College of Alameda’s Physical Geography in Costa Rica

July 15-28, 2018 (2 weeks travel)
(Enrollment in 6-week Summer 2018 GEOG 1 course with Gary Hasbrouck required)


Program Cost – $2,500 (Airfare, hotel, meals, transportation, naturalist guide (driver) and entrance fees)

Other required fees not included in program price (travel insurance, passport, enrollment in 3 unit course)

Instructor: Gary Hasbrouck ()

International Services Manager: Drew Gephart ( or 510-587-7834)

Payment Schedule (Please send checks made out to “Linden Travel”, Subject “COA Costa Rica” to 936 Clay St, Oakland, CA 94607

February 1 - Deposits due ($500)

March 1 – Second payment due ($1,000)

April 1 – Final payment due ($1,000)

Prior to departure, each student will need to complete the following items:

  • Complete Online pre-travel information form (Includes students personal information, emergency contact info, demographics data and a student code of conduct agreement) –
  • Make payments to “Linden Travel” by deadlines as listed above
  • Apply for a Passport (if you do not have one already)
  • Purchase travel insurance through iNEXT insurance – Link to be provided
  • Sign Assumption of Risk/Waiver forms –
  • Enroll into GEOG 1 course associated with the trip
  • Attend mandatory pre-departure orientations
  • Obtain proper immunizations as listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website –
  • Register with the US Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) -

To find out if you are eligible for Financial Aid, please contact the College Financial Aid office

Tentative Itinerary (Subject to Change)

Day 1. July 15

Arrive Flight

Transfer to Hotel Casa Cielo. Dinner. Overnight at Casa Cielo.

Day 2. July 16

Breakfast. Departure to Poás Volcano National Park. Lunch atCoopeSarapiquí, Coffee Tour. Learn about the Cooperative model, and thesocial – economical impact on the community. Fair Trade production.

Check in at Tirimbina Field Station.

7:00 pm Dinner

Overnight at Tirimbina Field Station

Day 3. July 17

7:00 am Breakfast.

8:00 am Natural History walk at Tirimbina Rainforest Reserve, box lunch andreturn to Field Station

6:00 pm. Dinner Lecture. History of Conservation in Costa Rica

Night walk to the pond. Looking for the red-eye tree frog.

Overnight at Tirimbina Field Station

Day 4. July 18

6:00 am. Birding on the gardens

7:45 am. Breakfast

Field work


2:00 pm Optional activity. White water Rafting

5:00 pm Back to Field Station.

6:30 pm. DinnerBats mistnetting

Overnight at Tirimbina Field Station

Day 5. July 19

7:00 am. Breakfast

8:00 am. Depart to La Fortuna. Visit Observatory Point at VolcánArenal

National Park, Lunch at Observatory.

3:00 pm. Check in Hotel at La Fortuna

6:30 pm. Dinner

Overnight at La Fortuna. Cabinas La Catarata

Day 6. July 20

7:00 am Breakfast.

8:00 am. Rainforest Chocolate Tour

10:00 am. Visit La Fortuna Waterfall. Owned by the community, shows a greatexample of integration of tourism and the community.

1:00 pm. Lunch.

3:00 pm. Los LaurelesHotsprings.

7:00 pm. Dinner at La Fortuna

Overnight at La Fortuna. Cabinas La Catarata

Day 7. July 21

7:00 am. Breakfast to Curú National Wildlife Refuge. Safari boat trip at

Tarcolesriver, crocodiles and great birding. Lunch on the área. By ferry

through Nicoya Peninsula.

Check in at Alkamar Hotel in Tambor beach.Free afternoon to enjoy the beach.

Dinner and overnight at Alkamar

Day 8. July 22

7:00 am Breakfast.

Visit Curu National Wildlife Refuge. Snorkeling at Tortuga Island.

Lunch at Curú.

Walk at Curú trails.

Dinner and overnight at Alkamar

Day 9. July 23

Breakfast and depart by Ferry to Puntarenas.

Continue to Uvita. Lunch on the way.

Check in at Uvitaárea.

Dinner at town.

Overnight at Dominical

Day 10. July 24

Visit Marino Ballena National Park. Great study case about conservation andcommunity development. Box lunch. Opportunity to enjoy the wonderfulresources and serene beach of the Park.

Dinner and overnight at Uvita.

Day 11. July 25

7:00 am. Breakfast. Depart to San Gerardo de Dota. Lunch on the área.

Check in at Querc Field Station. Dinner at Savegre Lodge.

Overnight at Querc Field Station

Day 12. July 26

Early birding: Resplendat Quetzal and other great species.

7:30 am. Breakfast

By bus to the Paramo, and walk through the timber line, into the great OakForest. Box Lunch.

Dinner at Savegre Lodge. Overnight at Querc Field Station

Day 13. July 27

7:00 am. Breakfast

Visit Rio Savegre Waterfall.

Lunch on the Querc.

Depart to San José.

Farewell dinner at Big Sky

Day 14. July 28

7:30 am Breakfast

Transfer to the Airport. Back to USA

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