Date of Issue:26 April 2013 / Assynt House
Inverness, IV2 3BW
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Thursday 2 May2013 at 9.30 am

Board Room, Assynt House, BeechwoodPark, Inverness


1 /

Chair’s Welcome and Apologies

1.1 / Declarations of Interest – Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from the Board Secretary’s Office prior to the meeting taking place.
2 / Assurance Report and Rolling Action Plan from Meeting held on 14 March 2013 (attached)
(PP 1-20)
The Committee is asked to Approve the circulated Assurance Report.
3 / Matters Arising
3.1 Professional Executive Committee (PEC) – Update (D Jones)
3.2 Sickness Absence Levels – Directors of Operations
The Committee is asked to Note the matters raised.
4.1 / Draft Operational Unit Delivery Plans 2013/2014 (attached)
  • North and West (PP 21-96)
  • South and Mid (PP 97-114)
  • RaigmoreHospital (PP 115-184)

The Committee is asked to Note the circulated Plans.
5.1 / Financial Out-Turn Report 2012/2013
Report by David Garden, Head of Financial Planning (attached)
(PP 185-192)
The Committee is asked to:
  • Note the delivery of financial break-even for 2012/2013.
  • Note that this is subject to no significant late adjustments and audit review.

6.1 /

Health & Social Care Adult Service Performance Framework

Report by George McCaig, Head of Care Support (attached)

(PP 193-198)
The Committee is asked to:
  • Note progress in improving and refining the performance framework indicators
  • Note actions underway to address areas where reporting is incomplete.
  • Note areas requiring further investigation.

6.2 / Partnership Agreement – Minutes of Variation
Report by Jan Baird, Director of Adult Care (attached)
(PP 199-200)
Health and Social Care Committee is asked to:
  • Note the proposals and outcomes in relation to the management of detailed services.
  • Note the development of minutes of variation in keeping with the requirements of the Partnership Agreement.
  • Note the development of Delivery Specifications.

7.1 / Respite Care Arrangements
Report by Brian Robertson, Head of Adult Social Care (attached)
(PP 201-206)
The Committee is asked to Note the current range of respite provision for older adults
7.2 / Overview of Care Inspectorate Inspection reports in Highland 2012/2013
Report by Brian Robertson, Head of Adult Social Care (attached)
(PP 207-216)
The Committee is asked to:
  • Note the analyses of Care Inspection Reports relating to adult social care services in Highland.
  • Note the approaches outlined in respect of monitoring the delivery of contracted services and improving the quality of care homes in Highland.

7.3 / Adult Support and Protection – Actions taken in Response to National Reports
Report by Jan Baird, Director of Adult Care (attached)
(PP 217-218)
Health and Social Care Committee is asked to:
  • Note the self assessment process.
  • Note the action planning and reporting process.
  • Note the role of the AS&P Committee and it’s sub-groups.

8.1 / Highland Health and Social Care Committee Annual Report 2012/2013
Report by Kenny Oliver, Board Secretary (attached)
(PP 219-224)
The Committee is asked to Agree the Annual Report for submission to the Audit Committee.
9.1 / Chief Operating Officer Report
Report by Deborah Jones, Chief Operating Officer (to follow)
The Committee is asked to Note the contents of the report.
9.2 / Operational Unit Reports
Reports by Directors of Operations, North & West, South & Mid and RaigmoreHospital(attached)
(a)North & West Highland – Report by Gill McVicar, Director of Operations
(PP 225-238)
(b)South & Mid Highland – Report by Nigel Small, Director of Operations
(PP 239-242)
(c)RaigmoreHospital – Report by Chris Lyons, Director of Operations
(PP 243-258)
The Committee is asked to Note the content of the circulated reports.
9.3 / Anticipatory Care Plans, Polypharmacy Assessments and GMS Contract (Scotland)
Verbal Report by Dr Ken Proctor, Associate Medical Director (Primary Care)
The Committee is asked to Note the position.
10.1 / Consideration of Future Agenda Items:
July 2013
  • Developing the Highland Strategic Commissioning Plan for Older People (S Steer)
Future Meetings
  • Impact of Welfare Reforms/Charging for Services (BR)
  • Reablement Strategy (BR)
  • Transition into Adult Services from Childrens Services (BR)
  • Quarterly – Risk Registers – Directors of Operations in Operational Unit Reports then quarterly thereafter
  • Progress on integration of Patient/Client information systems
  • Update on progress with reconfiguration of Raigmore Hospital Tower Block (include in Dir. of Operations Report) – Chris Lyons
  • Transitions – update on progress with Strategy – Chief Executive
  • Report on evaluation of redesign of Mental Health Services
  • Report on Implications of Welfare Reform on Charging for Social Care Services – Brian Robertson
  • Contracted Services Monitoring Report – due 12th September 2013 – Brian Robertson
  • Developing the Highland Strategic Commissioning Plan for Older People and Effect on Care Groups – Simon Steer
  • Childrens’ Services and Devolved Service Delivery Update – Jan Baird
  • Update on Early Years Agenda and Activity
  • Case mix profile relating to Emergency Department admissions – Deb Jones/Margaret Brown (include in COO report)
  • Regular Updates on Financial Position – David Garden
  • Progress Report and outlining of practical examples of DALLAS activity – Maggie Clark
  • Supporting Carers – Annual monitoring outcomes report (incl update on number of Care Support Plans) - Theresa James
  • Savings Plan 2013/2014
  • Change Fund Activity
  • Self Directed Support for Adults Progress Report
  • Integration Programme Board – Progress on Outstanding Actions – Jan Baird

The Committee is asked to Discuss / Consider Future Agenda Items for submission to the Highland Health & Social Care Committee.
11 / Committee Function and Administration
Members are Invited to Consider issues relating to the function and effectiveness of Committee meetings and associated administration.
12 / Any Other Competent Business
13 / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Highland Health & Social Care Committeewill be held on 4July2013 at 9.30 am in the Board Room, Assynt House, Inverness.