EXAMPLE Risk Assessment; Habitat Assessment by walkover survey

References; SFCC Habitat survey training manual.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
No / Description of Task Elements / Identification of Hazard, Harmful Effects / Identification of Persons Affected / Initial Risk Level
H/M/L / Existing / Planned Risk Control Measures / Level of Risk H/M/L / Risk Control Measures Adequate Yes/ No / Options for Improved Risk control / Priority of Actions Required H/M/L
1 / Access / Exit to site. / Road Traffic Accident whilst driving to site / All staff undertaking fisheries work.
General public. / M / DVLA Licence holder. First aid training.Frequent breaks to be taken, so that no single driving period lasts for more than 2 hours. Driving should not take place between 8 pm and 8 am, to avoid hours of darkness, and periods in the day when fatigue is most likely to occur. / L / Yes / Defensive/Efficient driver training. 4x4 driver training if appropriate. / L
Vehicle immersion whilst driving along side deep water. / L / Visual assessment of bank access using local knowledge to assess risks. No access at night. DVLA Licence holder. First aid training. / L / Yes / 4x4 driver training if appropriate. / L
Parking position of vehicle if at roadside. / M / Follow Highway Code, visual assessment of site. / L / Yes
Crossing fences, stiles, walls, barbed wire fences, debris etc. Use of footpaths, rough slippery terrain – trips, slips, falls causing personal injuries. / M / Keep to recognised access routes. Where not obvious, safety of access must be visually assessed. / L / Yes
Livestock, dogs, insects, snakes and other animals. / M / Visually assess risk and exit route at site. Observe “Country Code”. Check with landowner if unsure of livestock. / L / Yes / Dog Scare alarm. / L
Road, rail, and river traffic. / L / Obey local signage and instructions, otherwise consult “Highway Code”. / L / Yes
Hazards associated with third party activities on site. / L / Visually assess risks and make presence known to third party as is necessary. / L / Yes / Use of portable warning notices. / M
Uneven surfaces (tripping hazard) / M / Visual assessment of area. Wear appropriate protective clothing and footwear. / L / Yes
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
No / Description of Task Elements / Identification of Hazard, Harmful Effects / Identification of Persons Affected / Initial Risk Level
H/M/L / Existing / Planned Risk Control Measures / Level of Risk H/M/L / Risk Control Measures Adequate Yes/ No / Options for Improved Risk control / Priority of Actions Required H/M/L
2 / Access / Exit Watercourse. / Steep, slippery and unstable banks / steps – trips, slips, falls causing personal injuries. / All staff undertaking fisheries work. / M / Wear appropriate footwear and clothing (eg gloves, headgear, safety footwear). Manning levels appropriate to the task and site. If in risk of immersion / drowning, lifejackets to be worn. / L / Yes / Use of lifeline if appropriate.
Turbid water (eg stumbling or uncertainty of footfall). Fast flowing water and river currents. Unstable / uneven / soft river bed. / M / Use gauging rod to check bed depth & stability. / L / Yes
Immersion, drowning. / M / Lifejackets to be worn when working in or over water. Manning levels appropriate to the task and site. / L / Yes / Use of lifeline if appropriate. Additional “Water Safety” training. / L
Polluted water (egleptospirosis & other water borne diseases). / M / Provision of hygiene equipment (medi-wipes, paper towels). Wear protective clothing (eg gloves and barrier products) where necessary. Any cuts/abrasions cleansed and covered. / L / Yes / Consider eye protection and issuing leptospirosis cards.
3 / Work around inland watercourses / Rising water levels. / All staff undertaking fisheries work. / M / Continuous observation of prevailing river conditions. / L / Yes
Sudden changes in weather, exposure, sunburn. lightning etc. / M / Check local weather forecasts in advance of visit if considered necessary. Keep check on weather during occupancy. Wear appropriate clothing. If conditions severely deteriorate – abandon activities and seek shelter in vehicle. / L / Yes
Slippery and uneven surfaces / M / Visual assessment of area. Wear appropriate protective clothing and footwear. / L / Yes
Immersion, drowning. / M / Visual assessment of site, and lifejackets to be worn when appropriate, and at all times by weak swimmers. Lifejackets visually inspected at 3 monthly intervals and record maintained. / L / Yes / “Water Safety” training
Polluted water (egleptospirosis & other water borne diseases). / M / Provision of hygiene equipment (medi-wipes, paper towels). Wear protective clothing (eg gloves and barrier products) where necessary. Any cuts/abrasions cleansed and covered. / L / Yes / Consider eye protection and issuing leptospirosis cards.
Head injuries from contact with low obstacles (bridges, branches etc.) / M / Ensure adequate visibility/awareness. Wear appropriate footwear and clothing (eg gloves, headgear, safety footwear). / L / Yes
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
No / Description of Task Elements / Identification of Hazard, Harmful Effects / Identification of Persons Affected / Initial Risk Level
H/M/L / Existing / Planned Risk Control Measures / Level of Risk H/M/L / Risk Control Measures Adequate Yes/ No / Options for Improved Risk control / Priority of Actions Required H/M/L
4 / Working at 3rd Party sites / Site specific hazards (eg site operations, plant movements, noise, dust, environmental hazards etc). / All staff undertaking fisheries work. / M / Obtain third party access approval, where practicable. Ensure presence on site is known by site operator / agent and recorded where possible. Obey local site instructions where available. Assess risks prior to entry into site. / M / Yes

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