this month’s Advice to Grow By workshop. Hosted by the San Luis Obispo Master Gardeners, this free discussion will address ways to plan a new landscape project. This lively and informative presentation will be held in the Garden of the Seven Sisters which features a wide variety of creative landscape choices.
A well-tended garden is a beautiful thing to behold, a flowering plant at just the right height, with striking colors and shapes – all flowing together effortlessly. We are lulled into thinking it just grew this way. It is the one aspect of gardening that seldom sprouts during gardening conversations. The best laid gardens are achieved from the best laid plans.
An organized approach is the gardener’s most essential tool. With that in mind, before you begin your project, no matter how large or small, create a plan, write it down and ponder it a bit. Look around your area and decipher what you have in the way of soil, sun versus shade, space and other considerations such as weather, salty air and wind. Do you get substantial frost or are you working in a spot that is fairly temperate? Don’t forget to balance the area with hardscape, such as pathways and adequate drainage. A plan is essential for the long term, particularly with large growing plants that tend to engulf less assuming plants. You may be overwhelmed when you look to purchase plants from the nursery. With a predetermined design, you will find that you are more precise in your selections.
Planning suggestions and accumulated wisdom will be shared in greater depth at 10 a.m. this Saturday, August 17th. The Garden of the Seven Sisters is located at 2156 Sierra Way. Dress comfortably, bring sunscreen and water, and please park in the lot adjacent to the demonstration garden. Most of all, enjoy!